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Arrow (TV Show)


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I thought ep 21 was pretty weak... so many awful plot devices, like the magic hacking poorly hidden pointlessly flashing computer bug that picked up the stupidly unecessarily incriminating letter.


Isabel looked absolutely ridiculous in that half mask thing.


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Exactly... exactly....


I can be pretty forgiving of this show's weaknesses most of the time. It's not trying to compete with any of the serious, tense dramas out there, just an honest comic book action show. But when you start treating your viewers like idiots....

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How do they cram that much awesome into one episode...damnit wish it was a double ep finale so I could still be watching


the only silly part was ...


How the hell did Blood get the cure briefcase away from Slade.... And so soon after Slade just got it. What did Slade turn his head at some point and both Blood and the case were in his "blinddpot"???


Edited by Mokong
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That episode was much better. It was awesome, in fact. Some sappy dialogue not withstanding, they knocked it out of the park with the action and setpieces.


The weakest link was Blood and the briefcase. Not only did they let him waltz out with essentially the only thing that could beat them, but the way he just waited at his office afterwards as though expecting no repercussions.


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Starting watching this only 3 episodes in, so it's basically Batman but he was once trapped on an island? I kid but there are similarities to be drawn. Really excited to see where this all goes as there is clearly more than meets the eye. (Who else was on island, what is the deal with his mum?!)

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Great finale, perhaps up until the very end which just kinda fizzled out, rather than leaving you desperate for Season 3. That said, it's nice not to know what next season will be about at all.


@flameboy, yes, and I don't think you need to be too strict on spoiler tags for Season 1 :p

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thats just....terrible, for Routh that is...from palying superman to relegated to DC's TV universe, which is going to be completely seperate from the movie universe it seems what with Steven Amell confirming he won't be in the movie - which could mean no arrow too but it could see someone else cast as a version of Green Arrow in it


man its just going to be hard to not see him as Superman/Clark Kent

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thats just....terrible, for Routh that is...from palying superman to relegated to DC's TV universe, which is going to be completely seperate from the movie universe it seems what with Steven Amell confirming he won't be in the movie - which could mean no arrow too but it could see someone else cast as a version of Green Arrow in it


Didn't he also say that it doesn't mean that he's not in Justice League?

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Yeah, and he might just also be lying outright (but in JL would be my bet if any of it were true). Routh's casting could even hint that the universes are the same. If WB were confident enough for him to play Superman, I doubt they'd have a problem with him being in the movie universe.


Then there's the...


The Wayne Tech and Queen Inc merger at the end of the Flash pilot hints at a connectedness. AND on top of that, Routh is meant to have taken over Queen Inc, so maybe he could represent the TV side in the movies more than Stephen Amell, who they might not be too confident with in terms of acting. I dunno.


Edit: Plus, the 'Crisis' event date isn't exactly out of line with DC's schedule of movies, either.



Also, Nolan okayed The Flash which is hinting at a possible intention.


I'm not bothered if they aren't merged...but at the moment, and obviously this is all speculation...the groundwork is all there. I think WB could go either way.

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Hmm no he didn't outright rule out Justice League, i've just taken a more cynical route with DC as they've already shown they aren't wanting to emulate Marvel....I hope you guys are right because Amell seem the best bet for the Arrow and would instantly have a fan base and exposure for a movie...Marvels combined approach is one DC should emulate




If they do link up though...it would mean Gotham would eventually have to have Affleck in it (they said the show would end with Bruce becoming Batman) and any Robin's/Nightwings shown in the cinematic universe, given how we already know the TV shows are in the same universe


Although they could use different actors i suppose, given Afleck's relative Batman age compared to cinematic universe and how Gotham Pans out, but it would need to relatively similar looking actors but surely a cameo wouldn't be out of the question...

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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Good of you to use that spoiler tag, Cube. Unfortunately everywhere else I've seen it reported just put it in the headline :p


I hated Routh's acting in Supes returns so not exactly excited for his appearance. Although he was better in Scott Pilgrim.


I hope Arrow follow's SHIELD's example next season and has fewer breaks. I'd also like to see more connecting storylines instead of each story being wrapped up on a per-episode basis, again like SHIELD did towards the end of the first season. It's always really weak when a show has a great season opener, and you pretty much know that eps 2-8 will have almost no progress, then there might be a mid-season finale style episode where everything kicks off, then it will inevitably slow again. This kind of thing only happens on the monster-of-the-week style mid-low budget shows and it needs to be killed with fire.

Edited by Shorty
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Hmm no he didn't outright rule out Justice League, i've just taken a more cynical route with DC as they've already shown they aren't wanting to emulate Marvel....I hope you guys are right because Amell seem the best bet for the Arrow and would instantly have a fan base and exposure for a movie...Marvels combined approach is one DC should emulate




If they do link up though...it would mean Gotham would eventually have to have Affleck in it (they said the show would end with Bruce becoming Batman) and any Robin's/Nightwings shown in the cinematic universe, given how we already know the TV shows are in the same universe


Although they could use different actors i suppose, given Afleck's relative Batman age compared to cinematic universe and how Gotham Pans out, but it would need to relatively similar looking actors but surely a cameo wouldn't be out of the question...


Gotham being on a different network rules it out, I think.

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I don't know, Gotham is set during a different time. Arrow, The Flash and the DCCU could all happen at the same time. I don't really think Gotham is any different from Batman's solo book; it's set in the Gotham universe but it's basically all Batman.


Constantine is the only one that sticks out, imo.

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