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Good hands-on impressions there Zechs, interesting what you said about the co-op too.


Though I still think I would like some online co-op... though maybe in a ZombiU 2 and they can tailor all or parts of the game (or a different mode) that would give situations where co-op is an option and can add to teh expereince and maintain the sense of tension.


Like one person causing a distraction to allow another player get to an item easily or flank a group of zombies to take them out from behind.


But this game has obviously been tailored with a lone player in mind.


Was watching the first ep of Walking Dead season 3 earlier and its just added to the hype for this game, haha

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How does Arkham City make decent use of the gamepad. Basically they've just moved previously in-game features like scanning and controlling the Batarang on to the second screen haven't they. Pointless IMO.


The likes of NSMB U and Rayman Legends with there real-time interactivity is far more interesting.


To be fair, you have to look at the map so much and the upgrading and such, selecting missions. it may be lazy, but it will provide a much slicker exeprience with the game pad, I recently played it through on the ps3 and I kept thinking I wished I waited for the wii u version as it began to do my head in. Still a great game though.

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Looking forward to this! I like the one-bite-and-you're-a-gonna idea, as it creates that old Resident Evil-tension and it has a Condemded-vibe to it, but the much-talked-about inventory management without pauzing the game isn't quite new. Dead Space and Resident Evil have been there before. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to my London Zombie Apocalypse.


Only... that name... that name...

Edited by Strange Cookie
Automerged Doublepost
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Looking forward to this! I like the one-bite-and-you're-a-gonna idea, as it creates that old Resident Evil-tension and it has a Condemded-vibe to it, but the much-talked-about inventory management without pauzing the game isn't quite new. Dead Space and Resident Evil have been there before. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to my London Zombie Apocalypse.


Only... that name... that name...


I haven't played Dead Space so can't comment on that but when did RE have you doing inventory that wasn't inside a menu system that effectively paused the game?

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Ah k, the two I haven't played so, haha.


I think though the difference that ZombiU brings is that you have to look down at the gamepad as if you were the character looking into the bag. You take your view away from teh surroundings as if you would in real life to check a bag. You hear some noice and you glance up away from your "bag" to the TV image again to see whats going on

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I really hope IGN aren't exaggerating about the method of story telling, because I am a fucking huge fan of the idea that the player chooses for themselves whether or not they want to learn the plot.


Phantasy Star Online did this in an absolutely brilliant way and the immense amount of hidden plot that was only available if you made the conscious decision to go searching for it is the reason why it's my favourite game of the series.


If I was getting a Wii U, I'd get this on launch date. Although Red Steel didn't live up to my expectations, I would trust Ubisoft again to supply me with my killer app for launch.

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Good point. When was the last time Nintendo did that with a 3rd party at launch? Street Fighter II on the SNES?


You are correct! I remember getting my SNES on Christmas morning with Street Fighter II. It's a pretty bold move to release a third party game as a pack-in with a new console launch.

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Yeah I remember wanting the SNES and Street Fighter, remember just before xmas playing it in Currys and just feeling the excitement building to have it proper for xmas day.


Also remember the tough decision of choosing between Fzero and Super Soccer, my brother pleaded with me to get Super Soccer but I went with Fzero... Then me and Brother played that game to absolute death!!

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Details on one of the Multiplayer Modes




First ZombiU Multiplayer Details Surface


The King of Zombies mode will take place in an arena described as "hell within hell".


A new multiplayer mode titled King of Zombies has been unveiled for upcoming survival horror game ZombiU.


In an interview with ONM, the game's story director Gabrielle Shrager explained that that the mode would have links to the St George's Yard mission that players will encounter in the single-player game, while also being based on a modified version of Capture the Flag.


"You’ve seen the Tower Of London gameplay footage by now, so you know we are going to have to breach the Traitor’s Gate and penetrate the depths of the Bloody Tower to find the Raven Of Dee’s Secret Bunker," she revealed. "But you’ve never heard of St George’s Yard.


"St George's is our hell within hell. Survivors here are unwilling participants in a twisted game in which they are thrown to the infected. Our multiplayer arenas are a spin-off of this mission in the campaign."


The King of Zombies mode is one such multiplayer arena that sees one player use the Wii U Pro Controller to try and guide their survivor towards the flag. Meanwhile, it's the job of the GamePad wielding player to spawn zombies around the flag using the touchscreen in a bid to keep the flag unclaimed.


ZombiU is planned as an exclusive launch title for the Wii U when it releases in America on November 18 and in Europe on November 30.

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so a miss-mass of CTF mode with a tower defense system? interesting indeed


After watching this weekends Walking Dead i kept wanting to play this game, and i thought the engine/gameplay style could lend well to a Walking Dead Game



As a side note, does anybody's brain auto correct spellings? i kept writing the Waking Dead then instead of Walking Dead, which would be completely different

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I'm sure these aren't new details. The multiplayer they had on demo back in June involved the player with the pro controller trying to capture flags while the person with the Game Pad deployed zombies to defend/capture flags. No idea if that level they're talking about is the one we played though.

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