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Bravely Default: Flying Fairy


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I also think you could have Ringabel as a more aggressive attacker, but that's another matter. I'm hearing Ninja is the best class, with Ranger as support, and Katana Lore from Swordmaster. That way you have a duel-wielding katana user.


One of the Conjurer's skills, Obliterate, makes levelling-up the jobs very, very fast.


A Monk is a well aggressive character! I sometimes have him as a Dark Knight, but he seems to do more damage as a Monk. The See You In Hell ability is amazing. At one point in a battle I just either used Phoenix Down/Raise on him but didn't use any potions/magic on him afterwards, so he would get knocked out and do about 8-9000 damage to every enemy.


Isn't Obliterate an attack which does the dark attack?


I've found the Valkyrie skill Decimate quite useful too. Taking off a fair chunk of effort with the results.

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A Monk is a well aggressive character! I sometimes have him as a Dark Knight, but he seems to do more damage as a Monk. The See You In Hell ability is amazing. At one point in a battle I just either used Phoenix Down/Raise on him but didn't use any potions/magic on him afterwards, so he would get knocked out and do about 8-9000 damage to every enemy.


OK, I'll try Monk again then! It's just that the Ninja has native dual-wield. Of course, you can customise any character if you have enough slots. That's one thing about this game - I think it would be better with more ability slots, so you could at least have all the abilities from your current class.


Isn't Obliterate an attack which does the dark attack?


No, it's a skill that defeats any enemies that are at least 20 levels lower than you, meaning the battles only take a few seconds. Personally, I got to Level 99 before I'd levelled-up all the jobs, so it was very useful.

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No, it's a skill that defeats any enemies that are at least 20 levels lower than you, meaning the battles only take a few seconds. Personally, I got to Level 99 before I'd levelled-up all the jobs, so it was very useful.


Ah yeah, I remember that now. I didn't use it because I don't know what level my enemies were at. It doesn't show that via Examine does it?

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Ah yeah, I remember that now. I didn't use it because I don't know what level my enemies were at. It doesn't show that via Examine does it?


No (well, I don't think so), but we were already Level 99 and it (the skill) defeated most of the enemies in Florem Gardens in Chapter 6. Unfortunately I'd already levelled all the other jobs, but the Obliterate skill, the Growth Egg and the JP Up skill (from Freelancer) made us all master Conjurer incredibly fast.

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I think my summon friend is Agnes using Healing Wave (restores everyones HP/MP, boosts healing potential, and gives everyone 2BP back). I always find it insanely useful.


When in doubt though (without knowing your exact problem, still halfway through Chapter 6).


If you're braving x 4, try one turn at a time. If you're one turn at a time, try braving x 4.


If you're being instant wiped out, try Enigma/Rampart/Utsusemi.


Still short on BP with the character using Enigma? Have them use Sacrifice MP first to get a few extra BP (turbo ethers/elixirs are pretty common at this point anyway). I defeated the dragons way under level with this method since their attacks never did anything.


Have a healer (Salve-Maker skill) cast Resurrect or widen-area+phoenix down, then Curaga every turn. Make sure your healer has the Double Max HP ability (I think that's what it's called). The goal is to always make sure your healer is nigh on unkillable, even if you have to sacrifice all magic/physical attack, since they're just healing anyway.

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Chapter 5 & Most of 6 Spoilers


Yeah, I noticed the title screen change "Airy Lies".


Also, at the end of Chapter 5, Edea's conversation with Alternis. FINALLY. The entire game I've been shouting "explain WHY what we're doing is wrong then". Endless chastises, cryptic comments, and slagging us off from Eternian forces for not understanding when IT'S THEM who refuse to explain the ****ing situation. Everyone's lives on the line, Eternian elite (even friends who'd you'd think would at least TRY to explain to you) just chooses for you to kill them rather than just explain the situation. It's like they wanted this outcome. It reminded me of the tv show Lost when none of the main characters ask the things a normal person would ask and get the answers they need, but it's "ignored" for sake of plot extension, to push the plot in a certain direction.


Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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Chapter 5 & Most of 6 Spoilers


Yeah, I noticed the title screen change "Airy Lies".


Also, at the end of Chapter 5, Edea's conversation with Alternis. FINALLY. The entire game I've been shouting "explain WHY what we're doing is wrong then". Endless chastises, cryptic comments, and slagging us off from Eternian forces for not understanding when IT'S THEM who refuse to explain the ****ing situation. Everyone's lives on the line, Eternian elite (even friends who'd you'd think would at least TRY to explain to you) just chooses for you to kill them rather than just explain the situation. It's like they wanted this outcome. It reminded me of the tv show Lost when none of the main characters ask the things a normal person would ask and get the answers they need, but it's "ignored" for sake of plot extension, to push the plot in a certain direction.


My thoughts exactly. The heroes are extremely naïve, not to mention a bit gung-ho (bloodthirsty, even? :heh:), whilst the "villains" (most of whom aren't very villainous) could save a lot of time by explaining a lot more. It's like friends fighting friends for most of the game!


Anyway, I don't think this is really a spoiler, but the game has suggested the player pairs Minus Strike (a Dark Knight skill), with Phoenix Flight (a Monk skill) and the Freelancer's Stand Ground in the Ability slots. The idea behind this is that, say you have 999HP and it's knocked down to 1HP, your attack will be 998. It struck a chord with me because it's exactly like the Hexer's 'Revenge' skill in Etrian Odyssey II, which was the best move in the game.

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No (well, I don't think so), but we were already Level 99 and it (the skill) defeated most of the enemies in Florem Gardens in Chapter 6. Unfortunately I'd already levelled all the other jobs, but the Obliterate skill, the Growth Egg and the JP Up skill (from Freelancer) made us all master Conjurer incredibly fast.


I was considering that. I'll have to raise the money to get one of those eggs.


Just tried out the Obliterate attack. Didn't work on the bosses. Thought I'd change all but Tiz into Merchants and Obliterate the enemies outside. Not high enough. Tried the enemies outside Starkfort. No effect there... I'm weaker than I thought.

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I was considering that. I'll have to raise the money to get one of those eggs.


Just tried out the Obliterate attack. Didn't work on the bosses. Thought I'd change all but Tiz into Merchants and Obliterate the enemies outside. Not high enough. Tried the enemies outside Starkfort. No effect there... I'm weaker than I thought.


Oops, seemed I over-levelled then. I never tried to get EXP or money; it was just annoying me that I didn't have all the job skills.


Anyway, I just have the final boss to go now, but I'm trying to clear Norende of Nemeses first. I've felt guilty having the villagers live in fear of them the whole game! I've settled into a nice team of:


Tiz Performer/Miscellany

Agnes - Spirit Master/White Magic

Edea - Templar/Miscellany

Ringabel - Ranger/Miscellany


Tiz does My Hero and Mimic x1. Agnes does Enigma (sometimes Fairy Ward). Edea does Rampart every turn (maybe she could have a different sub-class) and Ringabel... well, he can be a lot of different classes, really, but I like using one of the Ranger attacks then Mimic x3. That line-up suits my play style, although it's not good enough for all the Nemeses. Got a feeling they need more specialist teams.

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So I said **** it and broke the earth crystal. So I'm now on the finale (which thankfully I just learnt was a fake bad ending finale and I can go back! I actually turned auto-save off just in incase.) the Great Chasm revelation I kind of already guessed, but then forgot about, and the Airy thing has been obvious for ages. THough the Great Chasm thing kind of makes me curious as to what caused them to light up the crystals in whatever world Airy started in as there'd be no Great Chasm. Hmm... Don't say anything if this gets answered! I've got an extra bit of "quiet time" this week so will be blitzing to the end faster than the snail crawl I've been going at.



One of my main combos is Rage+Minus Strike. It's also on a character that has Critical Amp, and has a Black Belt equipped, so I often get many multiple criticals a turn.


Just a note also, not enough HP? Beast Liver+Dragon Fang creates a Giant's Potion (or whatever it's called) that confers the Double Max HP ability for the match. Also, there's a ReRaise combo (auto-revive) but I forget what the salve combo is. There's also elemental attack boost one (forgot too), which is good since it costs multiple BP on Spiritmaster.


Oh, and some of the bosses at the end of Chapter 6 have different better steals than usual!

Victor/Victoria for instance.


Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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Finally completed it last night! I'd be curious to know how far these people were through it:





@killer kirby


You featured in the finale!



So, my thoughts on the game: Started out great, but I did get bored during Chapters 3 and 4. I get the feeling this game will be mostly criticised for its repetition, but I didn't mind that as much as the slow pacing earlier on. Basically, Chapters 5-8 felt like the game they really wanted to make all along. Repetition is not necessarily a bad thing; it's just that it's usually in the post-game. In Bravely Default, there is no real "post-game" to speak of - the problem is that the repetition is threaded all through the main game.


I hate to say it, but Bravely Default felt a tad 'clinical' to me. There are basically two aspects to the game - the main story and side quests. The trouble is, these side quests are purely to obtain new vocations. There are no mini-games, fashion shows or battle arenas to take part in, nor any trading sequences. Also, the towns aren't as thoroughly 'built' as in, say, Dragon Quest. You can't go in many of the buildings, which some may have a problem with.


If there is one thing I could suggest to alleviate the slow pacing, it's that the game should be more generous with the job points. It's quite understandable for players to want to obtain the vocations as soon as they're available, yet some of them represent huge difficulty spikes. It's also understandable for the player to want to master some of them before they move onto others. Both of these things slow the game down a great deal. You'll probably never grind to become a higher level, but you might find yourself grinding just to master the jobs.


But it's not all bad, far from it. There are some quite original features, such as Abilink and Send/Summon. At first these might seem unnecessary, or even like cheating, but they eventually tie into the story in a way that is arguably genius. The story in general is very long-winded, but turns out to be equally clever.


By the time I defeated the final boss I was grinning from ear to ear. The bonus 'Special Movie' you get for completing the game is also one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Curiously, it's done with a markedly different (and better) tone to the rest of the game, with considerably more flair and panache. I didn't think I wanted to play a sequel to Bravely Default, but purely because of that Special Movie, now I do.


Overall, Bravely Default is never average. Sometimes it's a lot worse than that, and sometimes better. It'll probably stand as one of the 3DS's most iconic RPGs, but I'm hoping it is surpassed by something better (there's a lot of room for improvement). In a nutshell, Bravely Default is an RPG that is eventually rewarding for those with a fondness for the genre, and even more patience.

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I'm at chapter 7


Beat the crap out of Airy at end of C-6. Lot of tech floating around in there. Guess Airy destroyed some industrial level worlds. Feel daft continuing on knowing Airy is evil. Durng the white light to C7 they reference knowlegdge gained just after cracking the crystal...which hasn't happenedfor them. Odd.


One thing that bugs me though is why did none of the Eternian forces recognize Ringabel as Alternis in the starting world? Surely Edea would too? Just makes zero sense.


There's some really story expansive stuff in blue quests, I can't believe anyone would skip any, even the ones you think will be the same.


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Finally completed it last night! I'd be curious to know how far these people were through it


Stopped playing it when I got my PS4. Can't remember which chapter.

Don't see myself getting back to it soon, especially since I'm still contemplating whether I'm going to sell my 3DS or not.

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I fully completed it (true ending) quite a while back. The link to your friends was nice but my memory of this game will forever be soured by one of the most monotonous plot devices I've ever experienced in a video game. It had potential with a nice soundtrack and overall presentation (for a 3DS game) but was let down in so many areas. Repetition is a common theme, with both gameplay and story suffering from it. The towns and lack of meaningful sidequests also put a huge downer on the game.


I can't help but contrast this to Final Fantasy IX, a game which also has towns with pre-drawn parallax backgrounds and has a similar medieval / steam airship setting. Except that game is better in every fucking way imaginable. It sometimes feels like S-E forgot how to make really amazing games, and in some ways I'm sad that they're making a sequel to this rather than trying something new again. Unless they really change a lot.

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One thing that would improve it for me is if the advanced classes absorbed the earlier ones. For example, if you're a Templar, you should be able to do everything a Knight can, and not have weaker defence etc. In a similar way, Spirit Master should automatically include Salve-Maker, and White Mage before it. Think this would be better than having sub-classes.

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I'm committed to finishing off the mega long side quest and this game would've been far better without Chapters 5-8 (whichever ones those ones are).



Also, anyone know a good place to level up? I'm currently running just under Eternia, using Tiz' fire expertise with the growth egg, winning straight away so I can get up to the 50% extra EXP.

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About to fight blue quest, and decided to level up jobs beforehand. Player levels are all at max now (Conjurer Experience Up being no use whatsoever it came so late, I think everyone was at max...) Probably 3/4 of jobs done on everyone. Only realised halfway through todays's session that I could use Obliterate. Just assumed the enemies levels would be too high for it to be any use. So much wasted Turbo/Ethers.


I only just realised Conjurer's summons aren't attack ones like I assumed (which is why I assumed Conjurer was crap and pointless). MASSIVE stat boosters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

who is good with team builds? and classes?



I've had real difficulty defeating the Adventurer and went online for a stratergy


using a stillness ninja and a performer/mimic didn't work for me, i probably knocked off 2/3ds of his health and then got wiped out so i've tried the below strategy from neoseeker


Another relatively easy way to defeat the Adventurer and his Companion is with the help of the Monk, Salve-Maker and Vampire jobs, along with the Giant's Draft, a compound that doubles one character's HP for the duration of a battle and fully heals him or her as well.


To pull this off, you have to be at a high enough level so that when your characters have the Monk job and the HP 20% Up support ability, they will have at least 9000HP AND that when they equip the Natural Talent support ability their attack rating will be at least 570.


Have three of your characters switch to the Monk job, with Vampirism as their second job. Then assign the following support abilities to these three characters: Natural Talent, HP 20% Up, Drain Attack Up and Rise from Dead. Obviously you have to unequip everything on these three characters for Natural Talent to take effect. At this point you can check if your Monks are strong enough, i.e. if their attack rating is at least 570 and their HP is at least 9000.


Switch your fourth and last character to the Vampire Job and get Medication (the Salve-Maker) as their second job. Then assign the following support abilities to this character: HP 20% Up, Drain Attack Up, Rise from Dead and Speed 10% Up. Then equip him or her with the Hermes Shoes or Hermes Sandals to raise his or her speed. Fill his or her other equipment slots to maximize his or her speed or attack rating.


Now you are ready to fight the Adventurer and his infinite foxes. When the battle starts, have your three Monks use the Blood Thirst ability on the Adventurer. The fox will block your initial attacks, but you will soon kill it long enough to successfully hit the Adventurer.


Blood Thirst is the only command that your three Monks should use for the entire battle. DO NOT USE BRAVE OR DEFAULT. Just use Blood Thirst ONCE every turn. Do not be greedy.


As for your Vampire character, for the first turn have him or her Brave four times so that he or she can use the Compounding ability four times. Have him or her make four Giant's Drafts – 1 Beast Liver + 1 Dragon Fang each – and give a Giant's Draft to EACH of your four characters. Hopefully your Vampire will be fast enough to distribute the Giant's Drafts before anyone else acts.


Once you pull that off all of your characters should have at least 20,000HP. Now your Vampire can start using Blood Thirst once per turn just like your Monks. Your three Monks should be dealing at least 7,000HP damage and gaining 7,000HP as well for every Blood Thirst. Your Vampire will only be dealing around 1,500-3,000HP and gaining the same amount. It doesn't matter if the foxes cast Blind on you for the entire battle. Blood Thirst will still hit 100% of the time.


Once you have all four characters using Blood Thirst ONCE PER TURN you can set the battle to AUTO. You will notice that your Vampire character will be repeatedly killed because he or she can't suck enough HP from the Adventurer or the foxes to keep him or her alive. But because of Rise from Dead he or she will be revived repeatedly as well and will be able to deal damage from time to time.


In the middle of the battle when all is going well you may be tempted to use Default and then use the Monk's Phoenix Flight ability to deal 20,000+ damage, then recover HP with Blood Thirst. It's a great plan on paper, but YOU SHOULD NOT DO THAT.


The Adventurer and the fox will be able to sneak an attack when your characters' HP are low, most likely while you're stocking up on turns with Default. Since most of the Adventurer's attacks hit all of your characters at once, you're risking the possibility of getting wiped out. Rise from Dead will not take effect if all of your characters are killed at the same time. So just keep it simple and have each character use Blood Thirst once per turn.


Later on as the Adventurer grows desperate and starts spamming his attacks, one of your Monks will die as well along with your Vampire. This is because the last Blood Thirst to hit the fox will usually only give you a small amount of HP in return. Whichever Monk has the least HP when the Adventurer starts becoming more aggressive will die. But don't worry; your remaining two Monks will always have between 50% to 100% HP thanks to Blood Thirst and their high total HP. Besides, Rise from Dead will revive your dead Monk from time to time, allowing him or her to deal damage and refill his or her HP once again.


Keep doing this – or watching, if you're on AUTO – and you'll easily defeat the Adventurer.


Now i've got it autobattling right now and it seems to work (at killing the comrade and doing say 3k dmage on the adventurer) but i can't get 570 attack mentioned above with my monks, how the hell do you get that? i'm level 99 all characters are max job levels with monk and even unequiped and with natural talent the status screen shows around 300 attack for each...and my damage output with the drain attacks is 3500 to 4500....

how the hell do you get 570 attack






edit never mind never read the description of natural talent....i had headgear etc equiped



well good team build strategies?


generally i have a

Edea as a Valkyrie/sprtirmaster (or Paladin as i get bored of Valkyrie)

Ringabell as Dark Knight with currently sspell fencer

Anges as Ninja/salvemaster

Tiz as Vampire/arcanist

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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  • 3 months later...

A conversation with darksnowman has inspired me to crack on with this. For whatever reason I stopped playing months ago but have fired it back up today. Luckily everything is still fresh in my head and I was able to jump back in with ease.


I'm on Chapter 3 at the moment and have just obtained the Golden Egg. I can now farm cash for the Growth Egg.


My team are all at level 47 ( methinks I may have overdid it on the levelling ) with Tiz being a level 12 Monk, Agnes a level 12 White Mage, Ringabel a level 10 Merchant ( needed this job for the extra moolah ) and Edea a level 12 Black Mage.


With the World Cup now started, this is the perfect to to start sting this again. Grinding + Football = Win! :D

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A conversation with darksnowman


Are you Brendan Rodgers?!


You are right about it being a good opportunity to get some levelling up done. :awesome: How's the game going? I've read up on it and apparently it falls apart spectacularly towards the latter chapters. So much so that people have ended up not liking the game at all in spite of its good/great start. :(

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Are you Brendan Rodgers?!


You are right about it being a good opportunity to get some levelling up done. :awesome: How's the game going? I've read up on it and apparently it falls apart spectacularly towards the latter chapters. So much so that people have ended up not liking the game at all in spite of its good/great start. :(


I'm near the end of Chapter 4 and you can feel the threads starting to unwind from Chapter 3 onwards where there feels to be substantial lulls in the game. By all accounts, it only gets worse, which is a shame given how fresh and unique it feels at the start. It needs to build up that goodwill at the beginning to make you see it through to the end. It does seem that reviewers tended to gloss over this aspect, or certainly downplay the impact it has, but there seems to be a quite vocal group of people online who've had issues.

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Are you Brendan Rodgers?!


You are right about it being a good opportunity to get some levelling up done. :awesome: How's the game going? I've read up on it and apparently it falls apart spectacularly towards the latter chapters. So much so that people have ended up not liking the game at all in spite of its good/great start. :(


It has hints of greatness, it truly does, but the pacing kills it at times. There is a lot of unnecessary banter that happens and some of the sidequests take you back and forth between areas which becomes a bit of a slog.


The soundtrack is sublime though, which makes the game more enjoyable.


The game has it's moments but it could have really done with being trimmed down a bit.


I've yet to reach chapter 5 and by all accounts that's when a lot of people become annoyed with the game and give up. I'm intrigued to find out why...

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