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Well I'll be damed never knew there was such a thing, haha


And that invite I sent to my other other gmail never arrived anyway (assuming I did it right.... do you just make a post and put in the persons gmail address in the field for who the post is for?)


, cheers again mate.


Yeah you just add the email address where it says add circles, people etc.

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I also still use hotmail. What can you do? Been using the same email for about 10 years, too many people have it!


Set up mail forwarding to your Gmail account and you never have to go back to it. You will get everyone's mail and reply with your new address, and eventually everyone will email your new address.

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Nah, forwarding like that isn't great.


In the "Accounts and Import" settings in Gmail you can set up POP mailboxes. Gmail will then download the emails and you can also send from your hotmail email address using Gmail (as well as the Gmail email).

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Yeah sorry, Cube's one is better.


I didn't even find that option before browsing all the settings at work. My main work emails are properly done through Google, but all the secondary ones are POP so I import them into Gmail. It's miles better than using Outlook.

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Well you should change emails then because Hotmail is terrible in comparison. And if you don't want everyone to have to add your new email if you talk to people with it, then just forward it to your gmail account.


As a question, how exactly is Hotmail "terrible in comparison"? I've never noticed this, despite having accounts with both services.

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As a question, how exactly is Hotmail "terrible in comparison"? I've never noticed this, despite having accounts with both services.


Someone at Uni set up a communal Hotmail address for something a few months ago and I just thought the user experience on it paled in comparison to Gmail. What really did it for me, and this could've just been my computer, I copied the text from a draft and pasted it in a new email. It put it all in some weird formatting and the recipients couldn't view it properly.


Gmail is just a far better, smoother experience.

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As a question, how exactly is Hotmail "terrible in comparison"? I've never noticed this, despite having accounts with both services.


It looks nicer, has priority inbox, labels, filters, google chat, themes, labs extensions, threaded conversations, etc.

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To invite someone, write a message as if to write a status update. Then when you are picking who sees it, put in the email of the person you wish to invite, preferably a gmail one. Click share and they get an email inviting them to join Google+. They might or might not be allowed in.

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It looks nicer, has priority inbox, labels, filters, google chat, themes, labs extensions, threaded conversations, etc.


Hotmail has threaded conversations, themes, labels and filters. It has several features gmail doesn't too. Like sweep(though this might just not be given a fancy name on gmail).


For anyone who wants to move all of their Facebook photos to Google+, here is how

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Sent you one, I think.


Edit: hm, I don't have any invites but I was under the impression that simply sharing a stream with someone would allow them access? Or have they prevented that?

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Sent you one, I think.


Edit: hm, I don't have any invites but I was under the impression that simply sharing a stream with someone would allow them access? Or have they prevented that?


They have prevented that now. I think it's based on capacity now; they only allow so many new sign-ups per day.

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Hotmail has threaded conversations, themes, labels and filters. It has several features gmail doesn't too. Like sweep(though this might just not be given a fancy name on gmail).


For anyone who wants to move all of their Facebook photos to Google+, here is how


It didn't have threaded conversations back in my day, I guess they changed that. The themes only change the bar at the top. The filter only has two settings and is nothing like the extensive filter on gmail. There are no labels, there are folders which are not the same. And I didn't find any features that gmail doesn't have. Sweep deletes all or moves all from a certain contact, which you can do easily on Gmail and from what I tried, it didn't work very well because I still had messages from the contact I picked to delete all from.

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It didn't have threaded conversations back in my day, I guess they changed that.


So, in a nutshell, you think Hotmail is terrible because it wasn't as good 7 years ago as Gmail is now? Then, in an attempt to justify your obviously flawed opinion, you hop back on to Hotmail, spend 2 minutes with it and then declare that you were right?




Google Mail is pretty cool, sure, but comparing it to Hotmail is like comparing Apples and Pears. Both are good, but different. Hotmail does indeed have some features that Google Mail does not, just like Google Mail has more advanced email labelling, the Priority Inbox and Labs. Hotmail has both Live Messenger and Facebook Chat built in to the client. There's also pre-made filters for pulling up emails from Social Networks, certain contacts or groups of contacts. You can right click and you can also drag + drop, which can be useful. There's probably others, but I don't really have any need to use the advanced features of either on a daily basis.


Just taking a look at both of my spam boxes, Hotmail has one email. It's about penis enlargement. Gmail has 134, of which only 16 might actually be spam (I just picked out the addresses I didn't know, I didn't look at the content so that might be lower). That's 118 false positives in a month, including two important emails from my college. Poor form by any measure. I guess that does infer that Hotmail's spam filtering might be better, though it's hardly the most comprehensive test.


Google Mail is massively customisable, and is fantastic for it, but to tell people they desperately need to switch to it to get away from the 'terrible' Hotmail is silly talk.

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I just like sending an receiving emails.


But Hotmail is called Hotmail.


I don't want to sound like a 13 year old when applying for a job.


I already sound like a 13 year old by the way I type.


Yes but gmail isn't much better. If you're applying for a job you're much better off using a uni or work or ISP email address.

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I just like sending an receiving emails.




Yes but gmail isn't much better. If you're applying for a job you're much better off using a uni or work or ISP email address.


I wouldn't worry about the domain name your email is based on. As long as your email address isn't something like "[email protected]" you'll be fine.

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