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I wouldn't get rid of any gear except generic vendor stuff, you never know if it might be upgradeable one day, and the vault will only get bigger. Flew through the story last night and hit level 40 in no time. So fun, so much to do. The missions are actually cinematic for a change, and don't get me started on the actual cinematics.


So far my only real disappointment was probably the standard strike. There were some new mechanics, although they were kind of "see it once, never be stuck for a moment ever again", and the boss fight was fun, lots to dodge. But it was extremely short! I feel like they've removed enemy wave fights erroneously, just because the vocal minority kicked up a fuss. But really the odd defence section is a solid gameplay mechanic which, used sparingly, extends the life of a mission very well. I found the PSN strike and the


VoG mission where you fight a boss in the Gorgon Maze


to be much more fun than that strike.


But still, that's only a minor, minor complaint, the strike will still be great with modifiers etc. Everything else was awesome, great to go through it with DriftKaiser and Zell - sorry Eddage, I didn't see your message on here til after we'd started and I'd already been requisitioned by Drift anyway :blush: Nothing so far has been artificially difficult or any crap like that.


Can't wait to raid, and raid again on hard!!

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I hit level 40 last night. Can hit light lvl 221 with the right gear equipped. From what Drift says, sounds like I have one mission left to do, I've just done the one on the moon

Crota's crystal



Apart from feeling like the Beta of Year One is finally over, I absolutely love it.


I'm a little over half way through maxing out Stormcaller. The mission for it? Awesome. It felt like some tribal rite of passage. as for the class itself, the storm grenade is awesome. The long-distance chaining melee is a lot of fun. The super? Interesting. It's fun. Great for killing hordes. First impressions is that it's pretty good on majors, too. In PvP? I got a quadruple kill on my first one. I still feel that Warlocks lack the option within subclasses that other classes have, but having three separate subclasses lessens that problem.


Really cannot wait to have a whole day of it on Friday.


Anyone know what light level we should aim for for the raid?


I need Legendary marks baaad.

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The Hunter mission is fantastic too. Different tone, but awesome. I'm at 221 light! With my awesome 270 defence class item. I still don't fully understand how light works out the averages because I can change my boots to anything without the level dropping.


I can't believe @Cube isn't playing this just to hear Mal and Zoe argue :p

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The Hunter mission is fantastic too. Different tone, but awesome. I'm at 221 light! With my awesome 270 defence class item. I still don't fully understand how light works out the averages because I can change my boots to anything without the level dropping.


I can't believe @Cube isn't playing this just to hear Mal and Zoe argue :p


Someone did the maths on Reddit. Weapons seem to carry more weight in terms of light than armour, something like 12% for weapons to 9% for armour.


How light level effects damage output and defence? I've not a clue.

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So...I've finally played some Destiny! Started as a Titan and my mate's just started over again so we were just doing stuff together last night(soz for not joining your party invite @Shorty). He was FireTeam leader so I wasn't entirely 100% on what exactly was going on but I understood the gist - shoot the bad guys! Having been a big fan of Halo online, this is very much ticking boxes for me right now. Think we started about 10ish and didn't finish up til almost 2 - gotten to level 9ish iirc. Been favouring the HandCannons with burst rifle(and my trusty elbow) in second; shotgun/fusion rifle in secondary though I did get a sniper yesterday that I might use a bit more. Picked a Rocket Launcher as my heavy for now too.


Gonna just solo a bit tomorrow eve I think - make sure I get what's going on a bit more. Then look forward to joining up with other folks for whatever - how much of a liability am I going to be as a low level to higher levels though? We had some appear during our stuff last night, and a few optional side mission things pop up too.

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Okay, BLIND RAID time. Looks like we have – or are close to having – two full Raid teams this week.






Raid Team Arc

FRIDAY. 8:00PM (This time good for everyone?)























Raid Team Solar

I can only organise so much, you guys work out when is best. Hope I've helped, though.






@Deathjam (? or @Dan_Dare)




PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU CAN'T MAKE IT OR IF YOU DON'T THINK YOU'LL HAVE UNLOCKED THE RAID OR WILL BE SERIOUSLY UNDER-LEVELLED. It's not a problem, leave no one behind, but I need to know where everyone is at to properly organise this. Don't make this harder than it needs to be, plz. It's not easy getting 12 people together.

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Raid Team Solar

I can only organise so much, you guys work out when is best. Hope I've helped, though.






@Deathjam (? or @Dan_Dare)




PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU CAN'T MAKE IT OR IF YOU DON'T THINK YOU'LL HAVE UNLOCKED THE RAID OR WILL BE SERIOUSLY UNDER-LEVELLED. It's not a problem, leave no one behind, but I need to know where everyone is at to properly organise this. Don't make this harder than it needs to be, plz. It's not easy getting 12 people together.



Down for a blind raid if at all possible. Should have the right gear by then too...


Just need dem marks

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Date and time is good for me, however i may be underlevelled/underpowered still. I'll have to let you know on the Friday, i only just started the story last night and have an entirely new armour which pushed my light to 190. I'll put in a few hours Thursday night and see how it goes.


Hopefully by doing the story and some side missions i should make it. I only just unlocked the Arc story mission before coming off last night.

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It's just a rumour – although it sounds about right – and you have to be within 40 light levels of it. So it would be a minimum of lvl 240.


Guess we'll find out, but I recommend everyone aim for 240 as their minimum. Weapons are weighted over armour slightly.


Date and time is good for me, however i may be underlevelled/underpowered still. I'll have to let you know on the Friday, i only just started the story last night and have an entirely new armour which pushed my light to 190. I'll put in a few hours Thursday night and see how it goes.


Hopefully by doing the story and some side missions i should make it. I only just unlocked the Arc story mission before coming off last night.


Raid Team Solar's raid time is currently undecided and will have to be settled on between you guys doing it. I suspect with @Blade picking up the game on Friday that running the raid Saturday night might be more realistic. But again, it's something you guys are going to have to discuss.


And if anyone from Arc doesn't think they can make it or can't reach the light level, we might be able to swap some people around and give people more time if they need it.

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@Daft - kudos for sorting out the Raid teams. It's appreciated!


For those in the Solar group, how does 8pm onwards on Sunday sound (as long as i'm levelled enough to do it by then)





@Deathjam (? or @Dan_Dare)



I would say Saturday, but i'm busy most of the day.


I may struggle with that time as I'm up at 6am, but can certainly make a start then! Latest I'd be on until would be around 10:30ish.


I've not even started the story, but will be on it tonight :)

Either that or I'll be in the Crucible!

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So Solar team can't make Friday? Because 8pm would've been perfect....


...And it'd be #SuperFun to do it the same time as Arc team.


Friday 8pm would be preferable for me too!


I'm available most of the weekend, but rather do it sooner than later.

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Cheers @Daft for sorting everything. I remember sorting out raids last year.


Friday would be bad for me as i'm getting the game on Friday so I doubt I would be ready for it.


Sat/Sun would be fine with me.


Anyone up sorting out a fireteam on Friday let me know. I'll need to do everything as I won't have the Taken King until that day.

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