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Assassin's Creed III


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Anyone think this will be playable on its own? Never played them before. Was planning on blitzing the other Assassins creed but dont think i'll have time..


Should Assassin’s Creed III Be Your First Assassin’s Creed?


With the impending launch upon us, it can be tempting to go back and play through all the other games before stepping up to Assassin’s Creed III. But if you managed to make it this far without playing any of the others, it might not be worth your time. Assassin’s Creed III has expanded upon the successful formula and is undoubtedly the biggest game in the series to date, making it the perfect entry point for players new to the series.


The Story So Far


Assassin’s Creed has always placed a heavy emphasis on narrative, but despite that, it hasn’t really pulled the threads together in a coherent way... yet. So far, our story follows the path of Desmond Miles as he uses the Animus to relive the memories of his Assassin ancestors while protecting them from the Knight Templars -- both in the Animus and the real world.


This all might sound a bit confusing, but thankfully there’s a “previously on Assassin’s Creed” wrap-up at the beginning that summarizes the story so far. It doesn’t cover everything, but it summarizes enough to get the main point across for new players. It also helps that each game in the series works as an independent experience. Sure, they might be better as a whole, but they can stand alone, both in terms of story and mechanics.


Assassin’s Creed III is the perfect place to jump in, as we saw the conclusion of the Ezio trilogy with Revelations. The clean slate means that there aren’t any unanswered questions hanging around like there were with Assassin's Creed I and II -- with the exception of some of the Desmond stuff. That has always taken a backseat to the ancestral action though, so it isn’t that critical.

Sounds all good!
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Just watched the new trailer. Really surprised how much of an anti-british sentiment it seems to have considering the fact that the developers have said how balanced it is from a story point of view.


EDIT: I'm also worried that this is going to fall into the realms of really predictable revenge story telling. I've never liked revenge stories as the always fizzle out or have an unsatisfying finish.

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It would seem i won't be getting this on launch day, thanks to a complete cock-up via Shopto. My order wasn't dispatched, i have the pre-order confirmation. And they have no trace of the order, so it would seem i gotta pay a higher price to get it compared to the £49 i had it for.

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It would seem i won't be getting this on launch day, thanks to a complete cock-up via Shopto. My order wasn't dispatched, i have the pre-order confirmation. And they have no trace of the order, so it would seem i gotta pay a higher price to get it compared to the £49 i had it for.


It doesn't come out untill 30 November for Wii U

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Sorrey but shouldn't this be in the other consoles thread
True the Wii U version will likely get it's own review.

But I should imagine it'll be pretty much the same, maybe a point or two either way depending on how it runs on the console, the Wii U's online, and what they make of having the map on the Gamepad etc...

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