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This is lovely. A friend that I went to Uni with is deaf and has made this video for the band The Levellers.



It's the official video for the song. I had no idea she was doing this and apparently it was kept pretty quiet. So utterly brilliant. :D


Not only is that music video brilliant, the music is really great as well! :D I'm definitely going to check out more of their stuff! :) Love it!

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The third episode of Mario Warfare is finally up, and it is as awesome as the others! :D



Wasn't even aware the second had arrived! *goes to watch that first*


Not sure if awesome, but whilst I'm here; This little guy is 65 years old today apparently!



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This is pretty awesome,




Japan commuters free woman trapped under train


Dozens of Japanese commuters worked together to help a woman who fell between the platform and the train during rush hour in Tokyo.


The unidentified woman, in her 30s, slipped into the gap at Minami-Urawa station, north of Tokyo, on Monday morning, as she got off the train.


Station officials asked commuters to help tilt the carriage so that the trapped woman could be freed.


The woman was pulled from the gap and had no major injuries.


A photographer from Japan's Yomiuri newspaper captured the image of the passengers in action, who applauded when the woman was freed.


The train carriage was able to tilt because of its suspension system, the paper reported.


The train was sent on its way after a delay of just eight minutes, the paper said.

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Stealing this one from IFLS on facebook, but I really can't get over how awesome this is. I just keep looking at it. The Uropyia meticulodina, found in china and taiwan, has some remarkable camouflage!




I've always loved moths and butterflies and how some of them have remarkable camouflage, but I think this is one of the best I've seen.

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Stealing this one from IFLS on facebook, but I really can't get over how awesome this is. I just keep looking at it. The Uropyia meticulodina, found in china and taiwan, has some remarkable camouflage!




I've always loved moths and butterflies and how some of them have remarkable camouflage, but I think this is one of the best I've seen.


The one thing I remember from my first N-E meet was where you were talking about your love for butterflies.


If you love them so much, why don't you marry them, huh?!

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While that is the leafiest leaf i've ever seen that isn't a leaf, i'm not sure it takes it's leaf mimicry to the level of behaving like a leaf would when stepped on.


In other words, it would probably fly off if you were about to stand on it.


I'm with you on the crunchy leaf thing though. I will go far out of my way to step on a leaf if it looks particularly crunchy.

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The one thing I remember from my first N-E meet was where you were talking about your love for butterflies.


If you love them so much, why don't you marry them, huh?!




I'd probably have killed it unwittingly. I'm the type who'd go out of their way to step on a crunchy leaf, and that thing looks particularly satisfying to crunch.


I dunno, that's actually only how it looks from the side. It's still pretty funky from up-top though a tad less leafy-looking to the human eye methinks.

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