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I'm a bit late to the debate but I'm loving the fact that every one is trying to crucify Sheikah for simply expressing his opinion.


I kind of agree with IGN's opinion on the graphics. In certain cases, the graphics look dreadful while in other cases, the graphics are quite impressive for the Wii. I'm not sure if any one on this forum has done it, but the amount of times I've seen Wii fanboys laugh at other consoles offerings as "brown and bloom shooter #10XXXXX" is astronomical and I'm seeing a lot of bloody brown and bloom in this game.


Only when I got to Stargazers Tower did I see some really nice colour to the graphics and it felt very impressive.


A lot of you seem to forgot the many aspects of the graphics mark and what it has to consider. Have you actually looked at the textures for the scenery? Bricks on the walls are blurry as shit, the water is very unconvincing and because of the lack of brightness in certain areas, it's very hard to distinguish between colours.


But, the character models are brilliant and still hold up very well in crowded fights, the art style is pretty nice and when it does get to an area that has a lot of colour, it looks amazing.


Does it deserve a 10? No, that would mean the graphics are unbeatable. Does it deserve a 5? No, that would imply it needs a lot of work. 7.5 sounds pretty reasonable to me.

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Just been playing a bit not progressed much, only did Chapter 20 which was enjoyable, though I started thinking given how the chapter started I thought maybe it was one of these "missable" ones so I made a duplicate save file during and after teh chapter. Went back to the previous file and did something else and sure enough I ended up skipping to 22 :heh:


Didn't save anything there and reverted back to teh save file where I did 20. Think I found where 21 will be but I got distracted by a few things while running around. The explorable area (so far) seems fairly small compared to the likes of Xenoblade (that's an understatement) but I still find running around enjoyable just in case there's an alley or street I hadn't seen before.


Ended up doing the Arena a few more times too... anyone know how do I get it to Season 2? I've done it 4 times now and it still says season 1?


Also while messing in the "Colours" options I realised I had two special Dyes in the "effects" section that I guess I got from playing online. I had remembered seeing I got dye type items but forgot to check them. Thought they were just new colours and was confused then when I saw I didn't have any new colours to choose from.


Then looked at the "effects" one and there they were. One is called "butterflies" which gives the character 3 or 4 butterflies constantly flying around them and teh second is a "halo" which gives a nice glow effect. So far not using the Butterflies but put the Halo on Mariana which I think suits her.


Still haven't gotten enough items to make some new proper colours though. Hoping to get some new colours soon to really change up the squad a bit.

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Chapter 20 is just so WTF?! that it's awesome.

The haunted mansion. Just comes out of nowhere and it's got a great sense of humour (LOL @ Yurick turning into a sissy! And the way that the characters get stolen from you just gets funnier and funnier

:laughing:) There's some cool moments that could even make RE blush (especially the bats that take away your health!) and the boss is awesome, especially with how it runs around the whole mansion! I'd love to see Sakaguchi make a whole RPG that's just set in a campy haunted mansion!

Easily the best chapter in the game so far (and it's missable, which in some respects makes it even better!)


So far, my opinion of the story has not really changed. It's still boring and the characters are also boring (though Syrenne does get a chuckle or two out of me!). The game has some great ideas and mechanics, but the extreme low difficulty (which makes the economy and item upgrade mechanics useless as a result) and the boring story/characters/world really drag down the experience. And while I don't mind a the game being very linear (it's not necessarily a bad thing), it doesn't help in making the world feel more alive and interesting.


It's like a slog with some really good highlights. The game has it's shining moments, but it's not enough to stand on its own without the other core aspects.

Edited by Dcubed
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Oh yeah I forgot to actually mention anything specific about Chapter 20 in my previous post but my thoughts very much echoed @Dcubed


I loved the part with opening the coffins. I was expecting skeletons or other enemies to appear. The first one I opened had Lowell inside and for a moment I was thinking maybe it was a lookalike (like the boss(es) from the Pirate Ship chapter) and just waited for him to attack me.


Loved the banter between him and Yurick afterwards too. :D



I did Chapter 21 last night, enjoyed that, really liked the boss too. Took me a while to figure out what to do so enjoyed that it wasn't a standard button bash affair and I had to think about what I was doing more and plan a bit too.


I then ran round the city for a bit more, finally collected enough items to buy some new dyes (Red and Khaki) so now have some good varitey in my team now rather than everyone in black/brown. I also unlocked the invisible dye for the bottom half too. Again I used it on Syrenne first and had her run around in her bra and panties for a bit. But then I reverted back to my armour set for her (Hunter Armour, with chainmail removed and Leather Greaves, with the waist cape removed, which I think looks sexy :D)


In my exploration I then found out how to get Fireworks to make that kid gaurding a chest in a tent by the river go away so that I could get to the chest inside.


(hint use the "Map" to instant travel somewhere particular)



I also found where Chapter 24 is too, but as the last one I did was 21 I figured best do things in order so reverted to a previous save again (luckily I save very regularly) and continued the story to get to 22 which I also did last night.


I enjoyed all the fights here, having to beat those spirits first before being able to attack the controlling mage was interesting. It wasn't till the 2nd fight though that I realised using Wizard Slayer arrows does more damage to does mages than my sword which helped speed things up.


The Boss took me ages though. Pretty much the same as the Chap21 boss but bigger and harder and as you to issue commands more frequantly to get Mirania to do the right moves. And I noticed if you issued a command to use Nature then after using it she tended to auto use that rather than Recover so you'd need to fill the gauge again and issue a command for recover to get a heal circle down in case of possesion in the next boss cycle.



I'm actually quite enjoying the game. The battles get more interesting the more skills you unlock and some of the boss battles make you have to plan things more than just straight up attacking. It seems to be a more "set piece" kind of game or level based which is odd for an RPG but you're still able to explore the world/city at your leisure at points which is nice.


There seems to be a nice amount of side quests though since there is no menu for keeping track of them they don't seem to be as important, more like extra distractors. But still nice that there are some out there to find. I think I've started some sort of Trading Quest too that started with a Sandwich, I've now got a book after trading a towel....

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Help. I think I have missed an instruction; I am about to start Chapter 25 but completely forgot where I need to go. I have had the cutscene with the Count who is going to meet me under the castle, but I can't find him.


Here you go. Just pick the chapter you need. Keep in mind the names ofthe characters are off the Japanese version of the game.



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One minute I'm having fun with this, the next minute I'm just bored and frustrated. I'm on Chapter 19, fighting with the necromancer. I'm stuck, I find it almost impossible, my team keeps dying. In fact, they are as good as useless.


I was just starting to like it too, I thought the story has picked up and the last few chapters were really enjoyable, then this!

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One minute I'm having fun with this, the next minute I'm just bored and frustrated. I'm on Chapter 19, fighting with the necromancer. I'm stuck, I find it almost impossible, my team keeps dying. In fact, they are as good as useless.


I was just starting to like it too, I thought the story has picked up and the last few chapters were really enjoyable, then this!


What kind of levels are you at Zechs?


I've not had any problems with any bosses untill the chapter 25 one (which I just beat... damn thing killed me twice)


Have you tried using all your skills? Can't remember what you would have at this point but if you have the "Command" skill make sure you keep getting Mirania to cast Heal, if you command her to cast Nature she'll more likely start casting that instead of Heal during normal battle.


Unless you need/want her to cast Nature, in which case just be sure to alternate between the two everytime you get to use Command so you're not stuck without heal circles.


If Dagran and/or Syrenne can use Full Guard have them use that to defuse heal circles when using command.


Also make sure you upgrade armour. Check your Equipment, you might have picked up better armour than what you got on or use Horace to upgrade since he's there. Same goes for weapons, don't get stuck using the same weapons you'll often pick up better ones. (And just incase you missed it as I didn't spot till after Chapter 10) Syrenne can carry TWO swords, make sure she always is.


Also don't forget your Arrows, especially Wizard Slayers, if I remember right that boss is the same as a standard magic user and Wizard Arrows do lots of damage.


Also take advantage of using your gathering to draw enimies away from allys so they might run to a heal circle. (If you got the Burst Skill remember to use that when it maxes out) Don't forget the wall climb too and to hide behind things and get s "Slash" attack.


It's alot more than just button bashing when it comes to the bosses you gotta remember all the skills you have at your disposal and know how to use them.



Anyway my own personal progress has now taken me to Chapter 27 and I'm hating that Jiril more and more... I really hope I can remove his head from his body at some point :mad:


After finishing Chapter 22 I ended up finding 25 first (already knew where 24 was) so reloaded again to get things done in order and took me awhile to find 23, think I got stuck similar to David but figured it out eventually :heh:



Enjoyed that chapter too...

Loved the Trials, especially the 1st one trying to save the boy and get him to the other side, was interesting having different objectives in order to win the fight.


Also enjoyed the boss fight with Asthar at the end and the QTE bits too. Though I really wish they had added motion control from teh Wiimote users for parts like that :(



After finishing 23 I already knew where 24 was, did a bit of running round the city first trying to find some Side quests. Found a treasure hunt game with a boy near teh sout gate I think it was. Amazingly I managed to guess off pure instinct where to find all 6 parts :D


Don't think there was anything special on 24 though but the boss again was a good one. Again love how the bosses require different tactics and not treated as just bigger enemies.


Chapter 25 then was a good one and that boss.. as mentioned before took me ages to beat... only the 2nd time so far that I saw the Game Over screen... the first was that bit right at the end of chapter 23... and then the first time that I saw the game over screen twice on the same boss :heh:


Think he beat me three times.... when I finally figured out what I was doing wrong it was a major facepalm moment :heh:


I didn't notice that Lowells Blizzard magic was causing the damned Kraken to heal :heh:


I could see that it was healling but I never made the connection to Lowells magic, I thought it was auto healing while hiding and using its tentacles so was trying to kill those faster thinking that would stop it healing :heh:


Was only when I had a part when there was one tentecle left and it was in a Blizzard circle so when I walked in my sword picked up a freeze attribute and I then noticed my attacks healing it rather than damaging it...GAH



And then 26 was a nice (and surprising) progression of the story. Saved then at the start of 27 so looking forward to see where things go from here.

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I must admit, the combat is the only bit I like about this game. The story and characters are all a bit meh for my liking... I really can't stand Zael.


Anyhoo I'm up to chapter 20-something (early twenties) and my team has been pretty much kicking everyones ass that I've come across, being able to revive team-mates so many times makes it a little too easy I think. I'm looking forward to the chapter 25 boss having read the post by @Mokong X\-C


I hope the story picks up a bit and the something happens that actually makes me care about the characters... the game just isn't clicking with me yet as a result.

Hopefully that'll provide a challenge!

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Well the Chapter 25 boss stepped it up slightly which was good to see but still not too much once you noticed the something during the battle.


I did that chapter before I did Chapter 23 too funnily enough which I'm guessing was the reason that 23 was such a pushover.


So Asthar is dead. I reckon Dagran did it, I started losing trust in him a few chapters back and I've just got a feeling it's him.


On a side note, Asthar had an absolutely wicked cheesy grin!


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I finished 27 and 28 last night, both were short but sweet


I liked getting to controll Calista in 27 and using the sleep arrows, nice bit of stealth, wish it was longer though.


28 then I messed up the first part twice or three times I think getting to the first door haha. Again though enjoyed that and wish it was a bit longer.



After 28 I then went roaming around the city a lot, found teh ability to dive into the river and got the 4th and 5th Dragon Skins I was looking for to give to that guy who asked for 5.


Also did a few of the Fortuneteller "Love" sidequest things.... don't know if they'll mean anything later in the game of if I have to do a certain number of them to get something?


Also @Hero\-of\-Time you said you finished the game in about 17hours? Did you miss a lot of chapters or not do much exploring the city/side quests? Cause I'm at 17hours now and only at chapter 28

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Also @Hero\-of\-Time you said you finished the game in about 17hours? Did you miss a lot of chapters or not do much exploring the city/side quests? Cause I'm at 17hours now and only at chapter 28


I did all the chapters but didn't spend alot of time doing many of the fetch quests around the city. I just didn't find them fun, nor did they seem to give any form of cool weapons or armour.

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Up to Chapter 36 now I think since like 25 there wasn't any missable chapters, it's been all bout the story progression since which I am enjoying.


While I don't mind Zeal I think Lowell if my fav (and who I'm likely to use online too)


I've still done some exploring of the city when I could looking for sides, found the guy who was looking for Dragon Skins and traded my 5 for...


Dragon Armour... need another 5 skins though to get the legs from him... I was hoping for a new weapon. The armour needs to be upgraded too so it's stats aren't great. I was about to up it to +1 but after that it needs items I don't have



I also found a sub-stage I guess in the river... no chapter number appeared... but the enemies there while only one level above me still managed to quickly kick my ass :heh:


Oh and finally got Season 2 of the Arena open.... think it became available after Chapter 28 or 29


After Chapter 32 then....


When you get to choose to Swear or Refuse to the Count, I was certain "swearing" was the correct choice so just to see what would happen I went with Refuse and the story developed more.


I then wondered if maybe this was actually a "game changes based on your choice" type of thing and got excited about the possiblity of different endings.... I then saved to a different file, reloaded the previous one and choose to swear this time expecting something different to happen but you just get an internal dialogue of Zeal going "am I sure about this" :heh:.


After the bit with Dagran on the bridge I was disappointed I didn't get to fight him but just in case I then changed his sword to the weakest one I have and his armour too as I got a feeling he'll be on the other side soon enough. (Considering I'm up to 36 now and he's been absent too). Although I guess if I do end up fighting him the game will prolly reequip him with better gear.



Also experienced my first really noticeable piece of frame rate dropping, was the intro to Chapter 34, frame rate got very choppy, but as I said that is really only the first time I noticed any frame rate issues.


The boss for 34 too was a good one. Took me a while to work out what to do to be able to get some proper hits on it. It killed me twice (one of it's attacks seems to be a onehit faint) but then worked out a good strategy to take it down. Again some thought into using Commands and Gales/Diffusing and knowing which moves to pick makes a huge difference (and pretty much required).



At 36 now, don't know how many chapters there are but I feel like I'm nearing the end soon.

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Beat Last Story yesterday. I totally loved it, beautifully crafted. I must admit the final two chapters felt unnecessary and, after so many highs throughout the game, they left me feeling a little disappointed. I'm so pleased NOE released the game - kudos to them.


Now, everyone please tag @dazzybee in this thread. He's being a knob and not buying Last Story. We must annoy him into this purchase.

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Beat Last Story yesterday. I totally loved it, beautifully crafted. I must admit the final two chapters felt unnecessary and, after so many highs throughout the game, they left me feeling a little disappointed. I'm so pleased NOE released the game - kudos to them.


Now, everyone please tag @dazzybee in this thread. He's being a knob and not buying Last Story. We must annoy him into this purchase.


Has he bought Xenoblade Chronicles as that's more of a must-have than this?

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Sir @dazzybee, I am lead to believe that you are the end of a bell. I find this disturbing.


Though really, I can't point fingers, I've at least taken one step further and BOUGHT this, but I have yet to actually play it as I kinda wanna finish up with Xenoblade first. Then again, I'm reluctant to actually finally nail its coffin, what's the playtime on this like? Might give it a run through and keep xenoblade in reserve hiatus.

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