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DC Cinematic Universe Discussion


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Only if they choose to change some things around after the success of the Avengers but at the moment they still seem to be sticking that they want all of them seperate.


In Green Lantern we heard that this was the first alien that they'd seen so its likely Superman wasnt around (best way around that would be just having Superman not admit he's an alien yet). They dont have enough licenses out there yet that we can really speculate. The stupid thing is that as they're all under Warner Brothers a Justice League movie should be much easier for them than it was for Marvel.


Either way though, im actually a bit bored of DC now. Ever since I realised I wasnt enjoing the DCnU that much and more forcing myself to think I was I just cant be arsed with a lot of their stuff. As I mentioned in the Batman thread ive got no excitement at all for that movie and ive seen nothing so far that makes me look forward to Superman either.

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I would like to see it but Batman needs to be done differently for it to work. I know animated is a completely different beast but the version of Batman we get in their shows and movies is what I want and who I would like to see with Superman in a movie.



Edited by Happenstance
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I just want them to do a film of The Flash (and have Green Lantern in it so they can reposition him to not be lame). Establish Wonder Woman's position in the new universe, her ongoing is brilliant but jars with her appearance in Justice League (although it seems they are slowly changing that).


Make an Aquaman film and actually open it exactly how Aquaman #1 goes. Obviously have Mera in there.


Batman's reboot should be done after his reintroduction in a Justice League film. Damien Wayne should be Robin.


I'd also probably murder someone for a Justice League Dark film, so they could reboot Constantine (even though I think the current film is ace).


Basically, I think DC's best tact would be to start bring out films but have other heroes feature relatively heavily in them.

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I'd quite like if the DC movies stayed independant of one another. Marvel heroes (IMO) work better as a 'cross-over' thing - their universe always felt much more like a singular thing to me. DC was always a bit more disparate. And the Avengers as a team feel like they make more sense in coming together than Justice League (if thinking logically about it).


Obviously I'm a DC fan, but I'd prefer to see some GOOD stand-alone series.

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Superman/Batman movie first using the new Superman dude and a new Batman. Then a Flash movie and then a new GL movie. No need for Wonder Woman or Manhunter films.


I'd stick to those characters for a first JL movie which introduces Manhunter and WW. I'd have Manhunter be the reason why they all come together much like the first Justice League animated episodes.


Then if it does well follow up with new movies for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman then launch Justice League 2: Revenge of the Trickster.


God I want it to happen, its about time they introduced the DCU and acknowledge there is a world of heroes and not just a world with a Batman or a Superman.

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Superman/Batman movie first using the new Superman dude and a new Batman. Then a Flash movie and then a new GL movie. No need for Wonder Woman or Manhunter films.


I'd stick to those characters for a first JL movie which introduces Manhunter and WW. I'd have Manhunter be the reason why they all come together much like the first Justice League animated episodes.


Then if it does well follow up with new movies for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman then launch Justice League 2: Revenge of the Trickster.


God I want it to happen, its about time they introduced the DCU and acknowledge there is a world of heroes and not just a world with a Batman or a Superman.


Why no need for Wonder Woman? She's one of DC's most popular characters, and has a much more interesting backstory than most.

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Why no need for Wonder Woman? She's one of DC's most popular characters, and has a much more interesting backstory than most.


She does indeed but I feel shes the riskiest next to Manhunter to have a solo film. I just think it would be better to launch the character in the JL movie to get people talking about her and then do the whole greek mythology paradise island movie that would tie into a second JL movie.

Edited by bryanee
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Risky or not, she'd instantly sell many many more film tickets than Flash or anyone else would. Like, my parents would probably go and see a Wonder Woman film (they both watched and enjoyed the 70s TV series) but would never in a million years go to a Flash film.

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Perhaps, after The Avengers, Warner Bros will finally let Joss Whedon do that Wonder Woman film he's been wanting to do.


They should wait until after Grant Morisson's upcoming run on Wonder Woman, since he might make stunning additions to the mythos (like he did with X-Men and Batman).

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What? Grant Morrison is touching Wonder Woman?


All is lost.


Risky or not, she'd instantly sell many many more film tickets than Flash or anyone else would. Like, my parents would probably go and see a Wonder Woman film (they both watched and enjoyed the 70s TV series) but would never in a million years go to a Flash film.


Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

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Risky or not, she'd instantly sell many many more film tickets than Flash or anyone else would. Like, my parents would probably go and see a Wonder Woman film (they both watched and enjoyed the 70s TV series) but would never in a million years go to a Flash film.
The same could have been said for Iron Man for example.


But I bet if a Wonder Woman film had come out in the same year as Iron Man did, Iron Man would have taken more tickets.


I might be wrong but I think characters like Wonder Woman, might have a problem as far as the general public are concerned, with being stuck in the past and I'm not sure how relevant a solo film would seem to many people.


It might take something like a Justice League movie with the draw of the likes of Batman and Superman to show a new audience what's been done with DC's other characters over the years; which would then make them want to go and see follow up solo films.

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It's all in the execution. Thor sounded lame but it fucking rocked. The problem is Thor is (from what I can tell) pretty consistent in comics whereas Wonder Woman has had a tone of reboots and doesn't have any real persistent reality to it. Hopefully that'll change with the current run but a brilliant film is there waiting to be made.


I'd be happy with her getting her own film or being introduced in the JL, tbh.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Green Lantern Might Reboot


Plus, could Chris Nolan be taking charge of the full DC slate?


Now that Warner Bros. and DC's Justice League movie is back on track, lots of little details are emerging about the rest of their superhero slate. That includes Green Lantern, which could be facing a reboot already.


Variety has the inside track on the DC projects, with the latest word being that the studio is "figuring out whether to bring back Ryan Reynolds as the Green Lantern in a sequel to last year's actioner or relaunch the character in a completely new way." Michael Goldenberg, who co-wrote the first film, was commissioned to write Green Lantern 2 back in 2010, a year before the first film debuted. It would seem, however, that script may never see the light of day. (Don't cry for Goldenberg. He's now on the newly re-energized Wonder Woman script, as reported earlier this week.)




One and done?


Obviously, the notion of rebooting Green Lantern doesn't come as much of a surprise considering the financial and critical hit Warners took with the film. To spitball for a second here, maybe the studio figures they can just relaunch the character in the Justice League movie, perhaps going with the John Stewart version in order to bring some diversity to the team?




John Stewart, from the peerless Justice League cartoon


Additionally, many seemingly dead or on-life-support projects appear to be back in development, as per Variety, including Aquaman, Green Arrow, The Suicide Squad and Shazam. The Flash and Lobo, both of which were in the script stage last we heard, are also still on track. But some of these namedrops by the trade don't make all that much sense. Why develop a Green Arrow movie when you have a TV show featuring the character coming up this fall? Suicide Squad feels like a stretch when they're still trying to nail their main heroes. And an Aquaman movie? Really?


Still, there's no doubt that the big question facing the studio is what to do with Batman once Christopher Nolan completes his trilogy with The Dark Knight Rises this summer. Do they dare reboot? (Of course they do.)


The story continues that the studio execs are being careful how they proceed now, as they're still feeling the sting of Green Lantern (and, let's face it, probably Superman Returns as well). Sources indicate that the execs now realize they need to hire "creatives that genuinely understand the characters the way Joss Whedon was comfortable with The Avengers." That sounds like a no-duh kind of statement, but I bet it's a lot harder to achieve in the reality of the Hollywood system than you might expect.


Whatever the case, don't expect much more actual news on the DC movie front until after TDKR opens in July, at which point it sounds like Warners might want to put Nolan in charge of their whole superhero slate (he's already a producer on the upcoming Superman reboot Man of Steel). That's assuming, of course, that he wants the job.


Would make sense to just get on with it and reboot Batman and Green Lantern within Justice League.

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