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Rising Tensions


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But I was talking about my own cunt!


You haven't got a cunt: unless you're talking about your mangina?


You're somewhat lucky though, you don't have a proper cunt. Cunts like feminazis tend to have more of a problem with fellow cunt owners saying "cunt", than the cuntless*; not that they don't hate the cuntless saying it aswell.




*I've read such a person state this (an columnist no less - obviously without using the word "c**t"), it may not represent the ideals of all, or even most people under a similar banner.

Edited by Kurtle Squad
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Yeah let's start ripping into people more.


Like you Flinky... I mean...




You've had the same signature for years now... I hope you... don't keep the same underwear as long as you do as your signa...




Fuck you!

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Yeah let's start ripping into people more.


Like you Flinky... I mean...




You've had the same signature for years now... I hope you... don't keep the same underwear as long as you do as your signa...




Fuck you!




Well...you are a man that is coming out of a hole. WUT R U? A MOLE!?


If you re-arrange Wesley, you get Weesly.




We have learned that you are a Hogwart (emphasis on the Wart, you Hog) and that you lives in holes. You warthog!

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Well...you are a man that is coming out of a hole. WUT R U? A MOLE!?


If you re-arrange Wesley, you get Weesly.





We have learned that you are a Hogwart (emphasis on the Wart, you Hog) and that you lives in holes. You warthog!


That made me laugh no end.

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To be honest I never felt overly tense, nor meant anything personal during our "tension" Chair; I may have done had I never had such discussions (even with myself) before, but it was rather old-hat to me.

Although I never stated it, it was probably more of a warning to base your opinions on facts, not other peoples opinions (and especially to not appeal to authority)... though that's kind of a self-defeating statement, because then you'd be basing the decision to think that way on my opinion. :heh:

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You've had the same signature for years now... I hope you... don't keep the same underwear as long as you do as your signa...


I'm pretty sure he's always had the same avatar too.



Kurtle is a bit ragey.


I'm aware I can get riled up. I do bite my tongue ?fists? more than would be realised however.

Edited by Kurtle Squad
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Cmaaaan, guys. You know the moment that The Bard is posting about the troubles of relationships and how it upsets him...you know that there is truly no ill will here.


We are pansies. In fact, I'm disgusted by this. We should be arguing MORE.




I was just about to pipe in about the forum and read this and laughed.


If anything I've just noticed how down we all seem to be recently, I just assumed there was something in the water.


But I've not noticed any bickering, if anything we seem to have gotten a little bit nicer to each other recently. :)

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I've noticed some fire in Chair's direction recently.

Kurtle is a bit ragey.

There is never enough fire in Wesley's direction.

Mad Monkey was a bit set upon.

Er ...


Or love.


Admit it Odwin, you love me.


You've even started to type like me.

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I'm pretty sure you've always been the same pokemans, too. Why haven't you evolved? Not got enough experience points?!oneone.


I held B :heh:




I did consider Kurtortle, but it doesn't have the same ring to it; nor is it a real-world nickname.

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[Just want to make it known that I think think over-emphasised gender performance is the root of a lot of trouble, and find the whole concept of constructed masculinity/feminity really suspect. ktnx]

I knew you wouldn't care for it, hence ^.

I hate it too.


Let me sleep beneath the flowers for a couple of hours without a guilty conscience guise!

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[Re: Why?


Got an email from someone that made my stomach drop like a stone, and made me cry. Relatively personal / not really, they were really angry at me about something I hadn't even thought about, but was a really legitimate thing for them to be raging about, and I felt like I needed to crawl under my bed and stay there for a few days and come out afresh and new. Then I watched Breaking The Waves and lay astrewn my bed crying, then phoned my notquiteboyfriend (it was 3am) and he was really unimpressed, and said that he has an important PhD meeting thing at 7, which he had told me about and I'd forgotten, so we agreed that we'd talk in the morning. So I slept, woke up, and realised I'd been overdramatic and inconsiderate for calling, and texted him saying I felt stupid. He sends a lukewarm reply back being vaguely supportive but not really. End. Point is, through all this I realise that life's too short to be a cunt, and I spend not enough time paying attention to people who make an effort to be friends.]

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I felt like I needed to crawl under my bed and stay there for a few days and come out afresh and new.



go into the garden go under the ivy go under the leaves away from the party go right to the rose right to the white rose for me

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There aren't rising tensions. There are just differences in opinions which will sometimes result in arguments, something that will always happen with groups like ours where we all have differing views which we feel comfortable sharing.


Avoiding disputes etc would just make this a boring place and more importantly, a less truthful one.

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