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Up on the title Pic on the left it says Revolution instead of Wii sorry if it's already been said:D


Hit refresh, it was changed ages ago. :heh:


About rep, we don't really need it, you shouldn't need to look at a number to decide how 'cool' someone is. You can be the judge of whether you respect that person or not, not by how many rep they have.

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well i think a new widescreen theme would be good.


i curently use the normal one.


or is that just an xorbit thing (as i know all themes are like that on xorbit)


There is one. Change your theme to "N-Europe Stretchable" at the bottom left a page.

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I saw Nintendork mentioned it, I'd like a rep system too, I frequent GameWinners forums(I do believe it's vB), and they have a rep system, it's nice to have, and makes you feel good when you get good rep. It's also quite a good deterrent to those same people to not make stupid or rubbish posts as they get bad rep for it.

Anyway, I didn't come here to suggest that, I came to suggest a strikethrough option! I wanted to hilariously strikethrough a word in a quoted post to change the meaning in a obvious and amusing way, but alas, I could not. I tell this story, because whilst I want strikethrough, I don't see any other good reasons for it except making jokes.

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Anyway, I didn't come here to suggest that, I came to suggest a strikethrough option! I wanted to hilariously strikethrough a word in a quoted post to change the meaning in a obvious and amusing way, but alas, I could not. I tell this story, because whilst I want strikethrough, I don't see any other good reasons for it except making jokes.

I'd guess I've wanted to use a strikethrough on these forums about... 11 times. Give or take. If I'd been able to use strikethrough perhaps I could have kept an accurate tally chart, but no...


As for reputation systems, I'm not too sure about them. I like the concept, but to work it would have to be used both responsibly and persistently. Basically I see two possible solutions to this, both of which require a long explanation and would probably need to be made from scratch. So I'll keep schtum instead.

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I saw Nintendork mentioned it, I'd like a rep system too, I frequent GameWinners forums(I do believe it's vB), and they have a rep system, it's nice to have, and makes you feel good when you get good rep. It's also quite a good deterrent to those same people to not make stupid or rubbish posts as they get bad rep for it.

Anyway, I didn't come here to suggest that, I came to suggest a strikethrough option! I wanted to hilariously strikethrough a word in a quoted post to change the meaning in a obvious and amusing way, but alas, I could not. I tell this story, because whilst I want strikethrough, I don't see any other good reasons for it except making jokes.


And what, you ignored our replies?


Anyway. As far as your second point, done.


[str*ike][/str*ike] without the stars.

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Do you think normal users could be allowed to upload animated avatars, please? Or even link to them, I don't mind.


As far as I know there's an option to allow only certain groups to upload animated avatars in the admin menu, and it was added in a vBulletin update.


It isn't that important, and I doubt many people will use it, but it seems silly that people currently have to pester mods to upload their animated avatars for them, especially when we're allowed animated images in our signatures.

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It's not against the rules or anything, uploading animated avatars is fine.


I'm not 100% sure what the problem is, but at the moment, users themselves (thats normal registered users) arent able to upload animated ones. Some sort of error i expect.


I think Ash knows more about this technical stuff, i'm betting he'll know a way to sort this out.

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Done. Now stop moaning (everyone) and not just about avatars. About everything. Period. I want silence. Complete. Utter. Silence. Thus I want these boards to become defunct and I can go to sleep and be merry.


The same here, mon frere. The same here.


If i see anyone else moaning on this entire forum, i think i will reach through my monitor, and appear out of theirs. Then, i will proceed to eat your body from the inside. Yes, from the inside.

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