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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished the final season of Buffy yesterday. Loved it and its probably one of the strongest final seasons of any show that I've watched.


There was a lot I didnt remember from when I watched it back in the day. The redemption arc of Spike was amazing to see. He was the MVP in every season he was in.

I loved the inclusion on Andrew in the group (Hello, gentle viewer :D). All his interactions with the other characters was hilarious, especially as they really didn't want him around.

I loved that this whole season was about them getting beaten to a pulp and having no real way to fight back. Buffy slowly became quite ruthless, desperate and heartless in order to get the others into shape. The episode where the group turn on her and want Faith to lead was great.

One of my fav episodes was the one before the final battle. All of the characters were sharing what could have been their final moments with their loved ones. Buffy and Spike just lying there was touching.

I honestly thought Caleb was in it more than he was. He didn't show up until the last quarter of the series but he did have quite the impact. Great, if a little twisted, character. Oh, and I still hate seeing what he done to Xander, even after all these years. :(

The only thing I didn't like was in the final episode, when the army of super vamps attacked, they were being killed super easily, even by the human characters. One of those things got the best of Buffy a few times, never mind an army of them.

So many series fall flat on their faces when it comes to endings but this one nailed it. The story had a satisfying ending, old characters made a return and all loose ends were tied up. 

It's been fun watching them all again. Not sure if I will rewatch Angel though. Maybe one for the new year.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Started watching Fleabag last night after someone recommended it to me.

It's hilarious. :D

I got told that Andrew Scott will be in Season 2 and that he is amazing in it (as if he's not amazing in everything). Can't wait :D

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Watched this today and he's spot on. It's ridiculous how spread out things have become across all these streaming services. You've also got companies raising the prices but offering less or worse content, cutting access to account sharing and then adding adverts to shows and movies. The whole thing is a mess and it's no surprise that piracy is on the rise again.

My D+ subscription runs out in March and I'm not sure if I'll renew it. I've dropped off on all the Marvel stuff (haven't bothered watching Secret Invasion, Loki season 2, Echo or What If? season 2) and their future line up doesn't fill me with confidence. At the moment it is essentially a Simpsons streaming service for me.

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Watched this today and he's spot on. It's ridiculous how spread out things have become across all these streaming services. You've also got companies raising the prices but offering less or worse content, cutting access to account sharing and then adding adverts to shows and movies. The whole thing is a mess and it's no surprise that piracy is on the rise again.
My D+ subscription runs out in March and I'm not sure if I'll renew it. I've dropped off on all the Marvel stuff (haven't bothered watching Secret Invasion, Loki season 2, Echo or What If? season 2) and their future line up doesn't fill me with confidence. At the moment it is essentially a Simpsons streaming service for me.
We've not got it quite as bad over here yet. I couldn't believe the number of streaming services over in the US.

We currently only have 4 or 5 proper ones that have pretty much everything available. Agreed that it's 3 or 4 too many, but we aren't anywhere near the level that the Americans are at.

We started pausing our D+ subscription because there wasn't much on it to watch beyond the new Marvel stuff, but now our oldest is starting to get into Disney (Frozen had been watched at least once per day), we feel like we can't stop it now!

We're really want to get rid of Amazon Prime, as it's definitely the worst one, but it's annoyingly bundled into the shopping/free delivery. However, since they also just announced a price rise, the next time that is up for renewal, we're going to see how we get on without it and see how annoying/ expensive it gets.
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20 hours ago, bob said:

We've not got it quite as bad over here yet. I couldn't believe the number of streaming services over in the US.

Yeah, one of my brothers lives over in the US and he says it's an absolute nightmare. He recently got rid of a lot of subscriptions as well because he was sick so shows and movies switching services.

20 hours ago, bob said:

We started pausing our D+ subscription because there wasn't much on it to watch beyond the new Marvel stuff, but now our oldest is starting to get into Disney (Frozen had been watched at least once per day), we feel like we can't stop it now!

I think D+ is the worst for new content. I'm not even talking about just newly made stuff but older movies and shows as well. Other services seem to get a lot of additions but D+ line up doesn't really change much.

20 hours ago, bob said:

We're really want to get rid of Amazon Prime, as it's definitely the worst one, but it's annoyingly bundled into the shopping/free delivery. However, since they also just announced a price rise, the next time that is up for renewal, we're going to see how we get on without it and see how annoying/ expensive it gets.

I think most people have Prime for the next day delivery and the movies and TV shows are there as a bonus. They do have some decent stuff on their streaming service and they seem to add/rotate movies quite a lot. It's going to be interesting to see how the adverts work once they implement them at the end of the this month. If they are at the beginning of a movie then it won't be bad but it they drop them mid movie, which is what I suspect will happen, then that's going to be pretty rough.

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At the moment I have:

Amazon Prime - Pretty much just for deliveries
Netflix - Resub and cancel depending on whats new. Not worth it to stay subscribed all the time.
Disney Plus - Got it through my phone contract, good for Marvel and Star Wars but even I'll admit I'm getting a bit bored with some of those. Some good shows I like to rewatch though (Currently watching Castle through again)
Paramount Plus - We get it free with Sky so no extra cost there. Mostly wanted it for Star Trek as it seemed like a safe place to always access that but even with them owning the IP its been getting removed.

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2 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Paramount Plus - We get it free with Sky so no extra cost there. Mostly wanted it for Star Trek as it seemed like a safe place to always access that but even with them owning the IP its been getting removed.

Really? Which service is that heading to?

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I've got Prime, Netflix and Disney+. 

After really shitty service from Amazon over Christmas I'm getting rid of that because I can't remember the last time they hit next day delivery. I did recently watch Upload and given my monthly renewal was yesterday and I didn't realise I'll check out the new Donald Glover Mr and Mrs Smith when it drops next month, but the fact they're shoving adverts in there makes me want to leave more. 

Might get rid of Disney+ too once I check that my nieces aren't using it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
23 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Has anybody watched The Bear?

I've started the second season last night and it keeps being absolutely incredible. The penultimate episode of S1 was so freaking good...

They were harping on about it on the radio yesterday morning. I've seen it pop up on the D+ banner but I've had no inclination to give it a go. Another season is planned for the end of this year.

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11 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Another season is planned for the end of this year.

Oh, sweet! Very interested to see where it'll go then.

Season 2 already started with a banger of an exposition episode!

My experience with the show has been quite funny: I've only read that it's supposed to be comedy and while yes, there are some funny dialogues and moments, it's mostly drama...and ooohhh boy, have I had the odd tear running down my face :(

A friend of mine asked me for a review only in emoticons and I basically sent her this: :):grin::(:cry:(the order doesn't matter). She has since started to watch the show herself and texted me this morning: "Fuck, this is good." :D

So: Highly recommended :p

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