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In case you didn't hear it on Facebook, or even shockingly looked out of your own window to find out for yourself, it's the annual, it's snowing thread!


Snow really ballses me up work wise. I did a lesson earlier nearly crashed a couple of times, but what galls me is our local council are a bunch of hopeless spunkbubbles. Our neighbouring town's (Bury) main roads are fine, but Bolton is one big snowy car park, due to the main roads being snowed up, even though there can't have been more than an inch fallen. So even if you do drive, it takes ages to get anywhere so there's no point in working.


It's pathetic. So I'm probably gonna have a couple of days off, drink tea and watch Boardwalk Empire.

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Just started snowing here a minute ago but very light so far. Dont worry though everyone, I will update you later if it gets worse!


EDIT 1: Its stopped now

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Started snowing here in Gloucestershire about an hour ago.


Only quite fine snow, but it's settling... so might have to go and get out some library books now, in case it doesn't stop!


It's certainly damn cold enough for it to keep going and stay settled.

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They keep saying it's going to snow here in Nottingham, but I've yet to see any.


I await that moment when I go to sleep and all is well, then when I lift my head the next day - BAM! Winter Wonderland.


EDIT: Less than a minute since posting it's started snowing. I am God of the Weather.

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It's been snowing regularly the past couple of days. Our weather guys are very focused on the fact that it's Siberian cold we're getting!

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Our weather guys are very focused on the fact that it's Siberian cold we're getting!

Yes! I read that also. Plus there may be a gas shortage because the Russians are being greedy or something.


Either way, every time I set off to work I'm freezing, and when I'm five minutes away I have to start derobing as I start getting too warm.

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Snowing in Monmouthshire, see




It's gotten heavier since lunchtime, wasn't any until then.

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It's been white here since Monday. Snowed again yesterday and it's been freezing like crazy. We're not used to these low temperatures. Last night we hit -18°. I know that's nothing compared to some places, but we're not used to this. =P


Anyway I hope the snow and cold will stop soon 'cause I'm not a huge fan. It's fine when I can stay inside, but if I'm gonna have to go out (especially in a car) I'd prefer the roads to be snow free.

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I went outside and was quite surprised to see we had snow as well.




I don't know what everyone is worried about. Sure, he's a bit arrogant, but he's not too bad. His heart is in the right place.

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I heard on the radio yesterday that it was so cold in Poland(?), -30 or something, that birds were dropping out of the sky!?


Can any of our members confirm this?

Edited by Retro_Link

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I don't know about birds, but apparently this week about 260 people in Europe have died because of the cold. =/

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Hoping the snow stays away from here til after monday.... got to take the car with fubar'd clutch to the garage.... fubared clutch + snow is really an accident waiting to happen!!

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Sheffield's only received a light dusting of snow so far, but I did find it funny that it happened while I was working in my room, and I wasn't expecting to find this view at all...



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Been snowing for hours here. I'm at work and I'll probably/hopefully be sent home at 7 so I can actually get home. Severe weather warning for 9pm :D

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The snow has been settling here but from what I can see the roads are still pretty clear so hopefully it'll stay that way.

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No snow here. However my business for the weekend is done, I'll settle for a duvet day indoors tomorrow if it pelts it down tonight.

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Radio says that there'll be 6 inches of snowfall in London tonight. In Dublin, it seems to have gotten a degree or two warmer compared to the past few days/nights, so hopefully no snow for us!

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