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London 2012 Olympics & Paralympics


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I think it says that I'm not in the right country. I've also tried a proxy for iPlayer and not got anything. Which is disappointing.


It doesn't hugely matter, but it would have nice to have given it a watch.


They play it on time delay in America so it's in their primetime, so I guess it's on around now!


I thought that was bloody amazing. What a show. Loved all the symbolism, the history, the flame... so proud to be British, proud to be part of London 2012, can't wait for the first real day of competition in a few hours!!!!

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When the Opening started, I didn't like it so much (and I must be the only one who didn't like the Bond/Queen part, there I said it!) but when the olympic rings rose from the ground, it started to become awesome. The NHS moments were okay but the literature part and the Mr. Bean moment were the highlights for me. However, SO disappointed that Black Sabbath weren't there. They should have been!!!


Also, Tennant's version of Doctor Who should have been running with the olympic torch as well, lmao!

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Watched the part of the Opening Ceremony that I missed (everything before the athletes came on). That part was very good.


Although they could have done with a few more references:


- Lord of The Rings. Just imagine that giant Voldelmort with a giant Gandalf. Some bits of the thing did remind me of LotR, but that's because parts of LotR is influenced by the same parts of British history and culture (which is another reason why it should have been included).

- Doctor Who. Sure, hoping for Tennant at the end was wishful thinking, but I'm amazed that all there was was (apparently) a Tardis noise in the music section (I didn't hear it and I knew about it). A dalek in the background, a TARDIS sitting subtly somewhere in the stadium (or in the opening CGI section) or even a clip as one of the random TV shows in the music section.

- More Music. As said above, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden. Instead of having the pos "Bonkers" three times.

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Does anyone know of any sites that have live streams that don't block you if your not in the same country as the website?


I would have thought Eurosport would have some but their "live" section is just a text update feed (unless it's not letting me see the vids cause I not in the UK :heh:)


And why doesn't the official website London2012.com have any live streams... surely that one should have streams of EVERYTHING :mad:

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Have you tried this? http://www.eurovisionsports.tv/london2012/ A lot of the European broadcasts go through this site, it's how I'm watching the official Finnish one as well. Apparently you can watch the BBC ones as well, pretty nice!


I have to say...it's nice watching the Olympics again. There's something really cool about the big sports atmosphere, people coming from all over the world to compete in all kinds of awesome events. Have had the stream open all day long... : )

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Ah cheers Ville that helps, few extra feeds there RTE aren't showing :D


Also forgot to ask this last night about the Opening Ceremony.


At the start when they had the kid singing then it showed videos of kids singing in Nothern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. They were showing clips of Rugby...why were they showing a non-Olympic sport?

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Isn't the opening ceremony meant to show off the host nation? I assumed you were awesome at rugby once upon a time. I don't think it had anything to do with the olympics.


Who? me personally? I've never play Rugby :heh:


Yeah I guess that makes sense, suppose if (and it's a MASSIVE IF :heh:) Ireland ever had the Olympics I'd like to see some showing off the Gaelic sports at the opening ceremony.


Just if that was the case they could have done more than the short video clips... like the bit of Cricket playing they had in The Shire before the Industrial revolution kicked off.

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No I was reffering to GB. When you mention it, I don't think cricket was shown. That's weird.


It was shown, at the start in the "pre-industrial" part, there's some people playing it on the grass.


Anyway just uploaded a video blog bout the Opening Ceremony last night (mainly praising London's ceremony and the day dreaming about what Ireland could do if (big big IF) Ireland ever hosted it)




Yeah I know it's long but you guys all love me and my awesome sexy voice so it win win all around :wink:

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Anyone here spot the mystery women who manged to get into the Opening Ceremony and walk with the Indian team?







Apparently officials are still trying to figure out who she is and how she got in.


I'm surprised nobody from the Indian team seemed to notice either :heh:

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Is this the article about athletics about having a lot of sex? The Norwegian article was more to-the-point :p


Oh, so was it titled something like "faster, harder, deeper!" then? ; D


Anyway, so far I've watched judo, swimming, weightlifting, diving, handball, tennis, gymnastics, cycling, fencing, water polo (?), volleyball, basketball, boxing, canoe slalom, hockey, skeet, air pistol, archery and table tennis...i.e. pretty much everything : D Favourites thus far marked with bold.


As for female beauty, the nicest events to follow so far have been diving and surprise, surprise, weightlifting! : D The ladies were absolute beasts, especially the winner, Wang Mingjuan:




She weighs 48 kg, and yet she lifted a total of 205kg: snatch 91kg and clean and jerk 114kg. Goddamn that's hot : D

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Unfortunately you did.



Watching the Olympics while at work. There's just so much of it! I can't possibly watch it all! Got two streams open already, and struggling to follow both.


Haha...and struggling to do your work I suppose too :D

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Bit late, but I've just watched the opening ceremony...


Very Very sad to see Muhammad Ali in that condition, great that he's a part of the ceremony and getting the acknowledgement he deserves (But who hasn't heard of Ali?) But just sad to see him that way.


Even the Greatest can fall.

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Well, the Finns are pretty much tanking it in every sport. There's a lot of discussion about the lack of ambition and fighting spirit, as some of the athletes have just told the media straight that "no, we have no chance at going for the medals", "it's just nice to be here" and so on. Pretty pathetic... : (


I was also quite surprised how one of the female swimmers went to a heat to "just practise / warm-up" for her main event. Is this common? I mean it feels really weird that people would go all the way to the olympics and just give up on some of their events...like wtf : o

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I was also quite surprised how one of the female swimmers went to a heat to "just practise / warm-up" for her main event. Is this common? I mean it feels really weird that people would go all the way to the olympics and just give up on some of their events...like wtf : o


I suppose for swimmers who have several different swimming styles over several different distances most will have one or two combinations of style and distance that they peform best at.


And from there would be expecting of themselves to perform best in that event, if they also qualified for another event which happened to take place before the one they feel they are best at I can kind of see how some might think "I'll use this to warm up for my main race later"


But yeah as you said would be better for them to also think "but you never know I do have the ability to cause an upset"

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