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The Wonderful 101


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To anyone who has already finished it, I need some help as I am stuck!


I don't know what mission I am on exactly, but I will explain it here:


Ok so I have Wonder Yellow and I did that whole level where you have an aircraft falling apart, sort of like a twisting tunnel where you have to follow a specific path. After that you are put on top of a plane (the one that saves you), but the plane has fire everywhere. I have no clue where I am supposed to go on this plane. The fire keeps hitting me back and I can't find any clues as on what I am supposed to do. =(



Is there not a cog nearby that you can turn with Unite-Hand? I remember a section like that on a burning plane.

You turn this cog, and then the engine that's on fire breaks off from the plane creating a new path for you to follow.


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Is there not a cog nearby that you can turn with Unite-Hand? I remember a section like that on a burning plane.

You turn this cog, and then the engine that's on fire breaks off from the plane creating a new path for you to follow.


No, I think that part was before this. I am on top of the wing of a plane, there is fire everywhere... but no cog to be found. I posted a crappy pic of it on MiiVerse but that might not help at all. I am clueless!


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No, I think that part was before this. I am on top of the wing of a plane, there is fire everywhere... but no cog to be found. I posted a crappy pic of it on MiiVerse but that might not help at all. I am clueless!

Ah! Think I know the bit you mean now. Did you have to use the glider to reach that burning plane?

Pretty sure a QTE should be triggered when you're on that plane (and you then need to jump to different parts) try moving towards the back of the wing.


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Did anybody see any ads for this game on TV? I didn't see any ads. Not a single one. There was plenty of advertising for Pikmin 3. I even seen a few for the Wii U version of Disney Infinity.


How do they expect a game like Wonderful 101, especially a new franchise to sell with no advertising whatsoever? It's no wonder that it's fallen flat on its face. Is it because it's Platinum and not a 1st party developed core franchise?


I bet Wind Waker will have no trouble getting wall to wall advertising. It's a shame.

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Ah! Think I know the bit you mean now. Did you have to use the glider to reach that burning plane?

Pretty sure a QTE should be triggered when you're on that plane (and you then need to jump to different parts) try moving towards the back of the wing.


Thanks for the help.

It seems I missed a door in the middle part of the ship, didn't even need to go on the wing other than to pick up some items. Darnit, lost two lives on there. =P


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Thanks for the help.

It seems I missed a door in the middle part of the ship, didn't even need to go on the wing other than to pick up some items. Darnit, lost two lives on there. =P

So you weren't actually at the bit I thought you were at all then?

Too many moments on top of planes in this game, they all merge into one. :heh:

Anyway, glad to hear you found it. :)


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Did anybody see any ads for this game on TV? I didn't see any ads. Not a single one. There was plenty of advertising for Pikmin 3. I even seen a few for the Wii U version of Disney Infinity.


How do they expect a game like Wonderful 101, especially a new franchise to sell with no advertising whatsoever? It's no wonder that it's fallen flat on its face. Is it because it's Platinum and not a 1st party developed core franchise?


I bet Wind Waker will have no trouble getting wall to wall advertising. It's a shame.


I see ads for it every ad break on Kix! when my son is watching telly. Other than that I do remember seeing it a few times elsewhere on either RTE or TV3 or E4 or all or somewhere else :p But mainly I see it on Kix! but that could be cuz the son has taken over my tv and that is what is mostly on..... actually think migt have seen it on Disney too?

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I see ads for it every ad break on Kix! when my son is watching telly. Other than that I do remember seeing it a few times elsewhere on either RTE or TV3 or E4 or all or somewhere else :p But mainly I see it on Kix! but that could be cuz the son has taken over my tv and that is what is mostly on..... actually think migt have seen it on Disney too?


So it's being shown on kids programmes? No wonder I haven't seen it so. Was this game aimed at kids? From the posts here it would appear they'd struggle with the controls.

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So I started on the "endgame" and I tried to do a recording to get my reactions but after 8-C I realised the vid just wasn;t gonna work.


I was doing like a running commentary on the game as I played and explaining the game to any viewers unfamiliar with it....then I realised for teh video to really work I would NEED to have a picture-in-picture of my gameplay so the viewer will know what I'm reacting to. As I don't have a capture device that is a total no go :(


So I turned off teh camera.



I also didn't get to finish it all in one sitting, had to stop after 9-A and prolly won;t get to finish it off till tomorrow (sister and brother-in-law down and we gonna watch a few eps of Breaking Bad tonight as he's still on season 3 and has some catching up to do)



But I must say, end of 8-C and action in 9-A....HOLY CRAP THAT WAS AWESOME


When they the Platinum Robo formed and they jumped inside it was like they were the Power Rangers inside a Megazord :D



Also I LOVE how Platinum just keep plastering their own logo and name EVERYWHERE in the game :D

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I had a long play session of this yesterday, with Ine playing on her file in between mine. Taking my sweet time with it, I probably played around 4 hours altogether or so, with a bit of time inbetween spent eating.


I've just done operation 4-A. The game is sweeeeeeet. It just keeps delivering. I worry and think the game has peaked and BOOM, it introduces another mechanic or a spin on things. Best game on the Wii U for me.

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Finally finished the game last night,



OH MY GODS, what a frakking EPIC final set of levels that was :D


Over the weekend I had managed to get up to 9-B done, but last night started at 7.30 and figured, meh I'll replay from 9-A and do all 3 parts together, surely the boss in 9-C won;t take too long...... :heh:



Firstly did anyone else think....




haha when Jergingha first revealed himself?


That whole "from the future thing" was a nice twist, though the few mentions of "Greater Galactic Coalition" I did have a feeling it would be something like that..... though correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Immorta at one point mention the "Greater Gallactic Coalition" and she isn't from the future so how would she know?


Anyway the 2nd stage of the fight when Jergingha becomes "Wonder-Jergingha" was cool, enjoyed that fight...also I did think that was the last fight but took me ages as I kept getting hit by his hands and unable to attack them when stuck as my team was all dizzy so I had nobody to unite with:heh:


The 3rd fight later then took me even longer, took me a while to figure out each the barriers could only be broken by certain moves then took me AGES to work out the last one could only be broken by a Unite Sword using all 199 people I had with me.... then it took me AGES more to find the weakpoints on his knees :p


Gotta say I really loved the final bits with the UNITE ULTRA PLATINUM, and drawing the P :D



(Yeah I checked youtube for a vid so I could type that :D)..... Blue's reactions while Red was saying all that was awesome and then seeing all the Wonderful Ones button bashing while I was button bashing.....AWESOME :D


The ending sequence was pretty cool too and then the Epilogue really confused me. I was like "where the hell are the credits?" and thinking maybe the game just auto started a New Game+ in Hard mode without telling me :heh:


Wonder-Goggles too.... him.... not fully sold on him but I guess kinda cool.... I haven't played Hard mode yet.... does it start same as that Epilogue? If so they must change some of teh story a bit if Luka is fighting with you?...meh I'll try start it up later :D


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JUst started up Hard Mode today.


Can feel the difference, not major overall but the little I've done so far (Prologue and Op 1-A) there's been a few parts that kicked my ass.


In Hard Op 1-A after the "inside puzzle" bit when fighting the two drill guys, they just walloped me six ways from sunday. Somehow manged to get a bronze medal though.

Then in Secret Mission 11, one of those ones that warps you to another place and you have to do it under certain conditions and only allowed to take 5 hits.... on hard mode this one destroyed me. I used so many continues on this part alone, when I finished the operation I got a consolation prize due to continuing so much.


Just had to play it all over to improve that :D Got a Gold second time round :)


That's something I forgot to talk about before.

I do really enjoy those secret missions that warp you elsewhere and give you strict conditions to play by (reduced team numbers, only allowed get hit 5 times, time limits, etc). My fav, can;t remember what Op it was on, but you had to beat the ememies using just 10 unite morphs only. That was interesting :)



Oh also I noticed I only have 82 Wonderful Ones.... wonder where the hell the missing 18 are? :(

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I just can't seem to put the disc in to play this game. I've started it and played it for an hour or so but just can't be bothered carrying on at the moment. What's up with that? ::shrug:


No idea!


Its a lot of fun that will cheer anyone up. A complete laugh (difficulty dependant). Ive not touched it since starting AC but cant wait to get back into it!

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I'm going to sit down and finish this game on Saturday, I'm on operation 9-A.


Just wondering though, I've been playing it on 'easy' and have started pumping out the Pure Platinum awards on every mission, so I intend to play it again on hard. Will hard mode unlock once I've finished this on easy, or does it have to be completed in normal?

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To those that finished the game... how many Wonderful Ones did you find?


I've only got 82, making my way through hard mode, just did 1-B, there's a secret mission on there that I missed and wondering if maybe a wonderful ones appears due to it? Prolly how I missed all the others too, I'm sure I missed a few secret missions on all levels expect 1-A (found all 3 of those)




Oh and in relation to the final few levels.... anyone else hoping after playing those that Platinum might make the next



Platinum might get to make the next Starfox game.


Yeah I know those sections weren't fully fleshed out, but they didn't have to be for this game, but I'll be damned if they weren't bloody fun and awesome :D


Imagine if Platinum could take that and expand on it in a full Starfox game....come on Nintendo tell me you'll buy Platinum after they finish Bayonetta 2 and give them Starfox to work on :D


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I don't know what it is about the game but I'm not finding it all that fun. After playing the demo I thought it would be great fun but I'm just not feeling it yet. Not far in mind. I've just fought some ugly dude that called the W101 cosplayers and then buggered off mid-fight to the Blossom Goddess or something like that.


I find it's a bit... I don't know... a bit of a chore.

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I don't know what it is about the game but I'm not finding it all that fun. After playing the demo I thought it would be great fun but I'm just not feeling it yet. Not far in mind. I've just fought some ugly dude that called the W101 cosplayers and then buggered off mid-fight to the Blossom Goddess or something like that.


I find it's a bit... I don't know... a bit of a chore.

Like many games, it gets more fun as you get more abilities

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I figure it will get better. I can say one thing, I enjoy those huge epic boss battles. That one against Oroowchi (spelling probably off) and Laambo is awesome!


It's just the main game, it's missions drag on too much withough being particularly fun. They're ok but not great.

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Sorry, I just really like that word. =P


So yeah! Beat this game the other day! Yay! The game reminds me a lot of Kid Icarus: Uprising. Both games have controls that take a bit of time to get accustomed to, which can admittedly lead to some early frustrations. There’s a lot of humour that got a chuckle out of me, some of which was pretty surprising to hear from a Nintendo published game. They’re both filled to the brim with charm, over-the-top scenes and likeable characters that interact with each other in such entertaining ways. And just when you've finished a section that made you think, “Wow! It’ll be hard for the game to top that moment!” both come right back with something even bigger and crazier than the last to knock you off your feet. The end of the story can only be summed up as epiiiiic! Oh, and both games are damn good fun, if my opinion wasn't already obvious to you.


That said, the game is certainly not without its flaws. I felt that some sections of the game overstayed their welcome. Think the worst sections were when a characters had some lengthy back-story to say, and the game would give you endless enemies to fight against until they had finished speaking. Not so bad on the first run through the game, but being unable to skip these sections gets tiring pretty quickly. Vorkken also became a little bothersome to fight after a while. Think I battled him about 30 times! Oh, and I encountered a glitch that would make the game unable to load, making it unplayable unless I closed the game from the Home menu, which prevented me from collecting everything and completing the game for a while (for some reason, disconnecting the Wii U from the internet seemed to fix it). Sounds like a pretty major glitch to me!


Some frustrating experiences sprinkled in to be sure then… But I’m not going to let those instances make me forget how much fun I had with the title overall. I really enjoy seeing small little touches in games, and this one is full of ‘em. Like, if you press start and select at the same time during a mission, the game will pause and you’ll get a message from Commander Nelson. And how one of the voices you can hear on the loading screens is Geathjerk’s Laambo, who says “THE WONDERFUL 101! I hate those guys…” And who could ignore the boss fight of 5-C! There are really too many to mention.


In conclusion, great game! Great new IP! Hope we get to see more of it in the future! The Wonderful 101 for Super Smash Bros.! One more exclamation point for good measure! I’d like to end with a quick look at one of the secret characters, because I think he’s hilarious.



Hmm… he looks familiar.


It's Wonder-Director! The game says his name is unknown, but, er, it's pretty obvious who it is. You may have noticed his stats in the bottom right of the screen. Is he really that powerful?! Once you try to play as him however, his true skills become apparent…



Ah… Um… Could you perhaps stop looking at your phone and start the operation?



Yes... you can tell that this man is in his 40s… *Huff huff huff!*


He’s actually the slowest character in the game. Clearly his statistics are a little... optimistic. But what about his weapon, the Sunny Sunglasses?



This weapon shoots a laser that lasts a long time, but is pretty weak…


Slow and weak? Things couldn't possibly get worse, right? You would think so! But Wonder-Director has one more unique, quite fatal flaw…



I-I’m finished already?! But I had all of my health!


Unless you have the Hero Sense skill equipped or a Wonder Dummy item in your possession, if you take a hit whilst Wonder-Director is the leader, you will lose all of your health, even on Very Easy difficulty!



No need to cry, we can still retry as many times as we like!



Oh… Still taking that phone with you, I see…


So, that was a quick look at Wonder-Director! He may be an utterly flawed character, but I think you’ll agree that that’s all a part of his charm.


Oh, and as it’s impossible to show in screenshots, I should note that he speaks in Japanese! Obviously, I can’t understand him, but it’s still rather amusing to listen to as he fumbles his way through battle. =P


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