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Hey guys


I took a good look on the forum and found no introduce yourself topic, so I am going to leave this here for now. My name is Darren, I've been a forum member since May 2008 but only really made the odd post here and there. I feel it's time I started making more of an effort here, so here I am, making an effort. :cool:


So what's so great about me? Well, I guess i'm just the same as everyone else really, big Nintendo fan, quite passionate about the Metroid series in particular, I run @kav82 are good friends, both of which I have met and got to know in person. Awesome guys! So yeah, there were lots of reasons for wanting to post here at the forums and the website, it means a lot to me.


Anyway, that's enough of my rambling, looking forward to getting to know you guys a little better! : peace:

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Flipping heck, you run Shinesparkers? That's a great site. Any friend of Metroid is a friend of mine!


Haha that's good to hear @Grazza, thanks very much for the welcome!


Yeah welcome to the forums @Darren! Good to have another gamer on board!


Also check out Darrens Metroid Music thread guys: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35726


Thanks a lot @Retro_Link!

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Thanks Kav, I know we don't speak much these days but I still consider you an awesome friend! Maybe I should visit you again sometime...we'll have to have a competition to see who has lost the most hair since our last meet up.. :shakehead


I quite fancy my chances of winning this one, I'm receding something rotten! Haha

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I don't play Metroid because I'm awful at it, but nevertheless - welcome! :)


Metroid is certainly a challenging series of games, but don't give up so easily! Playing and beating a Metroid game by sticking at it will be very rewarding! I'd recommend Metroid Prime and Super Metroid. Thanks for the welcome!


Welcome Darren, like Danny said it's nice to have a new member who isn't a spambot. Hope you stick around, there's plenty to partake in.


I don't plan on going anywhere, i'll do my best to stick around and if I don't...well...i'm sure there's plenty of people on here that know me that will drag me back :)


Welcome aboard!


Thanks very much Ramar! Great to meet you!

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Welcome back to the forums! :)


I had no idea that you run Shinesparkers.net... that's an excellent site you have there! :D


Wasn't sure who was trying to add me at first but now I know, I guess you must have picked up from my Avatar/Sig/Title that I'm quite the Metroid fan... :indeed:


Any fan of Metroid is a friend of mine. : peace:

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I quite fancy my chances of winning this one, I'm receding something rotten! Haha


LOL! Oh dear. At least I knew you when you had hair, that's all that matters. You'll always have the biggest nose though, I won't even try to compete with that! ;)


Welcome back to the forums! :)


I had no idea that you run Shinesparkers.net... that's an excellent site you have there! :D


Wasn't sure who was trying to add me at first but now I know, I guess you must have picked up from my Avatar/Sig/Title that I'm quite the Metroid fan... :indeed:


Any fan of Metroid is a friend of mine. : peace:


Hey S.C.G Yeah your avatar was a giveaway! :P I am pleased you like Shinesparkers, thanks for the warm welcome! See you next mission! ;)

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Hang on guys, lets not get ahead of ourselves now. It's still a bit early to tell if he's not a spambot yet...



Lets ask him what he thinks of.......steroids?


LOL! A big hello to you too @bob XD


On a side note, where is @david\.dakota these days? He was sat next to me during Zelda Symphony last October in London, what an amazing experience!


...the symphony, not David Dakota ;)

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This must be fate. I have literally bought Metroid Prime 3 today (still not sure when I'm going to start it)


Welcome to the forums, dear chap! With you and Serebii, all we need now is the owner of a Zelda fansite :heh:Or the guy running Court-Records


Oh cool! I hope you enjoy it dude. You should have got the Trilogy instead! I used to speak to Joe years ago but he'll not remember me. I used to be a HUGE Pokémon fan.

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Welcome aboard sah! We hope you'll ramble some more and help fill the forum out some.


This must be fate. I have literally bought Metroid Prime 3 today (still not sure when I'm going to start it)


Start it! I had a copy knocking around for ages too and now that I finally busted it open it's one of the finest games I've played in years. The level design & aesthetics are just exquisite.

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