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What Dohnut is saying, and what Dannyboy is saying about what I am saying, is what I am saying! Sheikah, ignore everything I was saying about the chef before, apart from him being very very sorry!


And I am not willing to out the toaster unless the toaster outs itself! To me it is clear from the thread who is the toaster, of course I do know from my targeting, but I am still slightly wary of the motivations of the toaster, although I know the toast had no adverse effects on anyone on Night 2!

  mr-paul said:
What Dohnut is saying, and what Dannyboy is saying about what I am saying, is what I am saying! Sheikah, ignore everything I was saying about the chef before, apart from him being very very sorry!


And I am not willing to out the toaster unless the toaster outs itself! To me it is clear from the thread who is the toaster, of course I do know from my targeting, but I am still slightly wary of the motivations of the toaster, although I know the toast had no adverse effects on anyone on Night 2!


The word 'toast' has lost all meaning to me. Stop writing the word toast!






Yeah, now they've offered toast a few times it is somewhat obvious. I don't think they're town based on what has happened so far but I don't have proof either way.


It's possible that given the toaster is always asking people for toast in the show that he could offer toast to people at night, with the potential for them to refuse.

  Rummy said:
You're correct! I DID get to my target(as it were), my power didn't work though. It was Dannyboy, and he was trapped in a lift unable to do anything, I didn't find out what he normally does. I kind of equated that to not making it, as he would have been in the lift as I went about my usual prowling post that.


  mr-paul said:
I can back up that Dannyboy was trapped in a lift.


  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
I can indeed confirm that I was trapped in a lift and unable to perform my nightly action.


I can also confirm that Dannyboy was the one in the lift. Although Rummy's power should have worked, unless he only finds out his target's power if they actually use it that night.

  Nintendohnut said:
I know you claimed that, I'm just saying I think it's a bit of an easy way out for explaining why you were at the scene of a crime. And seeing as we haven't seen it used before or since I'm not just blindly believing it.


We don't know it's the case for sure, and I'd actually believe him for now. I imagine such a power would be limited or one-use to keep a balance, being able to control and kill someone everynight sounds rather overpowered and unbalanced to me, and iirc it proved so in a recent game. We also have next to no info about the kill last night, though it's unlikely it's a similar thing as nobody's come forward for similar.

  Rummy said:
We don't know it's the case for sure, and I'd actually believe him for now. I imagine such a power would be limited or one-use to keep a balance, being able to control and kill someone everynight sounds rather overpowered and unbalanced to me, and iirc it proved so in a recent game. We also have next to no info about the kill last night, though it's unlikely it's a similar thing as nobody's come forward for similar.


You seem awfully quick to defend Magnus... there are at least two reasons to be suspicious of him and yet you seem to be confident he's good. Do you have extra information on the situation?


I had information and he confirmed it, not knowing I had it. I wouldn't expect that of mafia, they'd surely be upto nefarious deeds and then trying to cover their tracks. Even so, I think he's currently more use alive now that we know what he can/does do, target swapping may well mess up the mafia, or if it's the case that he is mafia, expose them. I don't believe he is, and now they either leave him alive because he's a viable suspect for lynching(which will be attempted) or they kill him because he can mess them up, allowing another town to survive. I'm also generally thoroughly unconvinced by this lynch, he's given plenty of info when FAR more people are in this game and have given nothing. Being under suspicion and pressed for information/revealing is irrelevant, silence is always the greater tactic of the mafia. I think there's equally as many reasons NOT to be suspicious of him, in addition to the ones for, why should they count any less?


I'm not saying they should, but you seem to be ignoring them, that's all.


I would say that him being pressed for info is incredibly important. If he hadn't been pressed, there is no way he would have revealed everything he has. The way you are telling it suggests that he has come out with everything of his own accord, without prompting, but that isn't the case. I know some people have been quieter and have provided less information, but ultimately they haven't been seen leaving a crime scene, and aren't saying that they might've killed someone but were controlled. In the same situation, anyone would come out with information, because it would be the only way to survive. This applies whether he is mafia or townie, but the only difference is that a mafioso would likely make up some aspects of their information.


Regardless of all of this, the biggest sticking point for me is that he's claiming to have been controlled. In my opinion that is simply too easy a way out, and if it's true then I'm sorry, but I just think it's something the mafia could easily invent to excuse a killing.


Also, in regards to Magnus confirming some of your information - it's likely that the mafia wouldn't want to lie about things too much, obviously. They don't know what information people have so it would be foolish for them to make up everything about what happened to them. I'm not saying that Magnus is definitely mafia (although I SUPECT he is, I obviously can't prove it etc), but I'm simply suggesting that him confirming some information you have also doesn't clear him.


I suppose it depends on the nature of the information he has confirmed, though.


(Sorry if this post seems to tail off a little, it's a sort of stream of my thoughts. I'm contradicting myself, but only because I'm thinking of arguments and counter-arguments as I go along)


SECOND POST: The word 'ignoring' at the start isn't really fair, I mean more like 'overlooking'. As in overlooking the evidence that makes him look bad because of a few other bits of evidence that suggest he might not be.


THIRD POST (sorry): My point about the 'being controlled' part - if a mafioso is caught out killing tomorrow, they can now use the 'I was controlled' get-out clause and likely get away with it. That's my concern.

  Rummy said:
I had information and he confirmed it, not knowing I had it. I wouldn't expect that of mafia, they'd surely be upto nefarious deeds and then trying to cover their tracks.


True but there are two things that we shouldn't forget:


1.Some people like Jimbob usually tell the truth about most things even when Mafia

2. He's new to Mafia games and probably isn't confident enough to lie even if he wanted to.


On evidence (or circumstantial evidence) I'd say there's strong links to him being scum. But based on character analysis I'd say he's not scum. I'd never lynch someone who I thought behaved town but had evidence against them.


I thought he didn't claim mind control, but put it forward as a possibility. I personally just do not agree with this lynch. However, don't underestimate Magnus just because he's a new player(and I'm not here either), if he's who I believe he is then I'm pretty sure he'd be ballsy enough to lie in his first game - but that's what you get if you wanna be meta about things; I don't like assuming people always play the same or do this or do that because of who they are, it's a bad pit to fall into imo. Personally I just doubt Magnus as mafia - and I'm confident enough that I'm willing to argue it; at risk of getting myself lynched if he turns out mafia. I just don't think it's the case though.

  Rummy said:
I thought he didn't claim mind control, but put it forward as a possibility. I personally just do not agree with this lynch. However, don't underestimate Magnus just because he's a new player(and I'm not here either), if he's who I believe he is then I'm pretty sure he'd be ballsy enough to lie in his first game - but that's what you get if you wanna be meta about things; I don't like assuming people always play the same or do this or do that because of who they are, it's a bad pit to fall into imo. Personally I just doubt Magnus as mafia - and I'm confident enough that I'm willing to argue it; at risk of getting myself lynched if he turns out mafia. I just don't think it's the case though.


He who does not comprehend meta does not do well.


People are creatures of habit, as best they try they to act differently they will almost always give something away at some point.


Understanding the playstyle of others is really important.

  Sheikah said:
He who does not comprehend meta does not do well.


People are creatures of habit, as best they try they to act differently they will almost always give something away at some point.


Understanding the playstyle of others is really important.


Then take it into account and assume nothing of an unknown entity ;)

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