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Anyone wanna do another raid this Friday night? I have a 300 alt who could do it. Shall we say 8PM? Let me know if there's any interest.


Count me in, can probably get my hunter up to scratch with a bit of infusing.

Sweet, that makes one spot left for tomorrow. :)


Put me down for the last spot and I'll try to get one of my alts level up by tomorrow.


Willing to drop out however for someone who hasn't raided this week.

I'm on Destiny at the minute if anyone fancies joining me

This approach almost never works! Mention people by name, join an existing party, start a new party and add any/all clanmates or send in-game invites with the description set to what you're doing. I advise this to @Choze @Rummy @drahkon too!


I'll be online from 6pm so I can help anyone with the quests before the raid. :)


BTW did everyone completed The Taken Wars: Earth quest line where it rewards you with a 1000 yard stare sniper rifle?


Sign me up for the Raid on Tuesday!


Iron Banner is also starting on Tuesday, so hopefully we can fly through the Raid and have enough time for some IB as a 6-man fireteam.


Had a first go at the Kings Fall raid last night. Got as far as Oryx before calling it a night due to everyone dying. Some of the people were not going for their bombs and kept firing at Oryx, which caused some frustration. Overall though for a 1st try, didn't do too shabby.

Hope everyone can beat the rest of raid without me tonight and get awesome raid drops. :D


Its a shame we can't raid with you before the reset, you were the only person who knew what they were doing!


I suppose i should shout out to anyone willing to help us beat Gorgoroth (we'll never do the entire raid) we know what needs to be done, and can take off over half health, just need to stop wiping so quickly

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