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Nintendo Direct EU (04/10/12)


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Well, that wasn't bad at all! Paper Mario and Denpa Men are the two I'm definitely going to get. I'm also interested in Virtue's Last Reward and Devil Survivor - at the very least, it's encouraging that those two are being localised. Same goes for the "Guild" games, although I will have to learn more about those. I'd prefer Code of Princess and Etrian Odyssey IV to most of these games, but I suppose they'll be here when they're ready.


Minor grumbles:


1) There was nothing at all about the Virtual Console, yet there are still a lot of VC games I would love to buy, personally, like Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Shantae, Dragon Warrior I-III, GBA games, SNES games...


2) This may be hard to understand but I'm finding the eShop too "3D". Most developers seem to be going for "poor 3D" when they could have "good 2D". Take Liberation Maiden, for instance. I had a look at it and it didn't seem too hot, whereas if it was a modern, luxurious, vertically-scrolling sprite game like Axelay or Twin Bee I'd probably have bought it already. When I heard about the eShop I imagined all sorts of 2D platformers along the lines of Zelda II or Wonder Boy (but modernised), but what we're getting is very primitive-seeming 3D games.

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Operation Pika did it we got Nintendo to bring the Pikachu 3DS XL to Europe next America and AUS


I can't believe that actually worked! :laughing:


Really great ND overall. Some very nice surprises there (who the hell saw Fallblox coming!?)


Nice to see eShop titles getting a focus. The only things it was potentially missing were Cave Story 3DS, NightSky 3DS and HarmoKnight (yeah yeah, I know it's probably not coming out for a good while, but I can still hope dammit!)


Hana Samurai coming out next week is fucking sweet! :yay: About damn time!


Also nice to see Level 5's worst kept secret getting revealed (with such a quick release too!) - Though the 4th game of the collection (Omasse's Rental Weapon Shop) is suspiciously absent still...


Kinda funny how Shibata bigs up VLR as the sequel to 999 (the game we never got). Nice to know that he's aiming it at those who imported the first one ;)

Edited by Dcubed
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Haha! I thought he said '123 Alchemy' when he presented Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.


Good to see that Paper Mario reaches Europe this year. It's a perfect Christmas wish then. And now that Pullblox is a bit cheaper I will finally get it, although I would have liked to see the price reduced by €2 instead of just €1 but at least it's better than no reduction.

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