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Ah, after four hours, I finally "get" this game. I like it. The bit where I started to learn how to play properly was this section:


[spoiler=]The Mechon in Colony 9



I started to learn what the special moves do, eg. I'd apply Break, then Topple, then attack with Side Slash or Back Slash. I've even started pulling off Chains, which are awesome. I'm also improving my Arts to focus on Break and Topple at the moment.


So, thanks to everyone who encouraged me to persevere, because I honestly was finding it a struggle.

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Could someone help me? I'm in Alcamoth, and I can't find Monster Quest 3. I've been looking for it, but can't find it anywhere. There shouldn't be any time related problems, since Monster Quests are given by nameless NPCs.


Pretty much all quests in Alcamoth I've gotten so far have a "time limit". That includes all quests from unnamed NPCs.


If you've still unfinished limited Alcamoth Quests from the first slew, that Quest should also be around somewhere.

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Another day yesterday of just side questing, story wise I'm still at the halfway point of Mechonis Field (i'm guessin it halfway anyway)


But managed to find a fair few new things.


Got into that secret club in Alcamoth at last turned out to be part of a long ass chain of side quests, if anyone looking for it I'll put in below spoiler


The quests actually start at Frontier Village which I didn't expect, I just kept finding quests and ended up at the Club.


I guess you'll need to have done all the Zazadan quests in the Marsh up to the last one in giving something to Dedeba as those characters end up involved in these quests that lead to the Club.


Guess it started when I got a quest from Dobadoba (near Pollen Works) to choose a new successor for him, Gadaba or Cherri. (I ended up choosing Gadaba but I don't know if the choice matters or not).


After that I got a quest from Cherri to find Gadaba who went missing, find him to trigger a small cut scene. After get another quest from Gadaba which leads to a fair few more quests, follow them all and you'll eventually end up going to Alcamoth. Talk to the bouncer at the club who tells ya to find someone with a card and borrow theirs.


I won't say exactly who has the card but your looking for someone in Alcamoth who likes his drink :wink:



I also found Shulks 4th Skill Tree :D


Will spoiler again...

Got it from Désirée in Colony 9. Just went to run round Colony 9 see if there were more side quests about. I actually saw Désirée but she had no quest at first. Then during the day I found a side quest from a little girl playing with Rocco outside Dunbans house. When I finished that and then ran round at night again I past Désirée and she had a ! on her. Her side quest was easy, just had to keep talking to her and she balbbered on and on and on and at the end got the skill tree :D



I also found another skill for the Monado (Shield), haha, found one yesterday wondered if more were "findable" and up comes another.


I've now reduced the number of quests on my list to a decent small amount (4 or 5 I think), all from Fallen Arm so think it's about time I moved on forward with the story. :D

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I've now reduced the number of quests on my list to a decent small amount (4 or 5 I think), all from Fallen Arm so think it's about time I moved on forward with the story. :D

Enjoy it while it lasts. There are another 12-13 "kill X amount of X/collect X amount of X" quests in the next area. ;)

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Got into that secret club in Alcamoth at last turned out to be part of a long ass chain of side quests, if anyone looking for it I'll put in below spoiler


Was the club worth it? I remember being turned away by the guy in the city but I don't know what the club is actually for.


I also found another skill for the Monado (Shield), haha, found one yesterday wondered if more were "findable" and up comes another.


I thought you got Shield as part of the story - I don't remember picking up a book for it. I did pick ones up for "Eater" and "Armour" and now have 8 Monado Arts but I have no idea if there are more than that.


Dundan gave me "the speech" yesterday about not being able to come back so I'm not progressing the story now. The boss fight just before that point was tricky though and took me a couple of goes. Seems the key was chain attacking with the old break/topple/daze trick to keep it grounded rather than simply trying to use multiple of the same move type to increase damage and have it run rampart once the attack ended.


I think it was level 80 and I was 82 but it put up a heck of a fight... whereas the level 87 creatures I started fighting after were a push over even in groups. But I can't even hit those just two levels higher than that. If I could, they wouldn't stand a chance but it just doesn't happen - even in chain attacks I miss.


I need to find more Skill books for people too to further improve them and make the most of linking. I've made sure to have people sharing all the xp up ones right now just to help with the levelling up but some new ones would be nice to have.

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You get EXP VI that gives 65% increase in Colony 9, at Fortress Entrance. Most skill books are dropped by high levelled monster, not necessarily uniques, but golden chest drops maybe.


I'm up to the beginning of what I assume is the very last area, not going to do much there other than whatever is needed for sidequests. The next time I go further in the story I will be lv 100 with all skill trees maxed. Also going to finish the high entia emblem and giants' treasure quests and viewed all heart-to-heart events before I move on. Currently at lv 82-83.


Not sure, but was it the secret club quest where I got 220 000 exp? Not the secret club itself, but a quest that continue that quest story line sometime after a major plot point(you're past that point Falco). I'll check when I get home. Regardless, the quests altogether have a great sidestory that's worth to see in my opinion.

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Was the club worth it? I remember being turned away by the guy in the city but I don't know what the club is actually for.


Not really it's only just there as part of that big quest chain, though it makes for an interesting "who done-it" side story.


I thought you got Shield as part of the story - I don't remember picking up a book for it. I did pick ones up for "Eater" and "Armour" and now have 8 Monado Arts but I have no idea if there are more than that.


Sorry I meant Armour, got them confused, haha.


Anyway I had a spare few mins earlier so just turned it on to see if I could get in a side quest or two, will get a proper go to progress story later.


Had a side quest that needed 2 Silver Lexos Hearts, I had one already and remembered where I got it in Valak Mountains. So went to find that monster again, the 3rd blue orb I come across on the way was a.......



wait for it.....










mother ICE frakking CABBAGE


Haha. Game is giving me a Monster Hunter vibe now, as soon as you've given up on trying to find an item it turns up :heh:


Now I got all parts of Colony 6 upgraded to lvl3 except Special.

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You get EXP VI that gives 65% increase in Colony 9, at Fortress Entrance. Most skill books are dropped by high levelled monster, not necessarily uniques, but golden chest drops maybe.


I'm up to the beginning of what I assume is the very last area, not going to do much there other than whatever is needed for sidequests. The next time I go further in the story I will be lv 100 with all skill trees maxed. Also going to finish the high entia emblem and giants' treasure quests and viewed all heart-to-heart events before I move on. Currently at lv 82-83.


Not sure, but was it the secret club quest where I got 220 000 exp? Not the secret club itself, but a quest that continue that quest story line sometime after a major plot point(you're past that point Falco). I'll check when I get home. Regardless, the quests altogether have a great sidestory that's worth to see in my opinion.


Correction, the EXP VI is given by the final quest in the red pollen orb/secret club sidequest, with 200 000 exp + bonus.

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Dundan gave me "the speech" yesterday about not being able to come back so I'm not progressing the story now. The boss fight just before that point was tricky though and took me a couple of goes. Seems the key was chain attacking with the old break/topple/daze trick to keep it grounded rather than simply trying to use multiple of the same move type to increase damage and have it run rampart once the attack ended.


That particular boss was a right pain, even though I got it down on the first go. Horrible Spike defense and Purge would never last very long on it. As you say, thank god for chain attacks and break/topple/daze helping out there.


That's something I did notice quite a lot in that last area though. Some high Spike defenses on some of the enemies and even a few of the uniques couldn't be dazed or hit when toppled otherwise your characters would be toppled themselves. It was a little strange but it was nice to see that you would still have to change tactics that far into the game to get the kill even on standard mobs.

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Correction, the EXP VI is given by the final quest in the red pollen orb/secret club sidequest, with 200 000 exp + bonus.


Oh right - I've been using the 20% exp up skill and the bonus for day fights one. The only Exp Up gem I have is the level 3 and Shulk has that right now. Oh, and I meant Skill trees, not Skill book before - sorry for the confusion. I'm not doing too bad for Advanced Art Books.


I think monsters have a variety of ones they drop so some can be fought over and over. I have got some from ordinary creatures but uniques seem to give a better chance of the golden chest.


That particular boss was a right pain, even though I got it down on the first go. Horrible Spike defense and Purge would never last very long on it. As you say, thank god for chain attacks and break/topple/daze helping out there.


That's something I did notice quite a lot in that last area though. Some high Spike defenses on some of the enemies and even a few of the uniques couldn't be dazed or hit when toppled otherwise your characters would be toppled themselves. It was a little strange but it was nice to see that you would still have to change tactics that far into the game to get the kill even on standard mobs.


The enemies wre a breeze, it was just the boss that was the problem because of, like you say, the incredibly high Spike Damage. Having to use Purge seemed like a waste since it drains your talent meter and then it makes guarding against vision attacks difficult... not too mention it doesn't last very long unless it's leveled to the max and even then it seems a bit poor.


It was interesting forcing me to use different tatctics since normally, I go in, cast armour (up to 70% now), regular attack to fill my guage and then use arts plus Chains to deal the big damage and it works fine.

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I'm up to Level 80 now, trying to decide whether or not to go for the final boss yet. I don't want it to be a pushover, yet equally I don't want it to be one of those long, drawn-out final bosses that I've played in the Mario RPGs, where you spend an eternity slowly chipping away at the boss' health bar.

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Ah, after four hours, I finally "get" this game. I like it. The bit where I started to learn how to play properly was this section:


[spoiler=]The Mechon in Colony 9



I started to learn what the special moves do, eg. I'd apply Break, then Topple, then attack with Side Slash or Back Slash. I've even started pulling off Chains, which are awesome. I'm also improving my Arts to focus on Break and Topple at the moment.


So, thanks to everyone who encouraged me to persevere, because I honestly was finding it a struggle.


You've done better than me. Took me yonks to figure out how to trigger the chain attacks and even then it was sheer fluke that I pressed up on the d-pad when the Monado was highlighted. That battle you spoilered, imagine doing that without using a chain attack... cos thats what I did. :(


Glad you're enjoying it though! There's plenty of questy, harvesty type things to do, so you could become obsessed like you were (are?) with DQ IX!

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You've done better than me. Took me yonks to figure out how to trigger the chain attacks and even then it was sheer fluke that I pressed up on the d-pad when the Monado was highlighted. That battle you spoilered, imagine doing that without using a chain attack... cos thats what I did. :(


Oh, I don't actually know how to do Chain attacks, I just like them. :)


Glad you're enjoying it though! There's plenty of questy, harvesty type things to do, so you could become obsessed like you were (are?) with DQ IX!


Still am, although I'm getting annoyed with the Alchemiracles, wasting my Orbs and Agates each time. :heh: It's a funny thought that I've not really got anything more to do in DQIX, apart from the odd tinker for old time's sake.


Funny you should mention DQIX though, because although I've got into Xenoblade, I still have this weird feeling of wanting to get it over and done with. I'm not doing many Quests or exploring thoroughly. I just want to see the story and then... bring on Skyward Sword!

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Correction, the EXP VI is given by the final quest in the red pollen orb/secret club sidequest, with 200 000 exp + bonus.


That's weird I checked my Gems last night and I don't have an EXP VI gem and I did all those serect club quests. Highest I have is EXP III which give 25% bonus.


Only really started tinkering fully with the Skill Links last night and actually reading what each one does and spotted the one that gives exp bonus during the day so stuck that on all the characters :)


Got to the top of Mechonis Field last night, enjoyed the boss fight, was a little different the way it was layed out and having to find cover first, enjoyed that.


The cut-scenes afterwards were awesome and I'm getting a good feeling of "shits about to get real" now, haha.


Only did a bit of the next area though as I spent too much time (again) at teh start of my session doing side quests :heh:

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You're not there yet. You have to go further in the main story.


Also, to follow up on great battle talks from last page, my favourite(that I have paid attention to):


dunban: It's time to get started!

Riki: But Riki already started!


His voice make it sounds so much better ^^

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You're not there yet. You have to go further in the main story.


Also, to follow up on great battle talks from last page, my favourite(that I have paid attention to):


dunban: It's time to get started!

Riki: But Riki already started!


His voice make it sounds so much better ^^


Oh didn't mean to make out like I thought I was near the end, just with the cut scenes that happened at the point I was particularly....


With the Bionis Allied Army advancing on Galahad Fortress



It just felt like shit was about to hit the proverbial fan, :D

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The 7th character is amazing. Easily my favourite, speedy and powerful, with an awesome move that does tons of damage and forces topple. Let's not forget the omnislash-esque talent art either.


Combined with every double attack is critical and every critical heals and what we have is immense. Hax.

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One more quest. Talk to nopon you always talked to for the previous quests once the Alcomoth quests disappears. Nice ending to it, one my favourite side story in the game. That and the 200 000 exp(plus skill bonus) and of course the exp VI makes it even more awesome.

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You don't? Are chain attacks not what I think they are? :woops:

Hey old guy, have you got Xenoblade? :heh:


He has ordered it today, after a few weeks of me nagging him to get it.


(Oh and Nintendo finally getting some stock to online retailers.....)

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