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The Walking Dead


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This is what mine looked like.




So let's talk about the choices everyone made.



These weren't mine, I just got the image online. So I decided not to shoot the woman, the screams she was making were more funny than horrid or sad. I took Lilly with me, and I wonder what would have happened if I had decided to leave her. I'd say the group would say it's too cruel and take her anyway. I also wonder what would happen if you said you would go with her when she becomes free, but I'd say she would push you out of the van anyway.


I chose to shoot Duck, but that didn't really make a difference, and I pushed Omid off the bridge and then stuck out my hand for the woman first because she was the closest.


I don't even remember what the fighting Kenny thing is about.

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Anybody finished episode 3 yet?


Some shocking moments, like Lilly killing Carley (I assume she would have killed the guy if I'd chosen him in episode 1.) Was glad Duck died though, he deserved it after fucking around on that tractor causing Shawn to die.


Little shit.


Yes pretty shocking all round. Other unexpected things happened during the second thing you said.

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This is what mine looked like.




So let's talk about the choices everyone made.



These weren't mine, I just got the image online. So I decided not to shoot the woman, the screams she was making were more funny than horrid or sad. I took Lilly with me, and I wonder what would have happened if I had decided to leave her. I'd say the group would say it's too cruel and take her anyway. I also wonder what would happen if you said you would go with her when she becomes free, but I'd say she would push you out of the van anyway.


I chose to shoot Duck, but that didn't really make a difference, and I pushed Omid off the bridge and then stuck out my hand for the woman first because she was the closest.


I don't even remember what the fighting Kenny thing is about.


It was on the train where you have to convince him to stop it to "take care" of Duck. I fought him because I didn't think there was any other way.


I let Kenny shoot Duck. I didn't push Omid off the train but chose to save him first because he couldn't walk. The woman caught up to the train. Did Omid survive if you saved the woman first?


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Oh, I was able to reason with Kenny to get him off the train. I told him it wasn't his fault that Shawn died and he broke down.


Omid does survive, yes. Somehow.


Also, I didn't like that Duck died, I liked Duck. His detective work was funny, and he thought I was the most awesome person ever when I high fived him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It may be just the US as I read the news on IGN. I've not looked yet, though in order to get episode 2, I had to buy it through the in-game menu as it wasn't showing up on the Xbox store.


EDIT. I'm downloading it now through the in game menu

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  • 4 weeks later...



Genuinely heartbreaking stuff. Having to say goodbye to Clem without really knowing what was going to happen to her. The post credits scene was bizarre - don't think that was Omid and Christa in the distance.


One thing I was unsure about


If you'd left the food, would the crazy stranger still have come for Clem?




Gonna play it again and make completely different choices next time to find out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I can certainly sympathize with Rick after playing this. :blank:


I hope it's not racist that I'm excited to play as a black person for once.


Man, comic book Hershel is thin. And he has hair!


Ugh, Carley. Is it supposed to be ironic that she works at a radio station but has no idea how radios work? "Radio need batteries?" "What 'volume' knob do?" "Batteries go which way?"


I still save her over Doug, though. But I feel bad about it. It's mostly because Doug didn't really get to do much, while I went on a whole little adventure with Carley and Glenn. Plus I thought the way he asked if I wanted to go outside every time I tried talking to him was creepy. It was flattering that he flirted with me right before he died, though.


Don't leave, Glenn! Now who will I romance?


I'm sure Mark and I will be the best of fr- oh, he's dead.


So I have to pick four characters to feed and two of them are dead by the end of the episode. Ugh, such a waste of food.


Yes, let's trust the suspicious guys who invite us over to their house. That's going to end well!


Kenny keeps accusing me of not standing up for Ducky when Larry wanted to shoot him even though I did. Well, I'm sorry I didn't want to threaten to kill the guy we had just met, Kenny! No food for you.


Oh, Larry. Dude gets a heart attack in the middle of yelling at me and Lilly thinks I should feel bad for crushing his skull to keep him from killing all of us? Oh, Lilly.


So Carley shoots the bad guy in the ear to keep him from killing me, then he wrestles me to the ground and is about to kill me while Lilly stands there watching... where's Carley in all of this? Everyone just seems to stand back and wait for me to die. I hate to play the racism card, but come on.


So I've hated Ducky for two episodes and just when I'm starting to warm up to him (he thinks I'm awesome!), he gets bitten by a zombie.


I've been trying to help Lilly get it back together and I know she's only looking out for the best of the group in her own way, so when I see her pull out her gun, I'm prepared to talk her down and make up... and then she shoots Carley in the face.


At this point I'm furious, but I still let her back in the RV instead of leaving her to die... and then she steals the RV. Come on.


I choose to shoot Ducky myself because no man should have to kill his own son like that. Even if he is really annoying.


Christa and Omid seem nice. Omid gets pretty angry when I choose to save him over Christa, but I think this group needs some comic relief! Plus, Christa hadn't hurt her leg, so she could run faster. Come on, Omid. Think.


Oh, Chuck. We hardly knew ye.


The starved boy zombie is the most disgusting zombie yet. Shoot him, Kenny! Pretend it's Ducky.


So I have to go back to check the doctor zombie for tapes and I can't wait to see how I'm going to get back over the fence now that the exit we used the first time isn't an option anymore. And then I just teleport back.


I wish Ben would stop trying to get me to kill him. I didn't keep you alive this long just to kill you, Ben! I'm sure keeping you alive will pay off at some point.


I like Molly. She's cool. And she has the good sense to leave the group before I have a chance to get her killed.


"Hmm, I'd better check behind these boxes before picking up the cap so I don't get ambushed by a zombie." *Gets ambushed by a zombie anyway*


I choose to have my arm chopped off in the hopes of stopping the infection from spreading. I know it's probably too late, but this isn't the TV show, so maybe the rules are different? (They're not.)


So the one-armed man is jumping from the clock tower to the roof after ringing the bell to save everyone, and no one thinks to step closer and pull him up in case he doesn't quite make the jump? I hate to play the racism card... don't look at me like that, Christa.


Oh, Ben. Poor, bumbling, useless Ben. After all this, you fall to your death just like that? *Slow clap*


The Stranger's pretty judgmental for a guy who keeps his wife's head in a bowling bag.


I'm assuming the ending is just a sequel hook for Season 2, because it was pretty weird. All this time telling Christa and Omid to take care of Clem, and then they seemingly disappear? Bleh.


I always go into games with 'choices' assuming that they don't really matter, but at the same time, you never know, you know? So when people died and betrayed me, I wasn't sure if it was my fault or if it would happen anyway. Maybe if I hadn't defended Ben, Carley would still be alive? Maybe Lilly wouldn't have snapped if I hadn't killed Larry the way I did?


So it was really disappointing to find out that you really can't change anything. Not unexpected, but still disappointing. I realize there's only so much they can do (you can't go with Lilly in the RV, because then Episode 4 and 5 would be completely different), but so much of the tension in my playthrough came from deluding myself into believing that I had some semblance of control over who lived and who died. Season 2 won't have the same effect now that I know what kind of choice I can expect.


It's like Heavy Rain, I guess. "Oh man you can die and the game will still continue without that character I'd better be careful!" *Finds out after finishing the game that there are only five or so times in the game when a character can die*


It was still a great game, though.


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  • 1 month later...

I recently bought this in the xbox live sale. Thoroughly enjoyed it, made a nice change.


Just wondering when the next game is out and hopefully in the next series they can implement seperate gameplay paths at multiple points in the game so the choices you do make through the series really do have an impact how the game pans out throughout the series. Who lives, who dies? what towns you end up in, the friends and enemies you make and the ending. Imagine the replay value rither just for fun or for the achievment whores out there.

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Looking at carrying over save data for Series 2.




Haven't played this series yet, but tempted to give it a go, it did win Game of the Year after all!


May download the demo first though and see, though I imagine it's not fully representative of the experience.

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This is going to be more disappointing than your decisions carrying over between Mass Effect games.


From what I've played so far, if you choose not to do stuff, then someone else does it and the main thing that is different is the opinion the other characters have of you.

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Looking at carrying over save data for Series 2.




Haven't played this series yet, but tempted to give it a go, it did win Game of the Year after all!


May download the demo first though and see, though I imagine it's not fully representative of the experience.


You won't regret it. The script and voice acting is superb and I really had to hold myself back from crying during the end credits. Beautiful games.


I do think people are making too much of the 'your decisions don't have massive repercussions' argument. The whole point of the game is that whilst the end result is pretty much the same for everyone (especially emotionally), the entire journey there is dependent on the decisions you make. My experience for example will only apply to me and there will be others who made choices and immediately regretted/were happy with their choices. I won't play through the game again because I got what I wanted from it first time through, making decisions in the heat of the moment (and often regretting them lol).


Top game. GOTY for me alongside Journey and Virtues Last Reward.

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