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Because of the Miiverse I love this game even more!


I mean now I think just how much more fun games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros are going to be with the Miiverse :D


Too right, like when me and Missus played Metroid. Her stats were abysmal, something like 2% accuracy (she was flying the ship though and is not a 'gamer'!). Quick home button press, post piccy to the MiiVerse, laugh... carry on!


So simple, so much fun!:bowdown:

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I'm dying to try out mario chase luigis mansion and animal crossing but I have a gaming weekend next week and think I'd rather wait until there are 4/5 of us rather than playing it with my girlfriend. Is the game still awesome with 2?

Yeah it is :)


Holy shit


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I'm dying to try out mario chase luigis mansion and animal crossing but I have a gaming weekend next week and think I'd rather wait until there are 4/5 of us rather than playing it with my girlfriend. Is the game still awesome with 2?


As it's my only real choice I (we) really enjoyed it still. But I can imagine it'd be better.

Yeah it is :)


Holy shit



Jesus!! That is AWESOME!!

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Just got a go on the Animal Crossing, Mario and Luigi's Mansion games for the first time - all really fun, though I think I like the Luigi one is best. It was only 2 player, though - I'm looking forward to some 5-player fun on Tuesday evening.

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I fucking love this game! Going ape-shit for collectables!


How is everyone doing with the [?] blocks? I think I'm in the mid 50s now but I goddam love making the pachinko machine explode and cough out like 10 blocks at a time.


Been spending some time "mastering" some of the Zelda and Metroid levels which is adding some challenge. @bluey and I ripped Zelda apart today and fought the final boss. You'll be happy to know that there's more after that though ;-)


How many special stars have people got so far? How many platinum trophies?

I don't even have a GOLD one yet :p

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Have to say at the moment me and my girlfriend are loving PIKMIN the most. Its just so co-op and it leaves us with a satisfactory feeling after both beating a boss. Bear in mind my gf is not a gamer, she was still fairly compelled and competitive - and I´m a lone player but seem to enjoy it more when she plays with me....<3

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My thoughts on Nintendo Land are overwhelmingly positive - but there is one major turd in the punchbowl!


The more I play of Nintendo Land the more I love it. There's a suprising amount of depth in each game. Zelda Battle Quest has me hooked. Sure, I can burn through it easily, but getting the mastery tokens is a good challenge - the same is true for Metroid and Pikmin. All three of the aforementioned games are brilliant and have 20 levels each which presents a good deal of challenge and a healthy amount of gaming for your money.


The single player attractions have proved a little hit and miss for me. I love Donkey Kong, Balloon Trip, Ninja Castle and Captain Falcon's Twister Race - however Octopus Dance and Yoshi's Fruit Cart are a little lame in comparrison. I feel as if the later two were just added to make up numbers and could have been a lot better.


I love the park itself - especially the pachinko game. I love storing up coins and burning through a hundred at a time so I get 7 or 8 prizes at once. The prizes fill up my park with cool stuff and bring it to life.


The other cool thing is the Miis walking around my park are all real people and I can click on them to see their stats and their thoughts on different attractions. It's all done really well.


The turd in the punch bowl though is the three multiplayer only attractions - or more to the point the lack of online play which basically means I'll never really get to play them. Considering my park is open to the world and has Miis from all over Europe and the US walking around it, why I can't play with these people is beyond me.


It's a major oversight and damages the experience. In this day and age to create multiplayer only games and not allow for online play points to Nintendo having their head in the sand over what people want. I know people will say they're meant to be enjoyed with a group of friends locally - and that may be true. But online options don't detract from that. If you can get 4 friends round and play all weekend that's great - but maybe others can't.


I think this would probably have been the perfect launch game and the best mini-game collection ever if it had been online, but as it isn't I feel I'm never going to fully enjoy evrything it has to offer.

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My thoughts on Nintendo Land are overwhelmingly positive - but there is one major turd in the punchbowl!


The more I play of Nintendo Land the more I love it. There's a suprising amount of depth in each game. Zelda Battle Quest has me hooked. Sure, I can burn through it easily, but getting the mastery tokens is a good challenge - the same is true for Metroid and Pikmin. All three of the aforementioned games are brilliant and have 20 levels each which presents a good deal of challenge and a healthy amount of gaming for your money.


The single player attractions have proved a little hit and miss for me. I love Donkey Kong, Balloon Trip, Ninja Castle and Captain Falcon's Twister Race - however Octopus Dance and Yoshi's Fruit Cart are a little lame in comparrison. I feel as if the later two were just added to make up numbers and could have been a lot better.


I love the park itself - especially the pachinko game. I love storing up coins and burning through a hundred at a time so I get 7 or 8 prizes at once. The prizes fill up my park with cool stuff and bring it to life.


The other cool thing is the Miis walking around my park are all real people and I can click on them to see their stats and their thoughts on different attractions. It's all done really well.


The turd in the punch bowl though is the three multiplayer only attractions - or more to the point the lack of online play which basically means I'll never really get to play them. Considering my park is open to the world and has Miis from all over Europe and the US walking around it, why I can't play with these people is beyond me.


It's a major oversight and damages the experience. In this day and age to create multiplayer only games and not allow for online play points to Nintendo having their head in the sand over what people want. I know people will say they're meant to be enjoyed with a group of friends locally - and that may be true. But online options don't detract from that. If you can get 4 friends round and play all weekend that's great - but maybe others can't.


I think this would probably have been the perfect launch game and the best mini-game collection ever if it had been online, but as it isn't I feel I'm never going to fully enjoy evrything it has to offer.

Being online though goes against the idea behind the multiplayer of Nintendoland...this game was designed to be local multiplayer

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Being online though goes against the idea behind the multiplayer of Nintendoland...this game was designed to be local multiplayer


That's a pretty stupid point (no offence) given that there are many local multiplayer games that are online only and vice versa. Having spent 2 hours yesterday playing Mario Chase and the Luigi game, its shocking that there's no online play, given how easy it would've been. With the front facing cameras as well it would've been great.


That said, I bloody LOVE nintendoland :D Some great graphics (apart from some truly horrific textures), a great selection of mini games but also it really does use the gamepad well. My girlfriend has never really played video games but she spent over 3 hours playing Mario chase, luigis mansion and Pikmin Adventure. Can't wait to go home later and start Zelda with her :)

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Yeah Nintendoland is amazing, and yes t should have online play. What is @Serebii and nintendos problem with CHOICE. It wont damage the incredible joy of local play, but will allow people who can't do that still enjoy it.


Anyways, the biggest bollock for me, and this is my huge problem with nintendo, is the inability to compare scores. With miiverse they have created the perfect platform for it, yet they abandon it, weird cnsiderng i thought they were all about connecting. It would add insane replay value if we could compare scores with our friends and post them on miiverse, or send friends challenges. Mario kart on the wii absolutely nailed this, and they've gone backwards since. And its beginning to aggrevate me.

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How is everyone doing with the [?] blocks? I think I'm in the mid 50s now but I goddam love making the pachinko machine explode and cough out like 10 blocks at a time.
I'm at around 60 I think. Trying to save up a load of coins now though for multi-[?] explosion fun! :D


How many special stars have people got so far? How many platinum trophies?

I don't even have a GOLD one yet :p

I've got all 6 stars for the solo attractions. :yay:

And for trophies... 2 platinum :awesome: (Balloon Trip & Ninja Castle), 3 gold (F-Zero, DK's & Octopus Dance) and 1 silver (Yoshi's Fruit Cart).

Definitely gonna try and get all platinum, but not confident about the DK/Yoshi attractions. :shakehead


the inability to compare scores.
I hear ya, it's a really strange omission. Something that can definitely be patched in though I reckon, so just keep making a fuss on Miiverse. You never know, they might take notice. :heh:
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There really is so much from this game that I didn't see when I went to the Nintendo event. Pretty much as they just had it set up so you select games from the menu and not the NintendoLand hub. Even just with three playing yesterday, we had a blast playing through the multiplayer games. Mario Chase probably got the most play, once the third stage was unlocked we pretty much just played on that one. Luigi's Ghost Mansion is probably one of the fairest we played with what seemed like an even win for the ghost and the players.


Pikmin is a surprise for team play though. So much fun there. I think that will be a favourite too. I'll be delving into the single player games more now.

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Being online though goes against the idea behind the multiplayer of Nintendoland...this game was designed to be local multiplayer


No it doesn't. Loads of games are more fun when you've got friends there. But they can still be enjoyed online as well. Mario Kart is a total riot with four players all sat around the TV, a few beers, pizza and a long night ahead. However it's still fun online.


Just because something is better offline doesn't mean it shouldn't ever be online.


It's not like having online would have harmed it in anyway. Families and kids wouldn't have given up on it because others were enjoying it. Local and online multiplater aren't mutually exclusive!

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I agree that online multi would be great and not detract one bit from the fun of local play. Metroid Blast in particular would be fantastic. I wouldn't discount the possibility of it and other dlc arriving with a future update - the game is very fond of reminding us that this is version 1.1.0 ;)

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No it doesn't. Loads of games are more fun when you've got friends there. But they can still be enjoyed online as well. Mario Kart is a total riot with four players all sat around the TV, a few beers, pizza and a long night ahead. However it's still fun online.


Just because something is better offline doesn't mean it shouldn't ever be online.


It's not like having online would have harmed it in anyway. Families and kids wouldn't have given up on it because others were enjoying it. Local and online multiplater aren't mutually exclusive!


I was having a talk with my roommate who is a big online gamer, pretty much he told me yesterday 'It's funny, I really think games and gamers in general are becoming isolated because everything is online, where is the fun in local multiplayer?' To which then of course he and I had a game of Nintendo Land and had a ball.


But it has made me thinking, online may make the game more enjoyable, but having so may get rid of the intention of what this game is all about. Iwata said in a Nintendo Direct that most families now keep to themselves because of smartphones and tablets. No one is connecting with one another. Nintendo created Nintendo Land and perhaps the WiiU in general so family and friends can come together and play together.


Do not get me wrong, I love online games, my two most hyped up future release games is an MMO and the other is a must for online as well. But for people to get the most out of a game like this they need to connect with people, imagine a little boy playing online and his father wants to know what he's up to only to say 'Playing online with some friends' instead of 'Why not come and play with me to find out.' and not having a good bond. I had fantastic times with my father playing Donkey Kong, Mario and Tetris on the SNES if those games had online I perhaps wouldn't have played with my father as much in games. In this day and age though, many kids are more isolated and absorbed with online, my nephew of 6 years old is obsessed with playing COD I never see him with his dad playing a games together.


To me I just think that there are boundaries on online in games, not every game needs it. and if Nintendo really didn't care about online in Nintendo Land we would never have gotten the Miiverse integration and having the whole land filled with other players talking about their experience.


But that's just how I see it :D Sorry for going on a rant :heh:

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I don't think there's decent reason to exclude online multiplayer in a new release these days.


People have busy lives and can't always find the time to travel to someone's house to meet up and play, whereas it's fairly easy to hop online for a few games. I'll admit the feeling of cramming four people into a room to split-screen is amazing, but I personally feel that's more for nostalgic reasons as opposed to actually being practical.


The Wii U does resolve the screen sharing issue to some extent, but that's an evolution of local gaming and is separate to the online issue. The only real benefit I can think of from local multiplayer is the banter, but headsets have ensured that feeling is no longer lost during an online game.


I dunno about you guys, but it's way easier for me to play butt naked Halo 4 with friends online than it is with them sitting beside me in my living room.

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I've been checking out some gameplay of this from Game Grumps and I'm actually really intrigued and really want to give it a go, which is pretty much the opposite of how I felt back when they revealed it in E3.


Like they mentioned on Game Grumps, the sword controls from the Zelda minigame are more precise than the ones used in Skyward Sword and it's so confusing how the minigame gets it right yet the main title didn't. I'm not a big fan of Zelda mind you, so it shouldn't be all that surprising that the minigame looks more appealing to me than whatever big adventure they announce.

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