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N-Europe's Top 50 Wii Games: The Results [NUMBERS 10-1!!]


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Called the top 5, but I never expected Skyward Sword to get knocked off the top spot! Also I don't remember Galaxy 2 getting voted so much, so it comes as a surprise to see it beat out Xenoblade and SSBB!


Monster Hunter Tri is lower than I expected, while DKCR is higher. Of course, all 10 deserve to be there.


A fitting conclusion to a great list and a great console! Here's hoping that the Wii U can live up to its predecessor : peace:

Edited by Dcubed
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Really!? I'm shocked you never told us this before now. Ok let's scrap the whole top 50 and do it all over again for Wii's sake!


Good list by the way, only 1 game I voted didn't get in :( Ah well, great list of games on that list love it! :D


I didn't say it was a bad game, just it's the worst Zelda. The benchmark for this series is so high and it fell well short. I was glad when it was over, it was a chore and a bore. Take away the motion controls and it really isn't great. If only Twilight Princess had motionplus. Even without it, it's still leagues ahead.


Now Wii Sports turn. In terms of importance, it's probably no.1 but in terms of graphics, music, depth of gameplay, level of polish? It was a tech demo, loved bowling, definitely the best and most accurate sport but again overall hardly deserving of a top 10 place.

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Voting's flawed, Xenoblade wasn't number 1.


Yeah, voting is flawed. Xenoblade is head and shoulders number 1, after that it's a debate. Trouble is more people have played Mario Galaxy 1&2 and other games than Xenoblade. It's a popularity contest more than what is the best game.


I can't even remember how I voted after Xenoblade. But personally now it's:


1. Xenoblade

2. Twilight Princess

3. Monster Hunter

4. Okami

5. Mario Galaxy


It changes all the time. It's a great list overall, just the order of some are severely flawed. That and Rhythm Heaven belongs in a bin.

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I didn't say it was a bad game, just it's the worst Zelda. The benchmark for this series is so high and it fell well short. I was glad when it was over, it was a chore and a bore. Take away the motion controls and it really isn't great. If only Twilight Princess had motionplus. Even without it, it's still leagues ahead.


Now Wii Sports turn. In terms of importance, it's probably no.1 but in terms of graphics, music, depth of gameplay, level of polish? It was a tech demo, loved bowling, definitely the best and most accurate sport but again overall hardly deserving of a top 10 place.

Welll personally I'm more than pleased because for me Skyward Sword is the best Zelda I've played since Ocarina of Time, and if that hadn't been my first Zelda I might even give it's place to Skyward Sword! :p


Have to say of Wii Sports I only ever really played Bowling and Golf (with the occasional bit of Baseball), but these two, Golf especially, had me coming back for years!

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So there we have it!!



Top 50 Wii Games!!







When the mighty Steven Spielberg mentioned that he was creating a unique game for the Wii, everybody was excited. When BOOM BLOX was finally announced (under the original name Block Party) people were initially disappointed, but many soon changed their mind then they played it: it turns out that BOOM BLOX was a unique, imaginative and fun puzzle game. The sequel, BOOM BLOX Bash Party added even more variety, new gameplay elements and an enhanced multiplayer, improving upon the original in every way.


Brilliant innovation, gave some good multiplayer fun with a decent single player; easily accessible to all and strangely satisfying.


One of the best takes on a puzzle game and a very, very clever and ''moreish'' experience, great fun.







From the success of Rock Band - which took the Guitar Hero formula and expanded it to a lead guitar, bass guitar, drum and vocals - came a version which focused on legendary music band The Beatles. Bringing along an impressive array of Beatles songs, along with even more released as DLC, it provides fans of The Beatles with the perfect music game.


@Mokong X\-C @mr\-paul who worked on putting the list together!


To Myself and @Hero\-of\-Time for initiating the idea!


And most importantly, thankyou to you the N-Europe members for voting!!

Edited by Retro_Link
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Is there anyway to read #50 to #1 without having to search for the posts/news articles?


Seconding the above; will it be put into a compiled main page article for future reference? Even on that note, does anyone have a link the to the Gamecube Top 50, if it still exists?

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That was a pretty awesome event, writing up about the games i enjoyed brought back a lot of good memories, will definetly be replaying them again on the WiiU going forward. All in all i think we got a fantastic list, if anyone asks me why i bought the original Wii i now have a link i can send them to ^_^

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Oh wow! I just realised that neither of the Trauma Center games made the list!


I can understand Trauma Team not getting into the list (despite my own vote), since it wasn't released over here, but neither of the TC games!? That's crazy! :o


Just goes to show how good the Wii's lineup was when you've still got stone cold classics sitting outside of this list! :)

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I wonder if anyone actually chose the Final Top 10 Games as their list? :p


Just checked, all my choices made the the Top 23, starting at Goldeneye, then all Top 20, with 5 in Top 10!


Good list by the way, only 1 game I voted didn't get in :( Ah well, great list of games on that list love it! :D
What was that one game? Edited by Retro_Link
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House of the Dead - 28th

SSBB - 5th

Skyward Sword - 2nd

Fire Emblem - 42nd

Excitetruck - 14th

Mario Galaxy - 1st

De Blob 1&2 - Not on the final list (I knew I should've voted for the first one)

Resi 4 - 17th

Tatsunoko - 19th

Little King's - 11th


7 made the Top 20, 3 made the Top 10, one that didn't make it at all.


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Great list, definitely worth the wait - again, thanks for quoting a few of my blurbs.


I'm sure if Xenoblade had been released sooner, not had limited print runs and had a bigger marketing push then it may have placed a little higher - i.e greater sales.

Considering that it's quite niche compared to the Marios and Zeldas, it's done very well.

Edited by SirToastaLot
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Excellent Top 10 and I for one am happy Xenoblade and Monster Hunter ranked as high as they did. Hell, Xenoblade at 4th is higher than I hoped for.


Obviously with this being a Nintendo console it would be a hard job for games to beat out a Mario and Zelda to the top.


Anyone with issues over the ranking needs to remember this was voted for by many different people with different tastes and not all will have played every game on the list.


While Xenoblade is my #1 Wii game I can fully understand that it is not everyones fav game and even that not everyone will rank it in their top 10 because of different tastes.

Just because you think a game is the best game on a system doesn't mean others will too. I even know of a few people here who loved Xenoblade yet didn't list it in their top 10 (I know who you are :mad:) at all yet they still put together a very good list of games that in their opinion made up their top ten.


And as for the Metriod Trilogy situation again, yeah it comes down to if you played/owned it or not. On Paper yeah it seems Trilogy should out rank MP3 easily, but not everyone who played MP3 will have gotten the Trilogy set, your not going to vote for a game you haven't played afterall.


This was a list created by a compliation of many different peoples top 10, you can't expect it would also match up exactly with your own.




As for how my Top 10 ranked, 9 out of my 10 ranked, the only one that didn't was Fatal Frame 4 which I expected as I think I'm the only one here whose even played it but it was a game I adored on my Wii and is one of my fav games on it, I wasn't gonna leave it off my list just cause I knew nobody else would vote for it. My list, my opinion :D



Anyway, big thanks to all who voted and those who also gave comments on their votes, those comments of course were very helpful in creating the articles.

And a major thanks to @Cube for taking on the majority of the work on this, I know it was tough going at some points with being busy in real life and such but making the target of finishing up on the European Birthday of the Wii is a job well done. Big thanks too to all others that helped out Cube in completing various parts of the articles.

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