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In my opinion there was very little of the lols 1010101010 in the mpt. There was an element but only from certain members.


Ant and Harribo and Hobbzinio were by no means the biggest culprits.


(...not that i'm defening anything or anyone...)


Wasn't trying to suggest they were.

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Okay. I just got the feeling they were banned for spamming the mpt


While I admit I don't know the whore gory details (will check out the waste lands to catch up tomorrow night) I have faith in the staff that it was for the right reasons. As has been said, the events of last night (or night before, whichever) were the final straw.


Ant, and to a greater extend Hobz, has caused a lot of friction in the past. And while I will admit sometimes the line between an abrassive personality and downright rude/harshness is hard to draw (I fear I am not making sense here. Basically I know it is some people's nature to appear harsh to others, but in fact it is just natural to those who do it and think nothing of it) but they did what they did knowing it broke the rules, and thats what caused the ban.


If it had been (because it was the first name off the top of my head) gentleben, a kind and polite member who, as far as I can tell, has never stepped a foot wrong, it would be more of a case of a telling off and a warning.


Anyway. Thats all I want to say about this matter because I should get to bed. (oh and to clarify what I said in a previous post. Changes to MPT will be so as to ease our job and to ensure its future, not to the crux of the thread itself)

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Fair games Poozers.


Whats the reason for no Another Realmy type area of the site? I listed pros and cons, and everyone seems to be up for it. It can work out very well in my oh so humble opinion I think it would be gr7 for the site. :)


Maybe possibly a vote? I know you staff run the place, and get to say what goes, but surely its almost more important what the majority of members think? As long as it abides within site rules/the realms of human decency.

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Do you guys think the forums are already looking a lot better without the MPT? 3 days on, loads of new threads are popping up all over the place...


Althought I like MPT, there's some good threads now for decent discussion and so far if you had a bad day people haven't went "HUGGSSS".

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Fair games Poozers.


Whats the reason for no Another Realmy type area of the site? I listed pros and cons, and everyone seems to be up for it. It can work out very well in my oh so humble opinion I think it would be gr7 for the site. :)


Maybe possibly a vote? I know you staff run the place, and get to say what goes, but surely its almost more important what the majority of members think? As long as it abides within site rules/the realms of human decency.

Do you mean the board where all the rubbish goes and the posts dont add to postcount? I mentioned it staffside but it's not really recieved.. well any response at all. We do want to tighten the rules up a bit and the fate of the MPotD thread is still up in the air. After that, if it's still needed, I'll bring it up again. Thanks for your input, ReZ.
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Though I think one of the Mods mentioned that may they may keep it in the wasteland for a while.


Um, actually, it's now been said that its coming back.


I think the mods should be more liberal with the temporary (perhaps a 24/48 hour) thread bans, in regards to the MPT. Once people get the message that you're serious (which some evidentially haven't, with Ant and Harribo being the two most obvious of culprits in recent times), then they'll stop messing you about.


If they refuse to get the message, ban 'em. : peace:

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how about a specific moderator, or 2 for that one thread.

im sure almost anyone would say yes if asked, its not a big job for just that thread.

it will keep the current staff, and members happy.


and the fiasco with the banned members, i think you should put it to poll whther certain ones should come back.

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how about a specific moderator, or 2 for that one post.

im sure almost anyone would say yes if asked, its not a big job for just that thread.

it will keep the current staff, and members happy.


This is currently under consideration. Good minds think alike, eh?

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Why would starting again be disastrous? Are you planning on reading the old one all over again?!?


Maybe we should just let the mods/admins/ whoever decide whats to happen instead of stuffing ideas down their throats.


I'm up for mpt to come back btw, just to let you know.

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Why would starting again be disastrous? Are you planning on reading the old one all over again?!?


Maybe we should just let the mods/admins/ whoever decide whats to happen instead of stuffing ideas down their throats.


I'm up for mpt to come back btw, just to let you know.

im guessing people sometimes go read random bits when theyre bored, for a laugh.

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and what do you think about the poll idea?

that way the forum will seem more aof a democracy.


It isn't my decision, but im almost 100% certain that will never happen.


You'll have to ask Shorty why you can't see the posts he promised you.

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Um, actually, it's now been said that its coming back.


I think the mods should be more liberal with the temporary (perhaps a 24/48 hour) thread bans, in regards to the MPT. Once people get the message that you're serious (which some evidentially haven't, with Ant and Harribo being the two most obvious of culprits in recent times), then they'll stop messing you about.


If they refuse to get the message, ban 'em. : peace:


I know it will be coming back but they haven't said when have they.

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why don't you quote them for us?

i assume you can see the trash bored.


I could, but if Shorty said he'd show you then thats up to him. I'd have to cut + paste everything (no quote buttons because the thread is locked) and i really cba to do that

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I never said I would show you all the posts, all I said was that there were 5 'GTFO' threads made and removed, and if people didn't believe me, I could screencap them. But everyone verified their existence for me, so I didn't bother. And I certainly never promised anything.


Just to clarify something, bans are absolutely fucking final. You're wasting your time.

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