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Finnaly felt ready to move on and look for a date again


Joined plenty of fish and ok cupid, sent a load messages and im yet to have any luck on there, i have this as my profile pic is there something wrong with it apart from the mario galaxy / kart poster in the background haha




It seems hard to find any single girls down here that i like, Cornwall is a hard place to live at times, seems hard to find even find a date maybe im trying to hard.

Guess i will just have to chill out and enjoy being single for now.

Edited by yesteryeargames
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The immediate impression I got from that photo is 'this guy looks a bit down' and 'go on then, if I have to take a photo'.


Although, on a second look it isn't that bad.


But you might want to look a bit more smiley... but then I hate smiling in photo's, so maybe you do too.

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Yeah a blurry photo doesn't give a great first impression. Also you definitely need to smile. Smiling makes people far more attractive. I'd also avoid the England shirt. A lot of people will immediately think stereotypical male football fan type yobbo. Perhaps a casual shirt or a nice t-shirt would be better.

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Yeah my first impression was also looking down, nervous/shy. Arms folded = reserved and holding back. Lose the football shirt as above. I personally think the Mario Galaxy poster is good (although I personally would never have noticed it) as it shows of who you are so it won't turn them off later down the line.

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Yeah a blurry photo doesn't give a great first impression. Also you definitely need to smile. Smiling makes people far more attractive. I'd also avoid the England shirt. A lot of people will immediately think stereotypical male football fan type yobbo. Perhaps a casual shirt or a nice t-shirt would be better.


All this.


A photo makes all the difference. @Emma will tell you that she nearly didn't agree to go on a date with me because my pictures on okcupid were a bit naff.


example time!


in this photo, I look like a serial killer.




In this one, I look awesome.




Disclaimer: few years between and such (and I've clearly aged like a fine wine) but the point stands. Good photography and a good attitude = sexy face.

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I think with dating profiles you are essentially branding yourself. What is brand 'yesteryeargames'? How can you portray effectively what you like, how you act and what you do? Profiles with a lot of text will get a lot more attention for a number of reasons:

  • It shows you've put time into it and you're serious (i.e. not after a quick shag)
  • You tell people more about yourself. With this people looking will have a better idea if they want to get to know you
  • It shows you're open and honest.


These websites all ask you similar questions. Come across as someone who's happy, fun-loving. If you're answers are depressing that the impression everyone will get of you; that you're boring and depressing. No one wants to be around someone like that, especially on a date!

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Finnaly felt ready to move on and look for a date again


Well done for taking a pro-active step!! From using both websites I found OkCupid to be much better, mainly due to the question filter thing.. it's definitely worth doing as it will set you up with people who you want to be set up with!


As for a photo, I agree with what everyone has said so far. I would also recommend you try to avoid ones of you inside and obviously by yourself. Use a photo from a social situation (but not you on a night out getting trashed). This helps girls realise that you must be normal and people must obviously like being around you. Make sure though that you're the only one in the photo. Good social photo places: holidays, on a trip, walks, doing your a hobby etc. This will also help stimulate further conversation :).


Also a few tips for message writing: Make sure it's personal, read the whole of her profile first and write 1 or 2 questions about something she mentions, maybe expand on it BRIEFLY with your own experience/ opinion so she has something to reply with.


Here are some example messages that I got whilst on OkCupid


BAD: I have terrible experience on dating site things...people can be quite hectic and weird....I went on three dates and three weird stories....check me out first, if you like my profile, just drop me a line...then we can talk and see how things go between us :)


if you dont like my profile, wish you all the best


BAD: if you could be a jaffa cake, would you be a full jaffa cake, half a jaffa cake or no jaffa cake? x


GOOD: So, you've lived in 8 places. Where was the nicest place you'd say? I'm contemplating moving abroad somewhere and i'm currently taking on ideas! Oh and hello i'm *** by the way :) hope you're well. x


GOOD: How's it going?

I'm a teacher too, except I teach secondary (English) in Barnsley. Very cool that you talk about teaching/education all the time. I find myself doing the same thing... Have you heard of teach first?


JUST FOR LOLS: Hello there my dear,

I would love to be able to exposit at length and write an amazing message that hooks you in and creates an unbreakable bond, but I've been on the champagne and can barely manage a typed grunt. But cest la vie - You are very pretty - And how could I not message someone who cites Matt Smith as their fave doctor?


Much love,

D x







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I agree with everything you said there, Emma. I was on OKCupid for a short period of time (before I got freaked out and realised I didn't want anyone finding me on it!) and found that when I started talking to a girl about her profile she was far more likely to reply than if I sent a generic message.


My theory was that girls get messages all the time from weirdos and just delete them in bulk without paying attention. Make yourself stand out and show you're interested in the girl by asking about her profile and what she does.

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Oh the days when you told people you'd met someone off the internet haha.


I still feel weird telling people I met Dan off of the internet. Most of my family think I met him in the pub (technically true). It's definitely easier than what it was though!

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I'm giving myself until August before I jump into dating sites (though June and July are essentially a write-off for obvious reasons). Plenty of opportunities between now and then to meet people so who knows what the future brings.


If all else fails though, I'm assuming I shouldn't put the site on my profile? :p

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I still feel weird telling people I met Dan off of the internet. Most of my family think I met him in the pub (technically true). It's definitely easier than what it was though!


I found since my uncle met his partner off the internet they've been a bit more accepting. Although I'm not really interested in dating at the moment (or for the past year..) its certainly an interesting way to go.

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I'm giving myself until August before I jump into dating sites (though June and July are essentially a write-off for obvious reasons). Plenty of opportunities between now and then to meet people so who knows what the future brings.


If all else fails though, I'm assuming I shouldn't put the site on my profile? :p


Stop putting it off mate, you're just making excuses. If you find a girl you like enough you'll make time for her even in your busy period.

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Stop putting it off mate, you're just making excuses. If you find a girl you like enough you'll make time for her even in your busy period.

From June 20th to July 20th, I shall not be leaving my house. It's futile to attempt to find someone during this period as it'd be right at the start of any potential relationship, being detrimental to it and inevitably causing it to end. Months in then sure, they may accept it, but straight away? No

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