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Whuut, it sounding like him is the worst thing. I can't believe it was worse before.


Rather than selecting someone on the basis of being currently popular because of Game of Thrones, they should've got someone who's established for dramatic/engaging voiceover work.


I feel like I'm listening to someone who a) considers himself way above games, and b) thinks I'm a massive nerd, and is humouring me with lines he finds ridiculous.


They added some beeps, still shit. Should've cut a lot of the lines out.


Yeah, very silly choice. Nothing worse than when entertainment clamours for somebody just because they've been popular in something else recently, no matter how poor the fit may be.

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Whuut, it sounding like him is the worst thing. I can't believe it was worse before.


Rather than selecting someone on the basis of being currently popular because of Game of Thrones, they should've got someone who's established for dramatic/engaging voiceover work.

I feel like I'm listening to someone who a) considers himself way above games, and b) thinks I'm a massive nerd, and is humouring me with lines he finds ridiculous.


They added some beeps, still shit. Should've cut a lot of the lines out.


See I heard they casted him for this role not to be dramatic or engaging but to be this weird out of body voice. Granted though the quotes I've heard don't lend any gravitas to the level of exposition that appears to be happening.




I've been listening back it's almost like a poorly read audio book.

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@Jimbob is a hero and gave me a Beta code. Now stuck in the office for another 3 hours staring at the clock watching the minutes pass.


My weekend is going to be officially a write off now! Thanks again dude!!! :heart:


No problem. I'm stuck in the office all day tomorrow, so will feel the pain then.

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Yeah, he's basically a robot. What are you guys expecting exactly? He doesn't even have vocal chords.


I honestly can't tell if you're joking...


Anyway even if you're not, the problem isn't a robotic sounding voice, but a bored sounding voice which does occasionally try to feign drama/enthusiasm, but fails.

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This may sound dumb, but how do you return to the tower/hub area?


Edit: So if you leave the hub/game after the tutorial, you have to complete two missions before you can return. Odd.

Edited by Cube
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Am I missing something or is there actually no proximity voice chat in the game? Been yelling at @Daft for like half an hour.


Was wondering why you weren't saying anything. Should have just invited me to party chat.


Not sure why it wasn't working though, I was chatting with Map just fine.

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Had an awesome game on this today. Wish I'd realised earlier that if you take the Strike mission you're quickly paired up with some co-op partners - I was craving some co-op play and the mission didn't disappoint. Although I've never used my PS4 mic so I had no idea where it was, so I couldn't communicate to my teammates the Devil Walker's weakness :p


Wish there was more to do in the beta! Really looking forward to the full game. I think I might cancel my pre-order and upgrade to a better version.

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Had some awesome games today as well with @Daft and a few others. Did the strike, then some public events, which are becoming my favourite thing, complete mayhem! Then tried to take on some level 20 enemies and failed miserably, good times! :)

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Went a little something like this...




:D Dat Ogre was not pleased to see us, when you shoot something and it says immune you know it's not gonna end well!


Also, check out my badass new ship.




I need to get me one of those! Time to spend some loot!


Sorry @Map @Daft and...damn can't remember :D Wireless connection fucked up...can't reconnect currently :(


Are you about today? Maybe put a team together later.

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Had a few rounds with a mate last night, was bloomin epic. No problem with voice communications or anything, which was again a great bonus. We did some campaign missions, some random missions in the free-roam (took on a giant tank thing along with 5 other randoms). Managed to reach level 6 in a few hours of play. I'm very much happy with all the improvements they've made since the Alpha release.


We were going to do some bounties and strikes, but alas had to go to bed as had to be up 6am for work (shame). I'll be on later for an hour or so, and again for a few hours tomorrow if anyone is interested in a few rounds.

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Ah man, this game is great. By the way @drahkon, I was getting that problem with my internet setup first time I went to the tower and the game told me my NAT wasn't setup well. I went into my router configuration panel, assigned a static IP then went into my PS4 and assigned it the one IP. You also need to forward a few ports.


Strikes are amazing.

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