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DIY Mafia: Reality vs Fiction

The Peeps

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The only person I could see possibly picking him is ReZ.

Thought the same :p


I agree that he mightn't be evil though. It might even just be his child army, rather than Kony himself. I was thinking that my character is real and this is called Reality vs Fiction, so was more willing to trust real characters. That said, the teleporting good guy fighter throws a spanner in those works :p


He was actually one of my choices, but Peeps didn't give me him. I am someone else.


Was he your first choice?


The tangled (no capital :( ) character finding himself at a loose end could be an outrageous pun for hair!


The teleporting fighter makes me think of Goku, but he'd probably not be defined by his teleportation.

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Night 2


A plump fool was attracted towards a pink, luminous, glowing ooze. It looked strangely warm and inviting… he reached out to touch it and was sucked in. A powerful force pulled an intergalactic detective closer to his own target but he still went home having accomplished nothing. Elsewhere in the town, the inebriated duo had stopped at a small pink object, they bent down to pick it up and found themselves bound by a length of wire.


An organised man was watching the pink ooze with some curiosity when he suddenly found himself in a completely different part of the town. When he got back to his original location he found a skilled fighter lying dead on the ground. An inspection of the body revealed lots of tiny scratches all over his skin, it looked like he had bled to death over some time.


DuD has been killed. He was Akuma from Street Fighter and could switch players between two targets via teleportation. He was good.


16 Players:









1 dead:




Majority is 9

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Does anyone know who targeted Dannyboy?


That reminds me, regarding day 1. I recieved some information as well, which states that Dannyboy is good.


Regarding last night. I was trying to reach my target, but was blocked from doing so.

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Thought his first post after the day began was his departing post, oh well.


Oh wow, good point. I didn't read the thread proper as I was at work and so I take it back, apologies.


Hey, Akuma does not die that easily! I'm guessing the opponent won via timeout.


As for me, I got nothing.


Mafiaaaaaaa! Though me neither. Interested in knowing why Aqui1a is likely townie, mainly because he hasn't said anything.

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I do not think he is townie because I was redirected to him (I think, if it was an intentional redirection, I may have been redirected to him because he is so inactive/not of any kind of concern to anyone), but I believe he is town due to the information I received, which for now I am not willing to reveal what that was.


(And I am also unconcerned about "painting a target on my back", before someone says that. :p)

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