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ONM's Review

"ZombiU will send shivers of fear and excitement up and down your spine in equal measure: it's the perfect showcase for what the Wii U is all about." 92%
"Plug some good headphones into the GamePad and set the game's audio option to GamePad Only (highly recommended) and you'll be jumping at every clutter and cocking your head to try and listen out for any kind of audio clue as to what might be lurking in the room with you. It's truly wonderful."


Edited by -Dem0-
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Given this a couple of hours so far. Enjoying it but am finding it to be quite unforgiving and can't see how you can possibly survive in certain cases. Suppose it makes it more realistic though.


The bit just before you go into the supermarket was where I lost my first survivor. Tried to open a door which set a load of them after me. The Sean Bean-a-like told me to get inside through the very same door they were battering down. Also the first time you have to defend the safe house is a bitch too.


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Finding this really enjoyable but also really difficult, played a bit last night to get accustomed to the controls and the way it worked and now I've done that I think I'll start a new game properly.


It really does create an awesome atmosphere, found myself sneaking around so tense and scared at what could be round the next corner! Really easy to panic when a horde are on you and you can't immediately figure out what to do!

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Oh my giddy aunt this game is AWESOME


Lasted I think 54 mins with my first character.... got as far as


Getting to Brick Lane market and I opened a door that set off an alarm, bloody got me by surprise to say the least before I knew it I was mobbed from behind, there was no way out....that is harsh as you can't climb back over the fench :mad:


Had a good stock of bullets too so was pretty annoyed at that.


Went back with the next characterand the mini horde were still stuck behind the fence. Did anyone else use the oil drums?

Was pretty cuffed when I thought of that, pushed the two oil drums to the fence, got the horde to gather near it then shot the drums EXPLOSION. Killed all the zombies - minus my previous character. I just shot him in the head and reclaimed my bullets and equipment :D




Got the CCTV objective done at the supermarket and found an upgrade for my gun too, barely got back to teh safe house then for a save and a rest, haha.




Didn't come across any of yer zombies yet....also oddly had a online error code pop up in the middle of the game :heh:

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It's early days, but I've fallen in love with what I've played so far. The tone and pace are absolutely pitch-perfect, but it's the developer and community interaction features that are that little bit extra that is more than you'd expect from a launch game like this.


I freaking love proper horror games.

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Had to laugh. The first place (before the game 'really' begins) is at Mile End tube, the nearest tube to my work. The first place you visit is Brick Lane markets, literally two minutes away from home. It felt like a very horrific journey home.


(although obviously I cycle or walk because anyone knows getting a tube from Mile End to Liverpool Street and then walking to Brick Lane would take longer than walking or cycling. Obviously)

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Not even tried this yet.... does this have an update too? Current;y d/l'ing the CoD update


I just ran into a dead survivor! @James and Games


Thought that was really cool!


Sorry but I may have looted stuff from ur bag... Ur Zombie doesn't need them anymore! :p


Haha thats awesome! I'm gonna restart this soon and hopefully run into a few other survivors now I've got some friends added!

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Zavvi have become an absolutely terrible online retailer. We ordered Sonic Generations from them a while back and ended up cancelling after 2 weeks of shipping delays. Sorry your console didn't arrive dude - maybe you can call up and complain? I doubt it'll do anything, but at least you can make them aware they won't be getting your business next time.


Maybe the courier delivers Saturday and yours will show up before close of business today?

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Zavvi have become an absolutely terrible online retailer. We ordered Sonic Generations from them a while back and ended up cancelling after 2 weeks of shipping delays. Sorry your console didn't arrive dude - maybe you can call up and complain? I doubt it'll do anything, but at least you can make them aware they won't be getting your business next time.


Maybe the courier delivers Saturday and yours will show up before close of business today?


It's (semi) all right I got my console via Sainsbury-Online. That arrived yesterday... but my two games (ZombiU and Mario U) are still M.I.A... :(


Hopefully Monday... ?

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It's (semi) all right I got my console via Sainsbury-Online. That arrived yesterday... but my two games (ZombiU and Mario U) are still M.I.A... :(


Hopefully Monday... ?


Ahhh, I see now. Probably then, yeah. At least your hype for them gets to build over several more days now?

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Great game, I only have three complaints


1) It's really annoying that the Zombies essentially have an instant win button. Their lunge attacks seem to bring you down even if you have full health.

2) That cutscene whenever you die... INCREDIBLY repetitive.

3) Zombies seem to loose items. When I went in to Buckingham Palace, I fetched the bolt action rifle. However, I died during the onslaught, and when I killed my old survivor, he had lost the rifle.

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I managed to survive about an hour and a half with one character and killed about 70 infected. However I got ambushed when attempting to open a door with a security code (the last digit was missing!) and was killed! I got my stuff back and saved as I had to go to work.


Anyone know if after you die, if you save the game before finding your old dead self and quit the game, will it still be there when you reboot?

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