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Mass Effect 3


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Think it's pretty safe to say that there won't be any exclusive content to the Wii U version given how stand off-ish EA are being with the Wii U. This is coming to the console presumably because it's a quick port of a high profile title and so won't cost that much to put out. Same goes for Fifa and Madden, with the former being based on last year's 360/PS3 title and the latter most likely following the same suit.


That weapon that they're saying is exclusive will no doubt appear in the Leviathan DLC or be made available to download on the 360 and PS3 in the near future.


At least it'll have the full multiplayer suite, confirming online will be there despite it not being uttered as such. And with the Wii U setup being free, it's interesting me as I rather like the multiplayer, apart from the awful packs setup.

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The packs setup does mean that all the new maps are free due to the people who pay real monies for the packs (to those who haven't played it: you get credits to buy these packs by playing the multiplayer, or you can spend real money on them).

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With the Omega DLC coming "Fall", I wonder if that will be included with this or be paid DLC.


As for the Lethiathan DLC. I hope that it's integrated into the game a bit more for the Wii U. From a story sense, it only makes sense if you play it just before you start the last mission. It makes sense as DLC to make it available at most points during the game so people who pay for it can access it quickly, but as it's included they should make it only playable at a certain point, and perhaps make it mandatory.


Edit: Completely ignore that. Apparently Lethiathan isn't included.


Mass Effect 3 Special Edition will include From Ashes, the Extended Cut DLC, and a new heavy weapon. It will also include the Resurgence, Rebellion, and Earth MP Packs. To help cover the events of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, there will also be an interactive backstory experience. Wii U players will also enjoy a newly enhanced control scheme that takes full advantage of the Wii U GamePad.
Edited by Cube
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So is anyone still getting this after the ME Trilogy announcement for PC/360/PS3? EA really could only have timed it worse by releasing it on the 30th November. Idiots.


I was planning on picking up ME3 and quite looking forward to seeing what the fuss was about. I'm not buying this now. Full price from one game that's out for £20 on the 360 when you can get all three for the same price on the other consoles? It's a total joke.


Surely they have no choice now but to put this 'on hold' and instead release the trilogy on Wii U at a later date within the launch window?


I mean it'd be the right thing to do, but then again with EA publishing it... :rolleyes:


If this was any other company you'd expect the announcement that ME3 for WiiU is actually the Trilogy and always was but had revealed it as ME3 until the full reveal was made of the Trilogy pack. However as you so rightly stated - this is EA.

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This is an absolute fucking joke. Absolutely disgusting from ea, but shouldn't be surprising. They STILL haven't put online on FIFA 3ds, they're giving wii u the FIFA 12 version of the game, same with madden. They are literally shitting on Nintendo fans.... Not literally... :) How they think it is acceptable to do this I have no idea. I hope they explain themseleves. It now won't sell and they'll then say Nintendoland don't buy these types of games and then churn out utter shit for the rest of its lifespan

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So is anyone still getting this after the ME Trilogy announcement for PC/360/PS3? EA really could only have timed it worse by releasing it on the 30th November. Idiots.


I'll not be picking this up now, I would have done but not after that announcement. Terrible decision by EA!

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Surely they have no choice now but to put this 'on hold' and instead release the trilogy on Wii U at a later date within the launch window?


I mean it'd be the right thing to do, but then again with EA publishing it... :rolleyes:


Of course not. The only reason why this Trilogy pack even exists (at least this early - it probably wasn't going to be released this early, certainly not within 9 months of ME3 itself launching!) is to ensure that the Wii U version is DOA, thus providing the perfect excuse to kill off any future support for the Wii U when it "fails to sell to expectations".


EA are backstabbing Nintendo in response to them refusing to make Origin the exclusive online service that runs all Wii U titles/eShop. It's also why Madden 13 and Fifa 13 Wii U are both gimped in comparison to their PS360 counterparts and why they're shy to announce any future support. An "unprecedented partnership" indeed... :rolleyes:

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Of course not. The only reason why this Trilogy pack even exists (at least this early - it probably wasn't going to be released this early, certainly not within 9 months of ME3 itself launching!) is to ensure that the Wii U version is DOA, thus providing the perfect excuse to kill off any future support for the Wii U when it "fails to sell to expectations".


EA are backstabbing Nintendo in response to them refusing to make Origin the exclusive online service that runs all Wii U titles/eShop. It's also why Madden 13 and Fifa 13 Wii U are both gimped in comparison to their PS360 counterparts and why they're shy to announce any future support. An "unprecedented partnership" indeed... :rolleyes:


Woahhhhhh, slow down. You're not serious are ya

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Woahhhhhh, slow down. You're not serious are ya



That rumour is months old and I see no reason to not believe it (hell I actually predicted that EA would try to pull a Sony/Nintendo Playstation way back in 2011 when they appeared on stage and then later those comments from Iwata at one of their shareholder meetings came out about them wanting to work with an outside partner on the Wii U online service...)


It's also the type of thing that EA has pulled before in the past (see what they did with completely abandoning the Dreamcast after failing to blackmail SEGA into giving them exclusive rights to all sports games on the console...)

Edited by Dcubed
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Conspiracy theories might be fun, but in reality its in EA's best interest for the Wii U to be a healthy platform. It's pretty silly to suggest they're out to sabotage it, much more so that they want their own products to fail.


There are currently over 120 million PS3 and 360 consoles in people's homes and zero Wii Us. Publishers are risk-averse at the best of times, so it's not surprising that they're reluctant to bankroll projects for unproven hardware. Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy to an extent? Sure, the Vita's a great example of that. But it's cowardice, not conspiracy.

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Conspiracy theories might be fun, but in reality its in EA's best interest for the Wii U to be a healthy platform. It's pretty silly to suggest they're out to sabotage it, much more so that they want their own products to fail.


There are currently over 120 million PS3 and 360 consoles in people's homes and zero Wii Us. Publishers are risk-averse at the best of times, so it's not surprising that they're reluctant to bankroll projects for unproven hardware. Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy to an extent? Sure, the Vita's a great example of that. But it's cowardice, not conspiracy.


Makes perfect sense to snub Nintendo if they can't steal away their royalties. Their company philosophy is much more intertwined with Microsoft (especially with Peter Moore as their internal mole) and to a lesser extent, Sony.


Having a strong Microsoft and Sony is much more beneficial to them than having a strong Nintendo, because their relationship with those two is far better. With EA sharing a very similar vision of where they want gaming to go as with MS and Sony (big super high budget titles where they only need to throw graphics and marketing money at a project to succeed, without worrying about gameplay - an eventual scenario where only they will survive - and dominance in the mobile/social space by acquisition), supporting Nintendo to any significant extent simply doesn't fit into their plans. Securing Wii U Origin exclusivity would've been a massive coup that was worth pursuing however if they could trick Nintendo into falling for it (like they did with Sony and the original SNES CD addon)


This is what EA do. They've done it time and time again. They're liars and crooks; always have been and always will be.

Edited by Dcubed
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Yeah I don't know mate. I can't really see'em cuttin' their nose off to spite their face like that. They are a bunch of knobs, granted, but they aren't ones to turn money away. They've probably got a half decent lame excuse for this debacle, but I agree with SCG; they should pull it and make it the Trilogy but it's too late now, they'd never pull it this late. It is wrong though and no gamer should support their fecklessness by buying ME3U. Serve'em right.

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It's pretty poor timing, but in reality, if EA have taken this long to get ME3 ready for Wii U there's no way they could have got the trilogy out at the same time as the xbox and pc releases. We also don't know when they bought the publishing rights for ME1 from MS. If Nintendo had finalised the hardware earlier instead of changing the specs so frequently they might have had a lot more support, including ME trilogy.


Anyone thinking it's really easy to port stuff over doesn't realise the resources involved. Darksiders 2 for instance had 15 people working on the Wii U port and it's taken close to 18 months to complete. Average wage in the industry is about £30k, times 15 is £450k per year, so roughly £600-700k personnel costs. Production and logistics is probably a couple of pounds per unit, if the print 1 million copies that adds another £1-2m costs. Plus whatever they choose on promotion in nintendo-specific media (prob less than £100k in reality). In total it's cost probably £2m to port that game.


Publishers make £6-8 per game on a £40 retail game. So to make a profit the publisher needs to sell 250-350k copies just to break even. That's a pretty big risk when a console is just starting out, has 22 other games vying for early adopters' cash, and is typically a hard sell for third parties.


ME Trilogy could still happen on Wii U. If EA have bought the publishing rights for ME 1 back off Microsoft for the PS 3 release then they'll be wanting every opportunity to make some dollars back, and Wii U is potentially a ripe new market, if it hits the ground running and flies off the shelves in it's first six months.


I hope it happens, I'd love to replay the whole series again, and the gamepad controls shown in ME 3 look pretty awesome so far.

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It took 18 months but they were still developing the game itself so it wasn't a straight port. I'm pretty sure I read someone, I think it was dark sides actually wh said they ported it in a matter of days and been spending th rest of the time sorting the gamepad.


This is just an absolute joke and trying to milk as much as possible with as little effort out of Nintendo fans. They do it all the time. Prt the first two and don't give us gamepad controls of they don't want. But to charge us for the same price as the whole trilogy is an absolute fucking disgrace from every single perspective.


I hope people tweet fuck out of ea and I hope journalists quiz them on it. Problem is with gaming journalism specifically. They are not in any way contentious or provocative with the industry, so passive and nicly nicey. Companies never get pulled up on their at times disgusting behaviour.


Ea better fucking answer themseleves with this.

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It took 18 months but they were still developing the game itself so it wasn't a straight port. I'm pretty sure I read someone, I think it was dark sides actually wh said they ported it in a matter of days and been spending th rest of the time sorting the gamepad.


This is just an absolute joke and trying to milk as much as possible with as little effort out of Nintendo fans. They do it all the time. Prt the first two and don't give us gamepad controls of they don't want. But to charge us for the same price as the whole trilogy is an absolute fucking disgrace from every single perspective.


I hope people tweet fuck out of ea and I hope journalists quiz them on it. Problem is with gaming journalism specifically. They are not in any way contentious or provocative with the industry, so passive and nicly nicey. Companies never get pulled up on their at times disgusting behaviour.


Ea better fucking answer themseleves with this.


As ME3 came out just six months ago I'm pretty sure this game was ported VERY quickly. It's an utter disgrace that they clearly knew that the Trilogy would be launching but still sought to palm off a six month old game at full price on Nintendo fans whilst other games will be getting all three games for the same price!


EA are pretty much total dicks.


In April of 2012, The Consumerist awarded EA with the title of "Worst Company in America" along with a ceremonial Golden Poo trophy.[102] The record breaking poll drew in more than 250,000 votes and saw EA beating out such regulars as AT&T and Walmart. The final round of voting pitted EA against Bank of America. EA won with 50,575 votes or 64.03%.[103]

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