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i swear i'm gonna resort to looking up youtube vids soon of Crash Course. I cannot do that 2nd "be brave" part on course 2. i tried just slowly rolling off like people have said but still land on my head. :(


When we say slowly, we mean SLOWLY almost not tilting, and when the wheels finally go straighten up slightly.

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Still stuck on course 1 on section 9!! Think I've done it over 100 times with the 'just tap' advice.


Swear I've held the gamepad in more angles than Pythagoras ever thought possible...


What actually works?


Again, you barely have to tilt it, tilt it ever so slightly then tap R.


When you do it, what happens to your buggy!?

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Still stuck on course 1 on section 9!! Think I've done it over 100 times with the 'just tap' advice.


Swear I've held the gamepad in more angles than Pythagoras ever thought possible...


What actually works?


When you get a feel for it, you'll never worry about that section again as it's probably the easiest area in the first course :hehe: I cleared the course yesterday but I've only tried it again a couple of times to advance onto the next one but the very last little part of area 10 always gets me :eek:

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You don't have to do rhythmic taps, you can easily just take on step at a time. I'm not sure, but I don't even think you need to be tilting that much at all. The slope pretty much will get you moving when you tap R.


I'm actually finding course two easier, but that maybe because I'm just trying to rush through the first so much that I crash more.


The second 'be brave' jump/fall is a little more tricky, I do just let it get right to the edge and let it fall off, then a little flick to straighten up before landing.

I got all the way to the final lift on course 4 the other day, but just could land right without either falling off the end or back through the gap trying to correct myself.

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Yeah I usually get to the second/third one then my buggy smashes up against the wall of the next platform.

Do you have to do rhythmic taps or something?


I used to think that you had to clear the three or four platforms in one move. But it turns out you can stop after every tap. Make a cup of tea if you like in between :D


The trick to the tapping is hit the R button like you would keys on a keyboard, otherwise you'd look like a knob when you typppppppppp

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Quick question:


What the hell is the sixth 'info' button when you press the red Help button in the Plaza. On mine it just has "???" on it?

Once you obtain all 12 attraction stars...

That will become the option to replay the credits sequence/mini-game.



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This game is a hell of a lot of fun with 5 players. Or 6 players for that matter - I was round @Goron_3's place and we played 6 player Animal Crossing where 2 people would hold the controller and each person would control one gatekeeper.


Worked a treat! The AC game is so simple yet so brilliant, probably my favourite game on there. Next time we just need Wario Ware too!

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The AC game is so simple yet so brilliant, probably my favourite game on there..


..and yet it's the one game on Nintendo Land that I haven't yet had an opportunity to play :hmm:


I've played the game over 12 hours now and there just seems to be so much more content yet to explore. I can certainly see how @RedShell has breached the 70 hour mark :grin:

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The genius of this game just keeps hitting me.


The control methods (much maligned by some) has enabled my 3 year old to:


Completely on her own:

  • Get to Stage 5 on Donky Kong's Crash Course
  • Get to Day 2 Morning on Baloon Trip Breeze (and succesfully deliver the first Package)!
  • Complete the first 2 levels on Pikmin
  • Get to Level 3 on F-Zero
  • Pass the first 10 moves on Octpus Dance


With help from me or just with me:

  • Beat all levels of Pikmin up to 13 (as Olimar)
  • Beat the Ninja Game
  • Play Mario chase, Luigi's Ghost Mansion & Sweet Day
  • Beat Metroid Levels up to 5 (as the ship)


For this reason alone the Wii U is my favourite console EVER! I thought I'd be waiting until she was 6/7 before introducing her to gaming. Now she spends her evening pleading Just One More Go! PLLLLEEASE!!!

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Has anyone else 'won' the purple button prize from the Pachinko tower game? When I say purple button prize, I mean it's one of the buttons that is around the base of the tower that does something to the NintendoLand plaza. I think it is my favourite.


Also just beat all the advanced stages in Metroid today. I may be able to Master them, but it will take some doing on some of them.

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I got to the last stage of Course 4 and blew it, my nerves got the better of me! FML!


My best score is 14971 I think!


On the plus side, I finally got the Gold trophy on Octopus Dance. I hate that game sooo much, but am gradually getting better at it and really want the Gold Star!


EDIT: I've beaten it! All 4 courses completed, I feel such relief.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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Nintendo Land really comes into its own in multiplayer. The other night we used Mario Chase, Animal Crossing and the Luigi's Ghost House as a drinking game before going out, and with four people it was so much fun, even friends who would never usually touch a video game enjoyed it. Then the next morning with a hangover, Zelda was a strenuous but exciting experience, I think we made it to level seven before the headache kicked in. I really underestimated this game!

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I not only survived that 2nd "Be Brave" part on stage 2 but I also finished Stage 2




Next bring on stage 3 :heh:


It gets a lot tougher! I love the game, I've been getting more and more addicted to it, and even though I've now done all 4 courses, I'm still playing daily.


Can we have a leaderboard for nintendoland on this site,

would be ace to try and beat everyone scores :) ?


Just got a new PB of 17299 on Donkey kong,


i have some other good scores on other games it would be great for some friendly competition


Your scores are incredible. It's a real shame Nintendo couldn't be arsed to do online leaderboards for this game. I'd love to see how I was doing compared to the world and compared to fellow N-E members.


At the moment I'm going for my gold star on Octopus Dance. I'm on the final level but never quite make it! Top score of 1340 now though :)

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Can we have a leaderboard for nintendoland on this site,

would be ace to try and beat everyone scores :) ?


Your scores are incredible. It's a real shame Nintendo couldn't be arsed to do online leaderboards for this game. I'd love to see how I was doing compared to the world and compared to fellow N-E members.
Best place to compare scores:




: peace:

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Just wiimotes my friend.


Thank you.


Shame though, it's lame that you can't use it for attractions like Animal Crossing and Mario chase.


Also it's pants that there's no online leaderboards etc. I'm really nit seeing much reason for me to keep playing this game... I find it too lacklustre as most of the attractions are just not to my taste.

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