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Black Mirror


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Well I was blown away.


Charlie Brooker's three twisted tales, mini-horrors of the twitter-age began on Sunday with "The National Anthem". Telling you what it is about would spoil the surprises but basically... it is a dark, sick and bizarre but utterly believable story about the Prime Minister being ransomed via YouTube.


Watch on 4oD - http://www.channel4.com/programmes/black-mirror


I almost cried at the end. And as always with Brooker, there are many laughs, but the thing you think you'll laugh at ends up being genuinely depressing.

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I'd been waiting for this for a good while, and it delivered. It's quite amazing how such a twisted concept that could easily be deemed a sick joke when looking at it on paper actually made for gripping drama and prompted a lot of thinking throughout the duration.


It was never outright funny, but that's exactly why it worked so well, the humour was born out of desperation rather than finger-pointing. Superb. 'A Million Merits' sounds mighty fine as well.

Edited by dwarf
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This one was cool in it's own way..very different to the first, which is a good sign.


I really like the premise of this series.


Also, HEY JULIA DAVIS. I hate when she only does bit parts, as it's never representative of her comedy genius.

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This one was cool in it's own way..very different to the first, which is a good sign.


I really like the premise of this series.


Also, HEY JULIA DAVIS. I hate when she only does bit parts, as it's never representative of her comedy genius.


The fact Lizzie and Sarah never got a full commission is a crime. Fantastic pilot episode... but way too ahead of its time.

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