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N-Europe London Meet 2012 - 30th June!


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Attendance! Not in a spoiler box cos I cannae be arsed.










The Bard








Frag Grimes













Who is planning on coming?


















For hostels, staying etc, you'll have to try and arrange amongst yourselves. I know that ReZourceman is usually quite good with that stuff!


I'll offer a contact number for myself closer to the time for people who need to get in touch etc.


In case of rain;

Here are two quick pictures I took of le place;

Up the stairs and to the left;



Turn yourself around



Quite spacey! It's the Red Lion, on Kingly street(parallel to Carnaby), quite close to Oxford Circus tube(~5min walk if that), and for the otherwise keen eyed of you, not too far from Trocadero either(does anyone know what's going on with that??) It's dead. This is of course, only a rainy day plan, otherwise it's business as usual in the park of hyde! Here's some maps for location and distance from the park(probs a ten minute walk, but there wasn't much good/close by in the way of sam smiths),




Relative to Hyde Park;






(tl;dr Would like to know availability, and if the olympics affect travelling/staying costs)


Availability spreadsheet! BrightGreen = Preferred, DarkGreen=Yes, Red=No, Orange=Maybe - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsSUjifVyb_PdHVSQXlLYko3R1MxMXp1bjVsMGpBVkE (Totally stolen from modwin)

**there's now a key to the right of all the dates on the spreadsheet, my bad**


Righto! 2012 is upon us. The meet is almost a classic tradition for the community now, and so...I wish to start getting it planned!


Why so early/preliminary thread, you ask? Well, this year is the olympics, and I have no idea how that will affect things. Will I do the research? Probably not, as I don't know where everyone is coming from and so it's almost impossible for me to do so. Essentially this is what I know; the olympics opening ceremony is apparently on 27th July, this MAY(i have no idea) mean that prices for travel/stay for the few weeks previous to this could be ridiculous. They may not. I just don't know!


So what's this thread for? Well, firstly, availability/preferred dates of all forumites from the 1st of June through til 31st July. Secondly, and possibly more importantly, for those travelling from afar to look into prices and let us know when it is cheapest for them to travel/come down london way/if the olympics are raping this.


For the record, the N-E meetup plan is fairly standard. Hyde Park Cockpit, from early, on a weekend(sat), hostelling(poss fri for early arrivals) for those that choose(again, not me, but we have regulars who tend to whip up arrangements on this front). This year however, in the event of rain, I intend to have a semi-solid planned backup pub/drinking establishment closeish to Hyde Park that will most likely be a Sam Smiths. The reasons for this? Last year got a bit shambolic, last year then got a bit awesome; namely when everyone got to sit down in le pub and most of all, Sam Smiths are generally all over london and not all that bad pricewise. IF anyone has any better ideas, the meetup is of course more than welcome to suggestions! I don't have a specific place/venue in mind yet, as I need to head up town and check some out, but once I do, I'll post! This is why this is the preliminary thread.



So uhhh....yeah? Discussion etc? Anybody with something else to say, feel free to throw it in!



EDIT: Last year's main thread.

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If you can, try and find one without those tiny booths - those were the main problem with the pub, it pretty much cut us up into smaller groups.


Also, I'd like to say right now that I'll be busy on the 7th/8th July due to the London Film and Comic Con (just looked at the site and OMG Jewel Staite!).

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It might be worth looking at a slightly earlier meet, and definately ruling the couple of weeks before the Olympics start because hotels are gonna be booked up, and prices will go up.


Not that any of that matters seeing as flights are on @jayseven to N-E AUS Fest 2012!


Aye, I'd been thinking it for a few weeks now, so I thought it might be worth getting the planning in early to accommodate. I'm obviously good for any time at all, but I appreciate that many of you need notice to plan/price/book etc and I can imagine there's nothing more annoying than being caught short.


If you can, try and find one without those tiny booths - those were the main problem with the pub, it pretty much cut us up into smaller groups.


Also, I'd like to say right now that I'll be busy on the 7th/8th July due to the London Film and Comic Con (just looked at the site and OMG Jewel Staite!).


Good thinking! I'll see what the nearby places are like. If anyone actually knows of a good Sam Smith's nearby, let us know!

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I didn't have all day to spend with y'all last year, and I let the weather get the better of me. It kinda sucked reading on here about how mega funz were had after I left... as if you all planned to wait for me to go... and now this year I won't be there and it'll be great fun again...


I'm starting to see a pattern.

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PERSONALLY, I'd rather not do first weekend of June(2nd-4th June, Queen's Jubilee) as it's both mine and my friend's birthday, but if it really turns up as the day in mind, then I guess I'll have to make it!


Who did the cool spreadsheety thing last year? I might get something like that going again? Was it @Mr_Odwin?


EDIT: Availability spreadsheet - Also now in first post - Green for available, Orange for maybe/secondary choice, red for not. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsSUjifVyb_PdHVSQXlLYko3R1MxMXp1bjVsMGpBVkE (Totally stolen from modwin)

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There's a good deal of effort involved (and money, but that's the lesser issue), and I am not good at handling such things, particularly not on my own. :hmm: I guess it's not impossible, but it's not very likely, either.
Who's the closest N-E member to you... any chance of linking up with someone else to make anything easier for you. Is it the travelling plans you're worried about?
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Didn't you go to London again fairly recently? No reason you can't use some of that student loan money to go to the next meet. ;)


Yup, and that also nearly killed me. :heh: Jokes aside, it took a lot out of me, especially since it was a quick trip in a school weekend, and I even had a friend with me at that time. I am not good at handling the pressure of travelling to foreign countries, and I can't even imagine myself doing it on my own. I only went that weekend because it was a dream of mine to experience the band I went to see live and because it could very well be my only chance.

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Who's the closest N-E member to you... any chance of linking up with someone else to make anything easier for you. Is it the travelling plans you're worried about?


I'm not sure who that would be ... Magnus is actually a plausible candidate, though I don't know where in Sweden he lives.


It's not the travelling plans per se, it's more that there are so many things I worry about, plus I'm always anxious in unfamiliar situations. All of this is pretty closely linked to my old autism diagnosis, of which this is one of the strongest remnants.


It's time for Magnus to swoop in and be our new favourite Scandinavian by travelling the furthest anyone has travelled to make a meet ;)



Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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To be fair, any date is fine for me. I've loved every meet so far, that i'm determined to go to the next no matter what. The way work is atm, i don't give a monkeys what they say anymore. They have a rule for one, rule for another and a rule for others.


I will be in London the day before the meet (i like museums), so am available for a drink upon the evening. The offer is open to all.

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PERSONALLY, I'd rather not do first weekend of June(2nd-4th June, Queen's Jubilee) as it's both mine and my friend's birthday, but if it really turns up as the day in mind, then I guess I'll have to make it!
Is there going to be an event held in London for this? If so, just rule that weekend out.
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I'm in. Both Saturday and Sunday. The N-E Meet is one of the highlights of my year.


If we sort out a date early enough, I'll be able to book off the Friday and Monday. This will hopefully allow me to do several things:


Pick up Dannyboy from the airport on the Friday

Drop him off again on the Monday

He can stay with Me and ReZ (and whoever else joins us this year) in London on the Saturday night and with me at my place the other nights


Basically me and ReZ (if he doesn't mind booking the hotel again this year) will take care of everything UK side. Hopefully that should make things a bit easier for him.


That said, no pressure Danny. If it's too expensive/much hassle to get flights etc, I don't think anyone can blame you for not wanting to spend that much for a weekend away.

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I'm in. Both Saturday and Sunday. The N-E Meet is one of the highlights of my year.


If we sort out a date early enough, I'll be able to book off the Friday and Monday. This will hopefully allow me to do several things:


Pick up Dannyboy from the airport on the Friday

Drop him off again on the Monday

He can stay with Me and ReZ (and whoever else joins us this year) in London on the Saturday night and with me at my place the other nights


Basically me and ReZ (if he doesn't mind booking the hotel again this year) will take care of everything UK side. Hopefully that should make things a bit easier for him.


That said, no pressure Danny. If it's too expensive/much hassle to get flights etc, I don't think anyone can blame you for not wanting to spend that much for a weekend away.


Wow. That really means a lot to me. :blush: And it could very well make the whole difference for me; like I said, it's not really the money that's the main issue, it's my anxiety of travelling to a foreign country. If all you mention there could be taken care of, it would be an enormous relief for me. I might very well be able to handle the trip, then. :)


All right - for now, sign me up! :awesome:


I'll need to check when my holiday begins and if my parents have any plans involving me this summer, but otherwise I should be free to go whenever.

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Wow. That really means a lot to me. :blush: And it could very well make the whole difference for me; like I said, it's not really the money that's the main issue, it's my anxiety of travelling to a foreign country. If all you mention there could be taken care of, it would be an enormous relief for me. I might very well be able to handle the trip, then. :)


Yeah I figured that the hassle would be the main problem. Just let me know if you make any plans and I'll take care of what I can over here!


So yeah, we all need to settle on a date as soon as we can! I just checked and I'm free all of June and July. I have no preference to date.

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