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Just to let you know it's "catastrophic" -- I know english isn't your first language and I hope you don't mind me pointing it out : peace:


my girlfriend was all excited when I said I'd go on a run with her, but she quickly got frustrated with my ineptitude. I have to say that it did certainly contribute to me not bothering to go for another run :P


Heh, right you are. Don't know how I got that word - if anything, I think I wanted it to be 'catastrophical'. But no, I don't mind, thanks!

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Stick some weighted lunges in there, definitely one of the best leg workouts there is other than squats. Need to make sure you're stick in some upper chest work too, Incline Bench Press and Incline Flys work really well. Can't beat good old fashioned push - ups too.


If anything I enjoy the gym for a sly perv, nothing like the sight of some decent ladies to keep you motivated during that last set :heh:


I like to perv at the fittie personal trainers doing their weight work... Muscles.....mmmmmm....




I keep bruising myself at the gym, think I'm slapping myself with the viprs (they're like rubber coated log style weights) and ive got a nice big bruise popping up beside my knee today! Also blisters on my hands... I really need to start paying attention instead of perving......


+0.8 over the last two weeks. I have every confidence that my eating is more than acceptable. I'm not putting on any weight width wise, definitely getting smaller, and got muscles popping up everywhere. :) muscles go!


And now for the gymmmmmm :D


Also I bought gloves for the above mentioned hand problems I've been having so will be giving those a go today :D

+0.8 over the last two weeks. I have every confidence that my eating is more than acceptable. I'm not putting on any weight width wise, definitely getting smaller, and got muscles popping up everywhere. :) muscles go!


And now for the gymmmmmm :D


Also I bought gloves for the above mentioned hand problems I've been having so will be giving those a go today :D


Good effort, muscles are heavier than fat so as long as you're losing fat and building muscle you're doing well.


Although I would personally ditch the weights apart from 1-2 workouts a week and concentrate solely on calorie burning and fat stripping cardio!


Wish I could take my own advice though - cardio is just so damn boring! I've actually dropped a bit of weight but my aim is to lose another few kilos before I go on holiday so my body is a state of perfection.


I'd rather go to work than do cardio, even with the way things are at the mo :p just find it so dull and boring. I might do a cycle with my weigh ins, I will weigh in every four weeks and cycle my routine..


Day 1-7 - weights 4x

Day 8-14 - weights 4x

Day 15-21 - weights 3x cardio x1

Day 22-28 - weights 1x cardio x4

Day 29 weigh in


In a twist to the thread's usual theme, after a concentrated effort to get 3 oblong meals a day not matter what for the last couple of months I'm back up to just under 10.5 stone. It'd definitely made a positive difference to my energy levels too, though I won't be going back to the gym anytime soon. The karate classes I've started taking are a pretty good fit right now, in the new year I'm going to throttle my boss until I get a schedule to let me attend them more frequently, if not a better schedule in general.


I personally enjoy cardio. I enjoy the feeling of knowing i'm fitter than the majority of people I meet. Resistance training is important, no doubt but if your goal is concerted weight loss, you need to be putting in the hours cardio wise. You should really be logging more cardio sessions than weight sessions.


Who says that cardio doesn't involve weights? Kettlebells are actually more cardio-based weights than anything and if you just move them the farthest (not furthest, right?) distance in the smallest amount of time possible, you will automatically get a HBR worthy of a cardio-workout, if not more even. And many people have enjoyed great results from this kind of cardio as it's simply not as 'boring' as ordinary "run 5 miles"-cardio workouts and they are better at pushing themselves.


Personally, I enjoy switching between these kind of workouts. For instance, I went indoor cycling the other day, 20 minutes of hard cardio, then the day after that I did a "Fight gone bad", 3 sets of 1 minute work at five different exercises (here it was rowing, KB swings, atomic sit-ups, wallballs, and push-ups) which was very cardio-ish and it pushed your muscles.


I've never had a high as clean and as euphoric as one coming off a triumphant cardio workout. I do tend to get bored easily, but pushing yourself is more than worth it for the results.


God's drugs. By damn he makes you work hard for 'em.


Having done both types of exercise I have to say I'm more of a weights girl :P although I do employ an element of cardiovascular conditioning because my hr is always high whilst I exercise, and I do try to limit having too many lengthy breaks between sets.


I was at the gym today... Wow it was quite busy!


Have upped my weights significantly in the past wee while:


Kettlebell double handed swing - (started at 8kg) 16kg

Trx rotational row

Clean and press (started at 10) 20kg

Needle thread (started at 8) 16kg

Kettlebell single handed swing - (started at 8kg) 12kg

Trx reverse lunge and row

Squat up and chop (started at 8kg) now 12kg

Lunge and sweep (started at 8kg) now 12kg


Do 10-12-15 reps of them all, in a circuit, and the last two are left and right (so double reps).


My body has changed dramatically since starting this routine (about 8 weeks ago) I've got a lot less fat and a lot more muscle. My body is strong in ways I didn't expect, like balance and such. I've also started to do yoga after my session to work on my flexibility, and it has had positive effects on my mindset after a workout. Normally I'd feel a bit chaotic but I find the cooling down effect of the yoga settles me down nicely so I leave the gym incredibly calm and happy. :)


Also I do believe I've lost weight over Christmas as I had to tighten my bum bag, it fell off me!!!


I've been doing 5k on the treadmill after my weights routines and frankly, it's beating the shit out of me. Does anyone have trouble sleeping after a hardcore workout, because I've been waking up two to three times every night and having difficulty getting back to sleep?



I'm the opposite, Bard, after a good workout I alway sleep really well.


Are you taking any supplements?


Haven't been to the gym in a while cos of Christmas... Body is in a terrible state because of all the eating and boozing. No beer and fast food January on the horizon!

I've been doing 5k on the treadmill after my weights routines and frankly, it's beating the shit out of me. Does anyone have trouble sleeping after a hardcore workout, because I've been waking up two to three times every night and having difficulty getting back to sleep?



When do you work out? One should be done with the work out at least 3 hours before going to sleep or else it could disrupt one's sleep.


Nah Charlie, they only thing I take on a regular basis is a pretty bog standard pea protein isolate shake. I think it might just be to do with the fact that I have generally elevated cortisol levels, which running doesn't really help over the short term. It's a pretty great mood booster though, so I reckon after a few weeks it should balance out and my sleep won't be too erratic.


Urgh. Finding a gym is difficult!


Ideally I'd want somewhere that had a pool because I like swimming and because my back/muscles are so screwed that I've been told swimming would be good exercise for them. Everywhere that has a pool is expensive (around the £50 mark). So thought I'd go for somewhere cheaper and then just swim on top, but I think that will still work out about the same if I swim once a week, plus I'd be travelling further. Why can't I just find a good gym, nearby and at a reasonable cost (okay, the "nearby" and a "reasonable cost" cancel each other out really).

I remember the QMUL gym being pretty good and fairly cheap. Why don't you go for that and then go to Mile End Pools for a swim occasionally?


Because it would amount to around the same* as going for a swim once a week, whereas if I joint a gym with a swimming pool I could go more often. QMUL is £36 (or £27 if I go off-peak). The ULU gym has a pool but is a bit out of the way at the moment. May join just before leaving QMUL though.


*assuming that swimming costs about £4 as all the local pools are part of the 'Better' group that don't list prices on their website because they're douchebags.


(We need either a new thread or a new thread title?)


Well, that was 2012. I have logged every single exercise session on Endomondo to see my activity level and this is the result:



I have also added every kilometer that I have ridden on my bike as transport each week, and I'm surprised that it actually amounts to a lot of hours (the yellow part of the bars) over a week. The pinkish parts are crossfit (or actually cross training which I until recently thought was crossfit but it was, in fact, time on cross trainers :grin: ) and weight training, and purple is walking, while blue is swimming (not done much of that).


There's a girl I've seen at the gym quite a lot, when I first saw her she was pretty big. She always works really hard and I saw her tonight and I can see she is getting slimmer! Effort is the key! It does actually work.

There's a girl I've seen at the gym quite a lot, when I first saw her she was pretty big. She always works really hard and I saw her tonight and I can see she is getting slimmer! Effort is the key! It does actually work.


Those are good girls to go for. Give them encouragement early on and they'll remember you where they're a slamming hottie. ;) (Stinson, 20XX (paraphrased)).




I can rename the thread but perhaps it's nicer to have chapters to all this. One of you should feel free to make a new thread for the new year. I'll lock this one after that.

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