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N-Europe London Meet 2012 - 30th June!


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I'm sorry to have left this so late but I'm not going to make it unfortunately :( I've been majorly low on funds for a while now (first pay cheque from my new job isn't until the first week of August) and it's looking like I'll be having to survive on about £30 a week throughout July. I was hoping to get a short term bit of help from my mum but it's not going to be enough for me to spend some this weekend.


Majorly gutted as funds were the exact same reason I couldn't attend last year. Bahh. The life of a student.

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No money equals no meet for me either this year.


But have a good time guys!


Hope London avoids all this rain!


Also, there's a bikini party at a club on Trafalgar Square, if you nerds fancy choking down some disco biscuits and gawping at scantily clad ladies.

Although suddenly a lack of money doesn't seem important! :p
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I'm sorry to have left this so late but I'm not going to make it unfortunately :( I've been majorly low on funds for a while now (first pay cheque from my new job isn't until the first week of August) and it's looking like I'll be having to survive on about £30 a week throughout July. I was hoping to get a short term bit of help from my mum but it's not going to be enough for me to spend some this weekend.


Majorly gutted as funds were the exact same reason I couldn't attend last year. Bahh. The life of a student.


It's at times like this I wish we had a dislike equivalent to the Thanks button :(

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Well, at least Jimbob made it to London.


He's going to be so disappointed when no one else shows up.


If no-one else shows, I'm declaring myself honerable member of the year. N-europe meet 2012 starring just me.


So far, weather is good. Had closure on my old job, visited the Olympic park earlier.

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I'll be there at around 1pm, although I may have to bring a couple (non N-E) mates with me.


How bloody dare you. Someone get the banhammer!


I was hoping to arrive by 10/10:30ish, but I've come to realise I haven't even gone to work as early as that this week and work's like 10 minutes away, so I'm almost convinced I'll be 'late' to this.

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Me and Charlie were going to meet for a drink or 2 today, but due to how far we've got to travel and tube times, its not feasable. We'll save the drinks for tomorrow.


Bit of bad news as well, there is no fez this year. I may have slightly forgotten it.

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Apparently the weather ain't looking as pretty as it was, at least not until gone 12. Even with rain then sun we'll still get soggy bums, so if it comes down to it being terrible weather whilst everyone arrives there are two options.


1.) Head to cockpit like last year to meet and hide under a bridge with cute ducks and poo; when established in enough of a contingency, head to The Red Lion on Kingly Street(5ish min from oxford circus station iirc, 15-20min from Poo Arches), with some sort of preparations for the down pouring rain that will strike you on the timely walk there. If it really picks up sunwise I'd love to go back to the park, but that's all upto the folks. We may even be able to find temporary stopping points during the rain, a bit like the weird black box(that I still don't understand) from last year.


2.) Head straight to The Red Lion on Kingly Street and hope for the best. I will recommend two reasons to not do this, and one to; 1.) No one else will be there, 2.) It apparently doesn't actually open til eleven 1.) You will be much dryer yet much less awesome.


So, yeah, will see how it is I guess. Remember folks, I'm a late-ass motherfucker, but nonetheless should be available mobile-wise on 07763 960 933, I advise others swap numbers etc if neccessary. If any of the ReZ contingency are happy to share a number with people who might need, that could be handy!



My phone/number above has a terrible tendency to crap out without me realising. If this may pose an issue, I'd advise getting either an alternative number from someone else going or if worst really comes to worst sending me a PM to become one of the more privileged people to have my actual number that I use for real things.

Edited by Rummy
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