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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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Sorry, guys, only just got home today and was absolutely knackered!


@Nintendohnut: Yes, you did answer me satisfactorily! :)


Regarding last night, I also targetted Sprout and received the same message, so I'm inclined to believe, despite the rather rough modus operandi, that it's the work of a protector.


Moving on to business, I have no reason to doubt Sprout, and Grunchie's claims reek of mafia, not to mention the fact that he lied. Seems pretty straightforward.


Vote: Supergrunch

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Sorry, guys, only just got home today and was absolutely knackered!


@Nintendohnut: Yes, you did answer me satisfactorily! :)


Regarding last night, I also targetted Sprout and received the same message, so I'm inclined to believe, despite the rather rough modus operandi, that it's the work of a protector.


Moving on to business, I have no reason to doubt Sprout, and Grunchie's claims reek of mafia, not to mention the fact that he lied. Seems pretty straightforward.


Vote: Supergrunch


There you go. Been looking for you. Why do you have business with an aligment investigator?

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Right, uhhhh... Turns out, I won't be able to end the day as soon as I thought, so sorry for rushing you. Feel free to discuss things a while longer (though majority has been reached, no doubt)



In other words, Gumshoe's request has been approved :heh:

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There you go. Been looking for you. Why do you have business with an aligment investigator?


My intentions were entirely beneficial, though I'd rather not reveal their exact nature at present if it can be avoided.




Just noticed something; I was actually hit over the back twice ... you said you were only hit once, @mr\-paul?

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My intentions were entirely beneficial, though I'd rather not reveal their exact nature at present if it can be avoided.




Just noticed something; I was actually hit over the back twice ... you said you were only hit once, @mr\-paul?


Just checked my PM and it said I felt a few sharp painful blows, then fainted.

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@Tales I've been at work and I thought the days only ended when there wasn't activity. There was plenty of activity today, and the lynch was pretty much guaranteed by the end of the day, so I didn't think it would end so abruptly. Again, my double vote would have brought about the end of the day sooner, and I wanted my questions answered. As they still haven't been answered and basically everyone has spoken, the roleblocker is obviously evil, and there is either an evil power booster, or mr-paul is lying (again, this is from my POV as I know I'm telling the truth etc)


Also Tales, you were wanting to know who targeted Sprout. Well mr-paul claims to have, but he was apparently role blocked like me and I didn't manage to carry out my action last night so my target won't have counted. If mr-paul was also role blocked, he wouldn't have reached Sprout and therefore he wouldn't be included in the list of people who targeted Sprout. We know Dannyboy did, but I seem to remember you saying two people targeted Sprout last night? If that's the case, someone else other than Danny must've targeted him, because mr-paul wouldn't have reached him. Don't know if that changes anything, just thought I should point it out.


Majority has been reached I'm sure, but just to make sure we're not in another 'Peeps in the Pokemafia' situation Vote: Supergrunch. I want it to be clear that I never doubted a majority would be reached today and I was only holding my vote because a) I wanted my questions answered so didn't want the day to end and b) thought the day wouldn't end because of the activity in the thread (at the start of the game Jonnas said this would be the case) and because I have been at work I haven't been able to check the thread until now (hence, also the long post - sorry about that)


From what I can tell, it was @Zell who clocked Miles Edgeworth over the head.


Why are you only revealing this now!? I've been asking ALL DAY! :(

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Why are you only revealing this now!? I've been asking ALL DAY! :(


:blush: I'm having problems adjust to the Phoenix Wrightness of this mafia game, apologies! I just checked my PM's - Cube we wrongly lynched, jayseven doesn't matter now, so that left only one thing for me to try to make sense of.

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@Tales I've been at work and I thought the days only ended when there wasn't activity. There was plenty of activity today, and the lynch was pretty much guaranteed by the end of the day, so I didn't think it would end so abruptly. Again, my double vote would have brought about the end of the day sooner, and I wanted my questions answered. As they still haven't been answered and basically everyone has spoken, the roleblocker is obviously evil, and there is either an evil power booster, or mr-paul is lying (again, this is from my POV as I know I'm telling the truth etc)


Also Tales, you were wanting to know who targeted Sprout. Well mr-paul claims to have, but he was apparently role blocked like me and I didn't manage to carry out my action last night so my target won't have counted. If mr-paul was also role blocked, he wouldn't have reached Sprout and therefore he wouldn't be included in the list of people who targeted Sprout. We know Dannyboy did, but I seem to remember you saying two people targeted Sprout last night? If that's the case, someone else other than Danny must've targeted him, because mr-paul wouldn't have reached him. Don't know if that changes anything, just thought I should point it out.


Majority has been reached I'm sure, but just to make sure we're not in another 'Peeps in the Pokemafia' situation Vote: Supergrunch. I want it to be clear that I never doubted a majority would be reached today and I was only holding my vote because a) I wanted my questions answered so didn't want the day to end and b) thought the day wouldn't end because of the activity in the thread (at the start of the game Jonnas said this would be the case) and because I have been at work I haven't been able to check the thread until now (hence, also the long post - sorry about that)




Why are you only revealing this now!? I've been asking ALL DAY! :(


Why are you saying mr-paul was roleblocked? He and I targetted the same person and were both knocked out the same way - surely that's a protector? But you didn't target Sprout, you say?


darksnowman, how do you know Zell was the one who knocked down The Peeps the first night?

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Oh I see! Sorry I've been extremely confused - I didn't realise that you guys were now thinking the knocking out was due to people targeting Sprout/a protection. Are you saying you were hit too, @dannyboy, in the same way? I find it unlikely, as I didn't even get close to approaching anyone last night - I was knocked out as I picked up my phone. I also targeted/tried to target Sprout last night - I'm attempting to work out who I can trust in the group of deputies I have under my control, so I was going to try and get Sprout to investigate someone else.


Before any cries 'mafia redirector!' I'd like to make it clear that I am limited by who I can redirect (even more so now - at least two are dead :(), and whoever I do redirect gets a message saying I did so. All I'm trying to do is work out who I can trust. Thankfully I didn't manage to reach Sprout last night so he managed to target Grunch.


Anyway, yeah, summary of my night: I tried to target Sprout and didn't manage it. I was told I was knocked out as soon as I picked up my phone, which was why I thought it was a role block. Are we now pretty sure it was a protection?


Eurgh, long and distracted post due to working and watching a film at the same time. Sorry.

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That clears things up a bit. We don't know for certain it was a protection, but all three of us targetted Sprout and were knocked out from behind before we could reach him, so it seems the most obvious conclusion.


Now, only one potential contradiction remains: that Tales mentioned only two people targetting Sprout last night. However, I'm not sure I understood that correctly, so I really want to hear what he meant.


I think I'm a paranoid cop. I targeted Diageo and got Evil! Either that's right or I'm paranoid...


Have you only had evil results so far? It could just be you're a dumb cop who's only targetted townies so far.

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I think you're innocent, Mr. Gant, sir! I don't think there'd be so many members of the police force being incriminated and arrested if you were a member of the mafia.


There is one thing I gotta ask though. Looking back, you were questioning MadDog during courtroom session 2:


I'd quite like to know who @MadDog targeted last night, as it may help me work something out. Further than that I have nothing.


I targeted myself.


I see... and why did you do that, may I ask?
That's where the conversation dies out. Did you forget about this, sir?


Also if I did get protection last night, I hope I'm protected again, pals! I hope that's not selfish of me to ask again, heh.

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Vote Standings


Supergrunch (8): Sprout, Yvonne, Tales, Zell, Diageo, Heroicjanitor, mr-paul, Eddiecoleslaw (+ Dannyboy, Eevilmurray, Nintendohnut & The Peeps)


The Majority has been reached




October 14, 11:30 AM

District Court

Courtroom No.2


Broadcast Yourself


"I'm telling you, pal, he's evil! There's clear evidence!"






"Vote: Supergrunch"




"Vote: Supergrunch




"Vote: Supergrunch"


"And that makes the majority..." muttered the Judge


"Please, I now ask you all for your silence!


Supergrunch, you have been forbidden to speak, due to your inappropriate defense tactics... However, I find it fair that you should speak your mind once more before I hand down my verdict"






"...Nothing? I suppose that is understandable, nothing you say will change their opinions, or your verdict...


Very well, then. This case is extremely clear. I see no reason for misinterpretation of the facts."




"The court finds Supergrunch...








Pff...Haha! Hahaha!"


Broadcast Yourself




"Haha, it's good to finally laugh! That penalty really hurt my case, but I can't say I didn't deserve it!"


"Hmm...Is...Is that so?"


"Ah, but of course. If only I had explained my situation properly...This was not my day. But I like the direction this is going so far, it is very amusing and, so far, effective. I do take solace on the fact that this is not a proper trial."


"E-Excuse me?"


"But of course, I will have the right to a fair trial later on, after The Mafia has been found, hopefully!"


"So...you plead..."




"Not Guilty! Your Honor, did you expect any other answer?"


Truly, there was only one thing on our minds, as Kristoph Gavin walked out in handcuffs:


Supergrunch has been arrested. However, he was Innocent.


"Well, a 30 minute break for lunch is of the essence, I believe."




Remaining Players (15):














-The Peeps




The 4th break will now begin

Edited by Jonnas
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Oh dear people, well done for doing another Cube. I'm not sure how game-related my post is allowed to be, and thanks to my cock-up earlier I'll err on the side of caution, but try not to be so quick to jump on people next time, even when they look a bit shady.


Anyway, that was fun... while it lasted. :heh: I look forward to watching how things play out from the grave!

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About what is accepted, once you're dead:


I can't really punish the dead, so this is all up to personal integrity. Revealing stuff you didn't reveal while alive is the biggest no-no, but spamming posts is also generally disliked.


What is usually accepted is one post lamenting your own death (in a potentially witty way) and preventing auto-merge.


Anything else can be reserved for PMs with the game host (or anybody you could also PM with in life. For example, dead mafiosos can usually still post in the mafia forums, and give their suggestions.)

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October 14, 12:00 AM

District Court

Courtroom No.2


Broadcast Yourself


"What a reinvigorating lunch break! I am confident we will be closer to the truth, now!


But first things first, Ms.Oldbag?"




"There seems to be a mistake in your identifying number. Is it M4DD0G?"


"No, dear, it is 33NUH. I swear I've been working as a bailiff for so many years now and you still don't know my identity I knew you were all ingrates but I never expected it from you who is such a respectable-"


"Point taken, Ms.Oldbag. It will be corrected."


Eenuh has replaced MadDog due to unavailability on MadDog's part.


"We shall now resume."




Remaining Players (15):














-The Peeps




Majority is 8


The Court is now in Session 5

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