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Which is again, why it would be better in a hidden panel on the forum page or something like that. It just seems too out of the way as it is.


Saying that, I might start keeping it open in an irc client now if others start using it as well.

That would be too intrusive on people who dont use it, also it would loose connection when you changed page.

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You make a good point about the connection being lost.


Which is again, why it would be better in a hidden panel on the forum page or something like that. It just seems too out of the way as it is.


Implimented in that way, I don't think it would be all that intrusive though.

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Although we've joked about it in the staff board, we can't go censoring words just because two people have a limited vocabulary. If you want to help out, buy them each a thesaurus for their next birthday.


Would it be possible to integrate an alternative spoiler tag? The current one is fine if you're looking to hide an essay, but sometimes you just want to mask a couple of words or a single sentence and for that it can be rather messy.


The alternative method I'd suggest is a simple highlight to read one. Something a bit like this quick Google result, albeit possibly without the hover case.

I was about to implement this, when it occured to me that it wouldn't work for people browsing on their phone. You can't hover with a phone, so I would have to leave the class out of the phone stylesheet, which would mean the spoiler would just be right there for a phone user to see, without warning.
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I was about to implement this, when it occured to me that it wouldn't work for people browsing on their phone. You can't hover with a phone, so I would have to leave the class out of the phone stylesheet, which would mean the spoiler would just be right there for a phone user to see, without warning.

Is there a highlight to reveal thingy you could use? Not that I'm sure how that'd work on a phone.

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I was about to implement this, when it occured to me that it wouldn't work for people browsing on their phone. You can't hover with a phone, so I would have to leave the class out of the phone stylesheet, which would mean the spoiler would just be right there for a phone user to see, without warning.


Could it not just be a normal spoiler on the phone thingy?

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If it was in a separate frame it could keep it's connection couldn't it?


I would think so. It might take a bit of work to get all this working though.


Perhaps if there was what looked like a link to a board that instead linked to the IRC channel page? Somewhat like the "Old Boards" link was for a few years. That might get a few more people interested.

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I was about to implement this, when it occured to me that it wouldn't work for people browsing on their phone. You can't hover with a phone, so I would have to leave the class out of the phone stylesheet, which would mean the spoiler would just be right there for a phone user to see, without warning.

Right, okay... what about if it was an OnClick event? Or, more accurately, a fake OnClick that purely uses CSS. For example:

   background-color: #000000;
   color: #000000;
       display: inline;

.spoiler:active {
 background-color: #FFFFFF;


Then the HTML would be something like:

<div class="spoiler">This is a spoiler.</div>


When you click on the spoiler text it will become visible, but as soon you release it will be obscured again. Frankly I've never tried to browse the web on a phone so I'm unsure how viable this is, although presumably it would work with any contemporary touchscreen device; I don't know how much legacy support you're aiming for.

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I'm pretty sure you can't integrate CSS into BB Codes.

The original example was taken from here. As you can see it's designed for vBulletin and gives a step-by-step of how to implement it.


The only difference with the above code is that it's using "active" rather than "hover", meaning you would need to click and hold on the spoilered text for it to appear as opposed to mouse over it; I assumed Shorty's objection was that with touchscreen interfaces you don't have a cursor with which to hover.

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