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Scribblenauts Unlimited


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What has?


They planning to change that/open it up?


I've been hoping so. I know they're trying to make Miiverse their big social thing, but I quite dislike the idea of ONLY being able to share screenshots etc that I've taken on there - they should try to get some other social media integration - like can share to facebook (myspace? tumblr? twitter? i dont use them) or whatever the latest buzz is as you share to miiverse. They probably won't, though.

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What has?




I've been hoping so. I know they're trying to make Miiverse their big social thing, but I quite dislike the idea of ONLY being able to share screenshots etc that I've taken on there - they should try to get some other social media integration - like can share to facebook (myspace? tumblr? twitter? i dont use them) or whatever the latest buzz is as you share to miiverse. They probably won't, though.

The game from the eShop

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What has?




I've been hoping so. I know they're trying to make Miiverse their big social thing, but I quite dislike the idea of ONLY being able to share screenshots etc that I've taken on there - they should try to get some other social media integration - like can share to facebook (myspace? tumblr? twitter? i dont use them) or whatever the latest buzz is as you share to miiverse. They probably won't, though.


Yeah, it's a massive shame if they don't - a pointless oversight too, if you ask me. I like taking screenshots of that one game that's been released on the Vita and uploading it to Tumblr (when Motorstorm came out there was a lot of lap time trolling in the thread which was a lot of fun). One of the most exciting rumour about the PS4 is that it continuously records the last 15 minutes of footage. The prospect of video-capture is drool worthy. I have a capture card but it's a real hassle to use. I really hope it's true. It makes so much sense. It's basically user-generated advertising.

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Wait what, they had it up on eShop? Now they don't? I'm confused. Does that mean some people will have the intended version, whereas others will not? Bit of a gyp. Out of interest, what was the eShop price?


£49.99, more then double the price of the PC version out next Thursday.

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Wow! That's actually a bit shocking. I might get this at some point when it drops in the steam sales methinks - was almost tempted to get someone in america to buy it over the previous sale and gift it, but realised I wasn't all that fussed for it, and could get it later when I got a Wii U - increasingly moving out of the question for me now.

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Not ideal but eventually the Miiverse will come to mobiles, so can always screengrab on your phone (yup, screengrab a screengrab). But who knows, they may open it up.


Well, just a web version. I hope they change their mind and make proper Android/iOS apps, with notifications and stuff.

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Well, just a web version. I hope they change their mind and make proper Android/iOS apps, with notifications and stuff.


I believe they literally confirmed Miiverse will eventually be released as an app in the last Nintendo Direct. Will be web-based before that, obviously.


So to change their mind would be to cancel that, I guess.

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Spent a good few hours on this today. Won't tomorrow as I have an article due Monday, but yeah.


Some words are missing, but I checked and they are gone from the US one too. These are simple words like Beer, Wine etc. I'm guessing they don't want that implication, even though you can put things like a dead child in a cage to successfully lure a dinosaur into it.


Does seem a little bit easier due to all the mini-puzzles, but rather than going for the obvious solution, I always try to shake things up.


Great fun

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Spent a good few hours on this today. Won't tomorrow as I have an article due Monday, but yeah.


Some words are missing, but I checked and they are gone from the US one too. These are simple words like Beer, Wine etc. I'm guessing they don't want that implication, even though you can put things like a dead child in a cage to successfully lure a dinosaur into it.



Interesting fact of the day:


My work colleague's husband works for Codemasters (on GRID and DIRT), and they were given a 12 rating... because of the Champagne celebrations on a win... no other reason!!


So I suspect they want a release that is 7+ maximum!

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Yup, it's good fun. Definately think that getting rid of the Ollars and the strict level structure was a good move. I much prefer the freeform style of gameplay in this one :)


Online sharing works a treat too. Nice, painless, simple and works very well. The object editor is simple enough... until you get into the scripting... (OH DEAR GOD! Even as a Wario Ware DIY vet, this is horrendously complicated! You can make some cool stuff, but it's really hard to script it to do what you want and is nowhere near as user friendly as something like Wario Ware DIY :shakehead)


Also I'm a bit disapointed to see that you can't really do anything with the Nintendo characters. You can't edit them, tell them to do anything or really interact with them in any way other than riding Yoshi/Epona)


Otherwise, it's good stuff. A good evolution of Super Scribblenauts and, so far, the best game in the series for sure :)

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You gotta be mad to pay that.




£22.99 on steam.


Digital console games are nothing but a bump!!


€20,99 on Steam now! This is one third of the Wii U price! Crazy!


Has it really dropped about 25% from £22.99 to €20,99 in one day, or is the price in UK still £22.99?

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€20,99 on Steam now! This is one third of the Wii U price! Crazy!


Has it really dropped about 25% from £22.99 to €20,99 in one day, or is the price in UK still £22.99?


That's crazy and yet whenever this finally ever manages to turn up we'll be asked to pay €50 in the shops or €60 on the eShop. How can they justify that?

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Yeah, it's crazy. I bought Ni No Kuni for £50, mainly because it was sold out on Amazon, but Dead Space 2 and Black Ops II were both £60. The publisher determines the price and they are nuts.

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Some words are missing, but I checked and they are gone from the US one too. These are simple words like Beer, Wine etc. I'm guessing they don't want that implication, even though you can put things like a dead child in a cage to successfully lure a dinosaur into it.


Yeah because...child abuse is funny, but alcoholism can really hurt people and damage their lives.

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