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What difficulty do you play life on?


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I'm pretty sure it's cool as long as every moral choice you ever make is evil.


Well once you reach a certain level, NPCs start treating you as bad/evil, so it's kind of hard to recover from it.


Much easier to start out good, then a quick killing spree will soon turn it the other way.

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We need moor fredz like dis, it's classic :D


But about the main quest being the Relationship quest.... My emotional cut-scenes are so 'in your face' I dunno whether to be confused or happy (uncertain which path to take and how correct will the path that I take be), but I know one thing; I can't wait to see the last cinematic scene - open ended!


Of course this game has stupid amounts of replay value so it won't end until I'm Game Overed.... Until 'Life 2' which is played on 'Sphere 360 2' :laughing:

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Someone was talking about the Relationship Main Quest? Guys, that thing is glitched to buggery, requires the "Fancy Restaurant" Patch after every crash and you need all sorts of DLC like "shoes" "Jewellery" and "Trips Abroad".


Then once you complete the "Wedding Day!" Questline, all the fun goes and you have to either restart the whole thing or settle into a bunch of boring Fetch Quests that give diminishing returns.


Unless of course you download the "Mistress/Boytoy" Content Pack, but frankly, that's just as buggy and can end up crashing the game completely and take all your achievements with it.

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There's no way relationship should be considered a main quest.


I highly disagree.


Although I do think we should adopt the same method used in Skyrim - everyone looking to complete the quest should wear some kind of necklace or amulet.

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I highly disagree.


Although I do think we should adopt the same method used in Skyrim - everyone looking to complete the quest should wear some kind of necklace or amulet.


How sad are we? I was just coming in to post the same thing...

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*Sees woman with necklace"

Me: "Are you interested"

Her: "Yes":

Me: "Let's get married!"

Her: "Yays!"


Her: "Wait, so all I do is sit around the house, make dinner and give you money whenever you ask?"

Me: "Pretty much. Now I'm off out adventuring."

---Years Later---

Her: "I'm leaving you. You've stopped doing your adventuring and I can't live with you any more."

Me: "But it's not my fault! I used to be an amazing adventurer."

Her: "You used to be a nice guy, too. What happened to you?"

Me: "I took an arrow in the knee."

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*Sees woman with necklace"

Me: "Are you interested"

Her: "Yes":

Me: "Let's get married!"

Her: "Yays!"


Her: "Wait, so all I do is sit around the house, make dinner and give you money whenever you ask?"

Me: "Pretty much. Now I'm off out adventuring."

---Years Later---

Her: "I'm leaving you. You've stopped doing your adventuring and I can't live with you any more."

Me: "But it's not my fault! I used to be an amazing adventurer."

Her: "You used to be a nice guy, too. What happened to you?"

Me: "I took an arrow in the knee."


I sort of imagine that her final quote would be along the lines of a patronising:


"Come to talk to an old woman, do your good deed for the day, hmm?"

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I'm not sure what difficulty I'm playing on right now. I seem to do alright for money as I get given £200 now and then for no particular reason. However, this is countered by my frequent (but short) prison stays. I'm never sure which laws I'm breaching.

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I, on the other hand, fully expect to save the world at some point.


Expect no more for that is my destined task. I have inherited a legacy that I must chase to accomplish this and depending on my decisions I will either be The Hero or The Villain of The Hero. :bouncy:


... Yeah, I don't personally consider Relationship my main quest, that's domestic stuff!


Who's up for a fight club on SSBB? uLot have hyped me ap!!

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I'm not sure what difficulty I'm playing on right now. I seem to do alright for money as I get given £200 now and then for no particular reason. However, this is countered by my frequent (but short) prison stays. I'm never sure which laws I'm breaching.


Are you comparing a horrible place like the job centre to a place with free rent, free food, comfy accommodation, free gym access as well as free access to TV and video games?

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