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Your Wii U Elevator Pitch

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I feel like the Wii was so simple in concept and could be explained in the space of an elevator ride in a matter of minutes.


However I think you would struggle to do the same with Wii U. It seems the more they show it the more complicated the vision becomes. I mean what does it have to offer other than versions of Pac Man VS.


So give me your elevator pitch for the Wii U and sell me on it!

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"Videogames are becoming mainstream media like movies and music. F**king deal with it or get left behind"


Is that plain and short enough?


*This has been a provocative Clarksonism brought to you by: Boredom, your foremost provider of trolling*

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The Wii U controller will prolong the life of your ageing Wii Console.


Thats what a national newspaper told me anyway.


Why that says a lot about the confusing method if it is still being reported that the Wii U Gamepad is an add on to the Wii....they've shown so little of the actual console design etc....


Love all of last years 360 and ps3 games? Play them again. But with a map on your controller.


Yes lol....I wonder how many people that Nintendo's 1st party content and rehashed 3rd party games will be enough

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Why that says a lot about the confusing method if it is still being reported that the Wii U Gamepad is an add on to the Wii....they've shown so little of the actual console design etc....


I think the only image of the console they showed during the E3 conference was this one:




And the console is hidden behind the GamePad and to someone who doesn't know a lot about the thing, it looks incredibly similar to the Wii.

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Why that says a lot about the confusing method if it is still being reported that the Wii U Gamepad is an add on to the Wii....they've shown so little of the actual console design etc....




Yes lol....I wonder how many people that Nintendo's 1st party content and rehashed 3rd party games will be enough


I'm to going to lie, it'll be enough for me. I just hope it gets parity with the current consoles next year. So first party, and better versions of all 3rd party.


Who knows what'll append when ps4/720 come out though

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Do you want to play more complex games but suck at them? Now you can post a message when you get stuck and people can help you out*.


*Note: Responses may take an hour or longer to appear.

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