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Seventh BISH Heaven


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Enjoying Comedy Rainbow - 10pts




Reading a newspaper - 10pts




A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment - 10pts




Laying face-down on stairs - 10pts




Pulling a funny face to make your lips and cheeks as wide as possible (no hands/outside help...face muscles only). - 20pts




Attempting to lick your own elbow. - 10pts




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I'm loving the video BISHing :P That is one healthy breakfast there, too!


And awesomely tasty too! :)


..you mean it wasn't a BISH for the Worst Breakfast Ever..?


Ha, I'd love to see your breakfast then! :D Probably just fried spam cakes with spam dressing, spam sausages, spam spaghetti pudding and spam ketchup which you drink down with fermented spam juice! And after the meal, naturally spam tooth picks!


I might shamelessly steal Ville's idea and make a video BISH or two if I find an appropriate one. :heh:


Yes, I urge you & all others to do it! :) Doing it myself because it's more fun that way...at least for me, that is.

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All Four Twilight Saga Books Balanced On Your Head- 20pts



You Dressed As Another N-Er (Dannyboy-the-Dane...sorry dude...)- 40pts



Attempting To Lick Your Own Elbow- 10pts



Oooh, You Sexy Beast- 10pts



Strike A Pose- 10pts



A Picture Of The Game You're Addicted To- 10pts



Take A Picture Of You And A Puppet- 10pts


Total Points: 110pts


Edited by Animal
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Am I being thick or is that only 8 games?


Shit, uploaded the wrong one. I took a picture with 8, then realised it was 10. It'll be uploaded in a bit, thanks for spotting that.


Okay, replaced the photo now with added games...

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- Trying TOO hard - 10pts

- The oldest digital/electronic device you own. - 10pts

- Dumb as a doorknob 10pts

- A bike helmet - 10pts

- Bottomless - 10pts

- Cocaine. - 10pts

- Holding a fruit or vegetable at the crotch area to simulate a penis. 10pts

- Waking up on the wrong side of bed. - 10pts

- Do something radically different with your hair (comparison shot needed). - 10pts

- Wearing your trousers on your arms and shirt on your legs - 10pts

- your breakfast - 10pts

- "AAAAAAADDDDDDRIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" PART 2 - Have a fight on a random object - 10pts

- Puppet Master - Take a picture of you and a puppet - 10pts

- C'mon Vogue - Strike a pose! (do a dance move) - 10pts

- You, with a moustache. (Not part of a beard, men) - 10pts

- Cutlery Tower - 10pts

- Reading a newspaper - 10pts

- The Shower Scene - 10pts

- Torches together - 10pts

- Cheers! - 10pts

- Poor and lonely - 10pts


- Treasure chest. - 20pts

- Enjoying a strawberry Cornetto. - 20pts

- A ginger kid (with friends as bonus) - 20pts

- Blue and red car facing head-on - 20pts

- A zipline - 20pts

- A street sign saying "High Street" (or equal translation thereof) - 20pts

- ????? (something that you don't know what it is) - 20pts

- Naked time. - 20pts

- Hey there Mr Moneybags. - 20pts

- "It Came From The Bin" - 20pts

- Engrossed by a chick flick. - 20pts

- Your favourite drink with a fun straw (curly, or novelty). - 20pts

- Wear underwear from the opposite sex over your clothes (Superman style!). - 20pts

- Belly-button faces! - 20pts

- A forum member made entirely out of skittles. - 20pts

- Danger! - 20pts

- Hiding in the bushes all shiftily. - 20pts

- A football goal celebration. - 20pts

- Musically gifted - Play amusical instrument (no plastic guitars!); extra points for a video clip! - 20pts [not singing, as that's another BISH ~j7]

- Athletically awesome - Playing a summer sport (volleyball, football, swimming etc) - 20pts

- all four Twilight Saga books balanced on your head - 20pts

- The fattest book in the shop. - 20pts

- a folded paper star - 20pts

- That new book smell! - 20pts

- Swagger Jagger, you should get some of your own! - Take a Cher Lloyd picture (take this as you will) - 20pts

- A dominoe with 12 dots on each half so...24 dots. - 20 pts [is this even possible?! ~j7]

- The complete works of William Shakespeare - 20pts


- C R E E P E R. - 30pts [?? ~j7]

- Swimming on land. - 30pts

- 2 rails 1 photographee - Get on or close to a railroad track; extra points for eating chocolate soft ice! xD - 30pts [... yeah don't do anything dangerous, n-ers! ~j7]

- Tortoise and the Hare - 30pts

- Primates represent! - climbing a tree / building, i.e. clearly above ground already! - 30pts

- a dog wearing sunglasses - 30pts

- Movie Buff - Re-create a cover of a movie (if one is done, you can not do the one submitted) - 30pts

- "I have the X Factor!" - Sing - 30pts [video bonus available! ~j7]

- "Mrs Robinson, you're trying to seduce me" 30pts

- A drunk person - 30pts

- Police arresting someone - 30pts

- Behind the counter at a high street shop - 30pts

- A life-size cardboard cut out. - 30pts

- You doing a beer bong.- 30pts

- Crossbow carnage. - 30pts

- To show your love for N-E in a creative/original way. - 30pts

- 2 people inside one shirt - 30pts


- You dressed as another N-Eer. - 40pts

- To recreate a scene from your favourite film. - 40pts

- Umbrella-Fort unite! (see N-E Meet for the reference). - 40pts

- A re-enactment of a NES game. - 40pts

- Bookworm - Re-create the book cover of a book (if one is done, you can not do the one already submitted) - 40pts

- A first generation Fiat Multipla - 40pts [What is this I don't even... ~j7]


- A busking group of musicians featuring at least one set of panpipes or other pseudo ethnic instruments. Bonus points if they’re wearing traditional Native American or Mexican clothing. - 50pts

- Complete 1000-piece jigsaw - 50pts


- A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment - 10pts

- A slide - 10pts

- Job Done - 10pts

- Your forum username spelt in red skittles - 10pts


- A ladybird - 20pts

- 10 games made before 1998 - 20pts

- A cat and a dog (in the same picture) - 20pts

- Stood in a bin (the bigger the better) - 20pts

- Lucky number 13 - 20pts

- Power Cut - 20pts

- You with 30 mugs - 20pts


- Five different energy drink cans, open (can be empty) - 30pts

- Something very over priced in a charity shop - 30pts

- Cross dresser - 30pts

- A lambretta - 30pts

- A representation of your strongest personality trait - 30pts


- A high score on a game with the name "N-E", not a flash or phone game - 40pts


- Magic stars faces have returned!! Yayee! Now find 14 packs of revels [may need to elaborate nami - you want magic stars and 14 packs of revels? ~j7]


- Harmony. - 10pts

- Recreation of a famous internet thing. - 10pts

- 7 trays. No more no less. - 20pts

- The essence of ReZ. Can't just be a picture of you and a picture/video of him. Kinda like an impression? Or something? - 30pts

- Dressed up as Link (guess who submitted this BISH :P) - 40pts


- Open a rainbow umbrella in a bathroom - 20pts

- 4 tvs next to each other - 30pts

- Hiding in a computer box - 30pts

- Wind in your hair - 10pts

- Fly away! (photo of you at airport) - 30pts




- Despicable me (NOT the film!) - 10pts




- Your better half - 10pts




- Enjoying Comedy Rainbow - 10pts




- 5 used cinema tickets. - 10pts (bonus points? :p)




- In your duvet, the only thing visible is your face.- 10pts




- "Beware My Power! Green Lantern's Light!" - 10pts




- You and three yellow peanut M&Ms. - 10pts




- Attempting to lick your own elbow. - 10pts




- You with at least 5 different perfume bottles. - 10pts




- you doing a token Asian pose from http://asianposes.com/category/pose/ - 10pts




- 1 U, 2 PG, 3 12a's, 4 15s and 5 18 certificate DVDs. All in the same photo. - 10pts




- Oooh, you sexy beast! - Pose like your life depended on it! - 10pts [not 'vogueing' as that's dance ~j7]




- Standing right up against a wall (facing the wall) - 10pts




- Laying face-down on stairs - 10pts




- 10pts - 10pts



- A Big Issue seller - 20pts




- FALCON [VERB]! (Something you do everyday, but done in a massively over-the-top manner). - 20pts



- Pulling a funny face to make your lips and cheeks as wide as possible (no hands/outside help...face muscles only). - 20pts




- Playing Tetris upside down. - 20pts




- The Avengers - 20pts




- Cat with a teddy/cuddly toy. - 30pts




- You taking a picture of a camera which is taking a picture of a screen that has a picture of you taking a picture of a camera which is taking a photo of a screen on it. - 50pts




- A pink macaroon - 20pts




- Hugging a complete stranger - 40pts





Post Total - 390 Points

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Puppet Master - Take a picture of you and a puppet - 10pts



You with at least 5 different perfume bottles. - 10pts



Reading a newspaper - 10pts



A picture of the game you're most addicted to at the moment - 10pts



Total so far: 90pts



Edited by EddieColeslaw
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Ok, I really wanna see someone top this ;)



N-E pride = 30 pts

Singing with video = 36 pts

Strike a pose = 10 pts

Strongest character trait: creativity! = 30 pts


Prob smth else too :D


Total: 156 pts

Edited by Ville
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I have, for now, hit a snag in that I can't find my camera. As soon as I do I'm on this shit like e.coli.


I also have a slight snag. Not only is the camera button on my phone impossible to press when I can't see it, but it's also impossible to aim. Should have something to sort out the problem in a few days.

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Trust me, if I can actually pull this off, it'll be good but it's just hard. I think I'm going to need my inhalers for this, hahaha.


I have a question actually. This one is a video BISH BUT I don't have a webcam or anything like that. How can I do it? Basically, the audio's fine and I can sing/rap it but I can't actually show myself because I don't have a webcam. Is there anyway I can kind of verify it in some way?

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Do you have some earlier videos / audio posted somewhere? I mean you can't really see me in the ??? and breakfast videos either, but the fact that it's my youtube channel and my voice, is pretty sufficient proof already...

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I doubt EEVIL would remember but I did give him sound clips of me singing for the N-E versions of Another Day and Do They Know It's Christmas...could he confirm that it's me? Also, I will make a YouTube account if necessary.

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a folded paper star - 20pts



You and three yellow peanut M&Ms. - 10pts (I had to open TWO packets for this :angry:)



Attempting to lick your own elbow. - 10pts



Pulling a funny face to make your lips and cheeks as wide as possible (no hands/outside help...face muscles only). - 20pts



Enjoying a strawberry Cornetto. - 20pts (Ahem...this is my "enjoying" face :s)




Found in the shop freezer:






Total so far: 170pts



Edited by EddieColeslaw
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