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Scribblenauts Unlimited

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It's weird how they added 41 siblings for Maxwell in this...how the hell is that going to make sense

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Yeah, this is totally going to mess up the Scribblenauts canon!

I meant that with the millions of words in the notebook, they could bring up contraception :p

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I really like the look of the item creator in this. and its great you can upload/download creations.

Edited by Helmsly

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Just "launch window", like most of the launch day games in America :/


Have we still not got a proper release day list yet? Has anyone tried emailing NoE or even ONM to see if they have any idea?

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Annoyingly, Australia is apparently getting this November 30th. We still have no date.


IGN are insisting on November 30th, but 18 days away and UK retailers not knowing? Worrying

Edited by Serebii

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Considering that Australia got both previous Scribblenauts games before us here in Europe as well, their own release date isn't exactly encouraging :(

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Considering that Australia got both previous Scribblenauts games before us here in Europe as well, their own release date isn't exactly encouraging :(

To be fair, they got Super Scribblenauts 2 days before us and the original just over a week

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IGN review




Closing Comment


In some ways, Scribblenauts Unlimited is still running on the same awe-inspiring gimmicks the series introduced in 2009 but with the level of polish and refinement here, it’s finally delivering on all fronts. Despite some dips in overall puzzle difficulty this time around, the game has a massive amount of content to both discover and create from scratch.


If you’ve skipped the series until now, start here. You’ll be floored at how much there is to show off. And if you’re the creative type, the Object Editor opens up endless possibilities. Scribblenauts Unlimited is an excellent Wii U launch title, even if it just feels like a glorified handheld title.



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So much teasing :( I wish WB would hurry up and say "Yeah, it's for launch in the UK"


However, based on the US, we may not know until the day. The 3DS version was out on November 13th but nobody knew until the Facebook posted it on November 12th

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Looks fantastic! :D

Definately made me think about getting this now, as I wasn't sure before.


lol, at Link being sucked into the Black Hole... 'ahhhhhh!'


Wonder if there are any other Nintendo franchises in there like Kirby, Metroid, Starfox, Pikmin etc... as there's already many more Mario and Zelda characters and items than previously shown in the picture! Guess we'll have to wait and find out!

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Looks fantastic! :D

Definately made me think about getting this now, as I wasn't sure before.


lol, at Link being sucked into the Black Hole... 'ahhhhhh!'


Wonder if there are any other Nintendo franchises in there like Kirby, Metroid, Starfox, Pikmin etc... as there's already many more Mario and Zelda characters and items than previously shown in the picture! Guess we'll have to wait and find out!

If there's Pokémon stuff in it, I need to rush out the new section I'm working on


Actually surprised the IGN review made no mention of multiplayer. I'd say that's a big aspect and turns it into a party game


Spawn anything your friends want, they control it, help with puzzles or just fight

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I hope it at least makes it for christmas , seems like a nice game to play on the gamepad while relaxing on the sofa stuffed and eating a tin of quality street with some classic old christmas movie on the tv screen.

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5th cell have said there are no Pokemon characters in it due to time constraints. DLC would be awesome!

Looks great fun but it's a game that drives me insane with frustration when it doesn't get your logic.

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5th cell have said there are no Pokemon characters in it due to time constraints. DLC would be awesome!

Looks great fun but it's a game that drives me insane with frustration when it doesn't get your logic.

Thank christ. I want my first experience of this game to not be "Work"


Disconcertingly, only the 3DS one has been rated by PEGI :/

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