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Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread


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Mawhahaha, got all the verses, :heh:


There's magic in the air this evening

Magic in the air

My Wii is at her best, you know

When There's a new game to love and care

The promise of adventure is one the night will keep

After all, there's only one more sleep til Xenoblade


Nintendo fans will smile today

Nintendo fans will glow

There's no such thing as Kiddie Consoles when

A Big Kid plays "Xeno"

But US gamers they will hate us, cause Europeans will have so much fun

After all, there's only one more sleep til Xenoblade


Tis a time to be jolly and joyous

With a burst of pleasure the Wii loads the disc

Tis the time when N.o.E get love from us

For releasing a game that N.o.A let escape


There's something in the wind today

That's good for everyone

Yes, tomorrow will be Xenoday

Wii's shining like the sun

But not everyone can play it, U.S. gamers hurt is deep

After all, there's only one more sleep til Xenoblade


After all, there's only one more sleep til Xenoblade Releases

Edited by Mokong
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Seriously, this game is so good. The battle system is a piece of work, the amount of stuff to do is amazing and the soundtrack is simply fantastic.


I'm about 5 hours in now and just fought what I think is my first boss. As I mentioned earlier I was off doing sidequests and I managed to level up quite a bit, so much so that the boss was a pushover. :D


There are powerful versions of various beasties around the map that offer a bit of a challenge but you get more experience and better items off them. I have managed to defeat all of them so far apart from one. I've got 3 party members now so I will head back there and give him a beating...

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My Wii was returned from Nintendo this morning (repaired free of charge, which was nice!), so I finally got a chance to play this today, after the disc was sitting under my TV unused for the past two weeks. Thinking about it, I don't think I've ever played a JRPG before (Pokémon's about the closest I've got!) and I'm pretty much enjoying it. It's great that there's so much to do, although I spent a lot of time running around trying to find the people who gave me quests after I'd completed them before realising that I didn't need to (right?). Well, there are still a few items that I've found that I need to return to their owners, but I haven't been able to locate them anywhere, presumably because they only appear at certain times of the day. Speaking of which, it's great being able to change the time as much as you want, not that it really helps when I can't remember when certain people are supposed to appear!


Anyway, I've just got three people in my party for the first time, and I'm trying to explore the caves, but everything in them is totally slaughtering me, even though we're all level 8, I think. I don't think I've quite got the hang of the battle system yet..

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It's great that there's so much to do, although I spent a lot of time running around trying to find the people who gave me quests after I'd completed them before realising that I didn't need to (right?).


There are a few exceptions but for the most part you are right, once you get the item/kill the monster, the quest is done. I also like how you can just fast travel to any of the landmarks on the map that you have found. It makes getting around so much easier, if you don't fancy a walk.:wink:


The cutscene I just had now....EPIC! :D


I've also added the links for the Edge and ONM reviews in the opening post.

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Not sure whether to get this or not... I'd have to trade in something.


But I mean... I really don't seem to like turn-based battles in RPGs. Pokémon I can sort of handle because of it's simplicity. But I keep reading reviews praising the "complicated fight system" and that's really drawing me away from it...

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But I mean... I really don't seem to like turn-based battles in RPGs.

Lucky you: Xenoblade is not turn-based.


And which review praised the "complicated" battle system? The basics are pretty much like an MMORPG. Characters attack automatically and you simply select "Arts" (special attacks, spells etc.), which have a cooldown before you can select them again.


How much more simple do you want it to be? One button combat? ;)

Edited by Burny
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Yup, the fighting system really is easy to use. As DP said, you can spend alot of time mastering it with various combos if you choose to do so, or you can just learn the basics and wing it from there.


At the moment I haven't tried to learn anything complicated. I'm just power levelling and then selecting attacks which I think would be best. It's working so far. :D

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I want to discuss a big side-feature later on the game but I'm worried it might count as a spoiler. It has nothing to do with the main story, so if you're not too bothered...


Rebuilding Colony 6. It's like rebuilding Luin in ToS, but instead of just depositing money, you also have to go round collecting specific items, doing it bit by bit and bringing in new residents yourself. Totally hooked on it.


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...this is basicly what i've been doing since i got this


This post, although utterly disturbing, is absolute win!




Got my Wii back so I'll be having me some of this as soon as I've had something to eat :)


Glad your Wii is back man!

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Not one thanks or comment about my Xeno Song, I am Disappoint :cry:


Just about to leave now to go buy the game, WOHOOO



I want to discuss a big side-feature later on the game but I'm worried it might count as a spoiler. It has nothing to do with the main story, so if you're not too bothered...


Rebuilding Colony 6. It's like rebuilding Luin in ToS, but instead of just depositing money, you also have to go round collecting specific items, doing it bit by bit and bringing in new residents yourself. Totally hooked on it.



OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o


I'm not opening the spoiler tag (and avoiding reading it here in the quote text field as I type).


But can you give me some kind of non-spoiler hint as to what to look for to start down that side quest so I don't miss it



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Not one thanks or comment about my Xeno Song, I am Disappoint :cry:


Just about to leave now to go buy the game, WOHOOO






OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o


I'm not opening the spoiler tag (and avoiding reading it here in the quote text field as I type).


But can you give me some kind of non-spoiler hint as to what to look for to start down that side quest so I don't miss it




It's an offshoot of the main story so you can't miss it. Think it even gets its own section in the tutorial, but don't quote me on that.


As for the song, I think we were all waiting for a YouTube video of your personal rendition :p

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So my special edition arrived this morning!



... but with none of the signed posters. I've checked Game's site, and now there's no mention of them.


I could have sworn it was the case that we were getting the posters in the UK. Or was I mistaken all along? It's possible that they're separate in the post (I did read that the posters came "rolled-up, rather than just folded"), but I'd like clarity.


EDIT: Checked Nintendo's site. Seems these posters were only available through in-store pre-order. Well shit. I'm emailing Game, seeing as Nintendo's site concedes that this 'detail' wasn't made clear originally.

Edited by D_prOdigy
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I'm 8 hours in and just reached the 2nd area of the game but I have went back to the first area to do some more sidequests. I've just had a quick look and already I have done 50 sidequests and i've barely scratched the surface of the game!


I went looking around Colony 9 for the last vegetable I need for my collection book but for the life of me I can't find it. I have looked all over the map and picked up every blue orb i've seen but still nothing. :nono:


Anyone know if there's another to get these items other than the blue orbs?

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Nintendo's quality control fails again :nono: After the overly wobbly top screen on my 3DS, along with the lack of stoppers to prevent the top screen coming into contact with the lower half of the unit when closed, I'm now happy to report that my brand new, just out of the box red Classic Controller Pro is broken. :mad: Left thumbstick will only return to centre when pushing left or right but push up or down and it stays there and doesn't reset.


Thank god then I have an old, white, standard CC to play with. Only had a 25 minute session, getting to Colony 9 for the first time and it seems good. Accents are too British for my liking. Starting to grate a little.

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Put in about 4 hours last night and really loving it so far.


Whilst it's easy to see the corners they cut to get such massive environments on the screen, it's a worthy trade off and It helps you move at a brisk pace too.


I've got to the second area but havent been in a particular rush to progrrss the story much. Just been doing whatever side quests the people throw at me.

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Spent 5 mins just watching the title screen and enjoying the soft music. The intro was fantastic and when I finally got to run around the world map... HOLY SHIT this thing is HUGE.


AFter getting to Colony 9 and being left alone I just spent like 40 -45mins running around looking for items.


Following the story path so far as going solo I kept dying :heh: Want to get some people in my party before going on side quests.


When is a good time to start that, right now I just got Reyn back but teh girl vanished, I got 2 side quest request one for some sort of Scale and another for some sort of Fang. Should I just run around attcking random monsters till I find what I want?

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When is a good time to start that, right now I just got Reyn back but teh girl vanished, I got 2 side quest request one for some sort of Scale and another for some sort of Fang. Should I just run around attcking random monsters till I find what I want?


Once you have 2 members in your party then you can manage most of the sidequests, although the unique monsters may cause you a little trouble but nothing some levelling up wont fix.


As for items, if you look at your requests it usually tells you what they are. Just target the enemies and see if that's the one your after. Remember though that some enemies only appear at night, so use the skip to night/day function.


For the past half hour i've been wandering around the new area and it's MASSIVE. I thought Colony 9 was big but this new place makes it look tiny. While I was wandering around I seen a number of monsters that were huge and way out of my league at the moment. Some of them were level 70 odd, while i'm only level 20. :D

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