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The Wire Season 1 Mafia


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Overall, thought it was a great game, with good use of the theme, I love all the little win conditions, and it really gave me a kick to be an active mafioso! I don't think we as a mafia deserved to win, but I think we were fighting a losing battle most of the way through. Zell was unlucky to be caught as the killer with indisputable evidence, Jimbob didn't put up a fight, and by that point it would be pretty much impossible for me and Dohnut. We were both unlucky that we missed a whole dayphase due to work, which wasn't good for our money generation. I felt like we could have done with another player, but understand the reasons that Yvonne left it at 4 of us with one double, with others appearing evil, and us having powers to make us look good. But the damn alignment investigators never came out with info, we spent all that money making me look good for nothing!!


The last two nights I did try to kill Jonnas. Well done Cube for guessing we'd try to do this, but it was our only choice if we were going to get away with lying. Hence my very carefully worded posts on the last couple of days! Had considered killing Marcamillian as we had intercepted his PM the night before he won, which was an investigation of me, which we redacted. It was from this message we knew he had to guess the mafia. We decided to intercept him again so he didn't get my info, but we learnt before everyone else that he'd won! If only we'd killed him, I would've robbed another good guy of his win!


Thanks again Yvonne, thanks to my team, looking forward to season 2 now!

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I would also like to point out that yet again Nintendohnut was on the opposing team to me! In all 6 games he has been! You guys must be doing this on purpose. :p


Also he has been Mafia in 4/6 of the last games - 66% of the time being Mafia (statistically you might expect a 20-25% probability of being Mafia over several games if it was random).


Clearly this is indicative of his innate scummy personality. trololol.

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In the last night I had hoped that ReZ had managed to accumulate enough money himself (he said he had to gather money) for me to earn enough for my goal. Unfortunately I left it too late and we caught the mafia too quickly.

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I will say, rewarding posting was brilliant. I would love to see this adapted to town and maybe make individual rewards (encourages individual involvement).


I would also punish people giving excuses for inactivity. Not that it can't be genuine, it just puts an extra pressure on people to check in rather than trying to bring in real life reasons.

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I only started guessing on Night 2 but did alright with it....


Zell (obviously)






Night 3 I realised that my number had been tapped so decided to take advantage of it

Investigate mr-paul


Hello cops! I'm D'angelo Barksdale and I want to win with you. I win if I guess the mafia or with the town.


My guess for today is -






Cube I don't know how you feel but protection wouldn't go a miss if you've got no better candidates.


Hope you don't all die. kthanksbye


- This was the one that the mafia intercepted. Just my luck when I try to reveal myself. @mr\-paul nice call on that.


Now I'm pretty sure that's you jay - my targets


N1 - Cube - Kill protector

N2 - You - Code Breaker

N3 - ReZ - Theif

N4 - mr_paul - blank PM back


I'm worried that the blank pm has been intercepted at the point when I revealed everything but what the hey, could just mean that mr_paul can't be investigated.


My guess for mafia tonight is








- I was lucky unlike peeps


From mafia forums...

Should have killed Marc, but we had to dare to kill Jonnas....


I like stealing wins away from people :D





As for the game. I liked it a lot. The balance with the win conditions was difficult.. but it was a quick game so hard to say absolutely. I was gaining $3000 each day so considered giving myself up for bubs/omar... ReZ coulda had a huge step up to winning if he'd targeted me before I won.


The idea that everyone has something to achieve gives a lot more impetus to be involved in the game rather than sitting back if you don't have a role that is generating solid info, and the fact that inactive townies wouldn't win by virtue of not making themselves targets and surviving.


I've spoken to Yvonne briefly about the wiretap mechanic and would have been awesome if it'd pulled off.


More talk later

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Great game Yvonne, really enjoyed it. I basically agree with what Paul said. Obviously both of us missing day phases for IRL reasons didn't help our money situation, but it was unavoidable. Was suprised to see how the town were so willing to lynch and end the game when they hadn't completed their win conditions...in the mafia we put our individual win conditions first and worried about all surviving second!


Loved the idea of rewarding posting, too, although Jimbob didn't really help out cause. Sorry mate, but in a game where you have to post to help the team you really didn't bother. After the first day phase mr-Paul and myself were top of the post counts, and after that posting without saying anything was good fun :)


I do love being mafia to be fair, Sheikah. I much prefer it to being townie. I think I am happiest when I have a little more information than the majority and people to discuss tactics with. That's not to say I dislike being townie, but if I've been mafia 4/6 times that's fine with me! One day we'll be on a mafia team together and on that day the town had better be afraid :)

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As I raised on the mafia forum, I did think it was slightly unfair that Marc could keep guessing, and if there were two/three mafia dead, he only had to guess two/one, which made the task a lot easier. It was balanced out by him appearing evil under investigation, but I think it could have done with a slight bit more restriction, i'm not sure how - can't guess for a night after a false guess maybe? Anyhooo, he did very well to catch us, and deserved to win, played the game very well.

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Marc's role worried me a lot - he was the right person for the role, and I knew he'd play it in the spirit of the game, but it was very...breakable? There were a couple that weren't very robust. But my goal with that was to create that alignment turmoil he has in the show - he wants to be town, he is town really, but he looks mafia, and town treats him as mafia. Even the mafia know deep down he isn't really mafia, even though he works for them.

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I agree @mr_paul... I had pretty much the easiest win condition I think.


@DuD.. when you were pushing me for how I knew all this information ... I was just begging you to give it up. Putting a massive "investigator" arrow over my head. It's the reason I said I showed up as mafia to try to put suspicion on me so the mafia might think of me as an easy scapegoat.... can't believe that no one reacted to it.

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Great game Yvonne, really enjoyed it. I basically agree with what Paul said. Obviously both of us missing day phases for IRL reasons didn't help our money situation, but it was unavoidable. Was suprised to see how the town were so willing to lynch and end the game when they hadn't completed their win conditions...in the mafia we put our individual win conditions first and worried about all surviving second!


Loved the idea of rewarding posting, too, although Jimbob didn't really help out cause. Sorry mate, but in a game where you have to post to help the team you really didn't bother. After the first day phase mr-Paul and myself were top of the post counts, and after that posting without saying anything was good fun :)


I agree @Jimbob, I know you might have a busy job but I also felt you were the weak link on our previous scumteam having been fairly inactive. Maybe commit to play or give the next a miss?


I do love being mafia to be fair, Sheikah. I much prefer it to being townie. I think I am happiest when I have a little more information than the majority and people to discuss tactics with. That's not to say I dislike being townie, but if I've been mafia 4/6 times that's fine with me! One day we'll be on a mafia team together and on that day the town had better be afraid :)


Town will be fucked. They won't know our arguments are a ruse.


Hell, they might not even be a ruse. :p

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Oh you are a dirty bastard mr-paul. If only I hadn't been at work! Still,I'm proud of how I did in this game. Amazed that I wasn't killed but it kind of sucks even more to survive and not win, especially with how much effort I put in lol.


Fantastic game, Yvonne! Really enjoyed it :)

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also.. congrats @Jon Dedede ... thought that was a touch and go condition to fulfil... especially the first vote one.


Yeah! Was all down to good timing. Just had to pounce on the Zell vote. Nintendohunt & Mr Paul basically a split decision, had to be there first and stick to my guns on the vote over 2 days to show constancy.

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If I die first next game, Peeps is mafia :p


We really were planning some big arguments between me and Dohnut, but people lynched him so quickly on very little evidence we didn't get the chance! Was looking forward to it!


Even if I'm town I'll be trying to get you killed ;)


Although I suppose this makes us even for how the most votes mafia ended :grin:

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Apologies to @Sheikah, @Mr Paul and @Nintendohnut for my sheer lack of participating. I can't be sorry enough, and as for not fighting my cause on my lynch. By the time i visited, i was near enough gone. 1 vote from lynch, what else was i supposed to do. I came out with the double vote, and voila.


Still, it was a good game. I'll say it now, i lied with only 1 of my targets. All the rest were honest targets.

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Yeah, I decided I'd play this properly, by the book, instead of fulfilling a personal win condition that's ultimately selfish (not to mention I was pretty sure the mafia had tried to hit me twice already :heh:).

Besides, it's probably in-character for Phelan to do this, I think. Just theorizing.


It sure seemed like the game was a lot of fun for Wire fans :heh:Of course, I did forget to use the PM Snooping power for a while, I guess there's that.


Still, incorporating flavour properly is something I always appreciate. I just feel some things should be spelled out at the beginning so that newbies/outsiders don't feel left out, though the only things I thought were somewhat intimidating were the numbers and the fact that the mafia was, indeed, made of the same drug dealers from the show.

(In the AA Mafia, I made it so heroes could be secretly corrupt and villains be actually honest the entire time to avoid this, but I can see The Wire is a completely different subject)


I kind of like the idea of everyone having personal win conditions (I've considered it myself), but I always feared everyone would be trying to avoid actually lynching the mafia, though. I guess that didn't quite happen, and it made for interesting dynamics overall.


But what I liked the most was what you did there with the money...In fact, I considered a mafia game recently, involving money as a central gameplay element... I liked what I saw here, and I feel like I should go forward with the idea.

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