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  Paj! said:


Michel Gondry's new video for Björk's latest, Crystalline. Awesome video for an awesome song. The 'drum'n'bass' bit (though that feels too standard a description, it's out of this world) in the last minute is my life.


I feel done in. When will she stop being the best damn thing?


I love, I need, I'm human, I bleed...


Never has my desire for an album felt so natural upon listening to just one track, this will be a day one purchase for me... not that it was ever in doubt but just hearing this one new song fills me with such joy that cannot be contained; I wish to spread this happiness with crystallinity! :D


[tl;dr I'm stunned, it's fine]

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So... Tegan and Sara are pretty damn good after all. I was a fool.


*hangs head in shame*


I say this after a couple of songs. I know the SCG/Paj/Chair triumvirate will soon activate so please go ahead and recommend me a few songs I should listen to by the girls - assume I've not heard any of them.


Just listen to the albums So Jealous, The Con and then Sainthood. They're very easy and satisfying to digest, and you'll notice faves emerge.


Will get right on The Con ASAP as it's the one album I've heard a couple of tracks from. Assuming that goes down well, I'll seek out the others.


I believe I was actually on T&S while Paj/Chair were still in nappies (in part because they're annoyingly young).


Thanks Veronica Mars!


Anyway great stuff :)

Posted (edited)

Currently listening to Rumours by Fleetwood Mac... enjoying it a immensely - as is to be expected - plus my brother has just purchased the new Red Hot Chili Peppers album I'm With You which he's currently listening to but I'll hopefully be borrowing it briefly at some point today.


Patiently awaiting the imminent release of Biophillia by Björk and of course A Creature I Don't Know by Laura Marling... so basically life is good. :)


'You can go your owwwwn waaaaaay!'

Edited by S.C.G

God I love that Fleetwood album. I also have a guilty streak for the Chilli Peppers up to a point. It's just that you never forget the albums you grew up with and Californication is one of those.


Anyway, I just discovered Adam D. and Jesse Leach's project Times of Grace. Pretty much distills everything I loved about KSE's brand of Metalcore. Genuinely loving it, reminds me so much of a time in my life I feel slightly disconnected with now.


  • 2 weeks later...

I wish bands I want to see live would stop touring with other bands I want to see live...in America.


First Steel Train toured with Tegan and Sara and now fun. are touring with Janelle Monae. I need a visa. Can't believe they toured with Parafuckingmore here. Such bullshit.


That rant over glad to hear they're working with Jeff Bhasker on the new album :D




Going to see The Rifles in November and The Drums in December. Also The Ordinary Boys are doing some dates and specifically only playing tracks from their first 2 albums so I'm off to that as well in December :grin:


And obviously the Zelda concert in October. This year was nearly gig-less for me and then loads popped up at once :D


Aww I wanna go to gigs and concerts. Only had one last year I think. =(



Currently really into Björk again, thanks to Paj linking to her in the General Gallery. Realised I don't own enough of her albums.

I actually only have Homogenic and Volta. And the Greatest Hits ones, but that doesn't really count. =P


Trying to figure out which albums I should get first. Thinking Vespertine? But then Post has a whole lot of songs I like/love (Army of Me, Hyperballad, Isobel, Possibly Maybe, I Miss You...).

I'll eventually get all her albums though, just figuring out which ones to get first!

  somme said:
Very pleased PJ Harvey won the Mercury.


A deserving win indeed, fantastic album from an astoundingly good artist. :heart:


  Eenuh said:

Currently really into Björk again...


Trying to figure out which albums I should get first.


This would be my personal order of preference... maybe...


Debut > Homogenic > Post > Vespertine >Volta > Medúlla > Selmasongs > DR9


Make of it what you will but I'd defintiely recommend working through them all chronologically.


Björk discography


My Bjork ranking is




Vespertine = Medulla




Post is technically not as 'good' as Vespertine or Medulla, but I enjoy it/listen to it more often than those two.


Selmasongs is nice but doesn't feel proper. I don't even own it...which is so strange. I love Bjork and Dancer In The Dark, but I just feel you should watch the film. The lyrics are all different on Selmasongs anyway. And Drawing Restraint 9 shouldn't count. :p





This feels like a strange dream. I don't understand or know what's going on. Hey Tammy Wynette. I love how fast all her accolades go by, purposely too fast for us to read properly.


So recently I've been listening to A Creature I Don't Know by Laura Marling and it's quite simply stunning, perhaps not nearly as accomplished as her previous album but it's no less brilliant, perhaps even easier to get into as well so for that it should be praised.


I still wouldn't say it's for everyone but I'd highly recommend it because she's an artist I wouldn't have considered before actually buying I Speak Because I Can and from that moment I was completely converted :) She has such a beautiful vocal range which if I had to compare it would be a fusion of perhaps P.J Harvey plus just a pinch of Joanna Newsom mixed with a modest amount of Martha Wainwright.


At the same time though it's perhaps slightly unfair to compare as she's uniquely talanted in her own right, rising from relative obscurity to a high-charting artist within only three years...


Anyway, her latest album is very enjoyable indeed and as I sit here now listening to it for the third time some definite favourites have arisen.





Though I don't really like picking favourites because in truth the whole album is very solid indeed fast becoming the most enjoyable album I've heard from her to date and I say this even after enjoying her previous works a great deal.


TL;DR - Laura Marling, stunning, listen now or forever hold your tongue. :p


Laura Marling is the best young artist in the UK.


Fuck Adele when talking about young artists who seems wise beyond their years. Adele's done. Done in. Seriously. So bored of Adele. And like...Ed Sheeran. Go away. Not interested in you or your shitty drugangel song. /I'll listen to your album to give you a fair chance. But grudgingly.

  Paj! said:
Fuck Adele when talking about young artists who seems wise beyond their years. Adele's done. Done in. Seriously. So bored of Adele.


I had no idea who she was until she was on Jonathan Ross. She seemed like a complete and utter bitch.

  • 1 month later...

*dusts thread off*


Some thoughts on music re:me in recent times:


1) I'm adding to my iTunes, all the dancey songs I had no opinion on at the time of release, but realise I enjoy after actually dancing to them at clubs.



The last in particular is *grabs crotch*. The horn loop/sample/beat. I can feel the ghosts of 90's dance/house/whatever either clapping or turning in their graves at the return to this style. I'm so ready though.


I still kinda hate Pixie Lott. She is so unimpressive. I like the lyric "grab someone if you're single, grab someone if you're not" though. (Relatively. I don't know why. Feels really rude and unnecessary but adds. She's too pure to be pink - it's like someone else told her to say it. She's such a Sandra Dee to Dev's Risso.


Dev is e'erthing though. I finally understand. Bass Down Low is horrid. I enjoyed Like a G6 in clubs. I love that she's pregnant, a massive hinderance to her just blossoming career. But maybe it's the *new trend* to be pregnant, amongst sexy female singers. PIONEER.


2) Ceremonials by Florence + The Machine is really good, throughly enjoying it so far. Takes a few listens for it to unfold, it's always *on*. Quite intense. Shake It Out is changing my life, but others are great too, just need to take them with me to bed and they'll reveal all.


3) I heard Nicola Roberts album was good in a "It's pop, but quirky and actually with wit/good" way, and I like the production, but I kinda can't be bothered. Like...I hate her voice. I love Beat of My Drum, and will give it more time before lots of the album is culled from iTunes.


4) Finally got Lykke Li's second album, which is great. Saw her live, she was great, but a bit bitchy and we all felt judged for not being enthusiastic enough. Soz bytch.


5) This year marks another year the Trion have all released albums. Let England Shake by PJ Harvey is good, and has won critical acclaim beyond all imagining (strange, since I'm really like "Yeah it's good but..." about it), Biophilia by Bjork has been pretty big too, and has met with more temperate reviews, but more positive than her last release, and Tori Amos' Night of Hunters has basically given her rebirth. She's on fire on tour for the first time in years, the album isn't cringey (yes!), she isn't being annoying in interviews, she doesn't look (that) weird etc. The Trion's power is so strong right now.


6) The only male artist I feel a proactive interest in is Tyler, The Creator, and the other OddFuture members. Even though the content of their songs would have me decry'ng them if it were by anyone else. They just stun as a thing, aurally and visually.

Posted (edited)

Today I read an article about K-pop on Pitchfork, which had recommendations. I'm stunned by selects.


^ Her whole EP of the same name is really fun.




P.S Who else is interested/intrigued by David Lynch's debut album? I might buy it. I love how it sounds like his films, just transposed into album form. Like you imagine a blonde woman and a dwarf sitting in a bar, listening to this on the jukebox. Took a few listens, but it's in me.


P.P.S This thread is fucking shit. This forum needs blood.

Edited by Paj!

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