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Norse Mythology Mafia


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I'm not sure why someone would choose Jonnas though. I'm willing to bet it's an evil power because surely anyone good would target someone who doesn't post?


Or I suppose if they are good then they'd go for a safe bet just in case they don't post enough and get killed or something.


Jonnas, have you been told what happens if you don't post enough?

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Random thought that Jonnas killed Rez and took his personality. Can the Gods do that?


Nay. Had I sought to kill another player to take their personality and mannerisms, my choice would have been far more refined, I assure you. Do not forget that my speech also lacks greenery scenery, as well as blogs, hacks and lols.


I merely speak with over-abundant loquaciousness with the goal of increasing the output of spoken words.


I will say more in another post. Alas, such is the paradox of the curse of wordiness, interrupting the flow of my speeches for increased effectiveness.

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Yeah, my power is a bit lame. Sorry Jonnas.


I can target someone at night and then specify how many posts they can make in a day, and how many words they have to write in each post. That is literally all I do, and as such I am almost entirely useless. If the person doesn't manage to post the right amount or whatever, they are jailed the next day.


Jonnas, as far as I'm aware my power doesn't make you speak any differently, does it? I was under the impression you just have to include a certain number of words.


I don't like limiting speech so I made it 10 posts from Jonnas today, at around 80 words each (ish). I genuinely don't know what else I should do with this power: suggestions are welcome. I can target people who aren't posting much if people want me to (it will prove my power at least)?


I targeted Jonnas for no real reason - as I have said, my power doesn't really help much, so whether I target a good or bad player is pretty irrelevant. I believe the player isn't just allowed to speak jibberish, so if we need to question someone I can force them to answer, but that's not the most useful thing ever.


I'm not sure how this power could ever be seen as evil, though - why would it ever benefit the mafia? (This is directed at the Peeps)


As such, I have absolutely no information. I was informed that I was roleblocked when I used the power on the previous day, so nobody was forced to post. Obviously I wasn't last night. that's all the information I have.

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I'm not sure how this power could ever be seen as evil, though - why would it ever benefit the mafia? (This is directed at the Peeps)


You could specify that someone may only post twice, wait for them to post and then you (or another mafia member) accuse them of something damaging. I find it impossible to believe that you haven't thought of any way your power could be misused. I'm putting a big ? over you for now - this is not an accusation.

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Nintendohnut, I would say your actions have left me speechless, yet that is a clear contradiction of my current state. As I previously stated, my speech is so that words may flow with maximum efficiency.


I have been told that failure to comply to this demand would involve me being unjustly thrown in jail. I know who your character is, Nintendohnut, and I must say this is quite an abuse of your powers! I find it hard to believe this is the full extent of your abilities.

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Forseti, God of Justice and Reconciliation.


I would assume Forseti to be the judge of all in Valhalla, being granted the power to imprison those he deemed nefarious and unworthy. Yet, he imprisons those who are not as loquacious as himself. That leaves me wary of any future actions of yours, Nintendohnut.


On to more pressing matters, I believe votes for Nintendohnut would be hastily cast at this point. I also believe The Peeps is good.

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Forseti, Wikipedia: "His is the best of courts; all those who come before him leave reconciled. This suggests skill in mediation and is in contrast to his fellow god Týr, who "is not called a reconciler of men." However, as de Vries points out, the only basis for associating Forseti with justice seems to have been his name; there is no corroborating evidence in Norse mythology."


I want to believe that Forseti/Dohnut is good, but EotW has taught me not to believe anyone... If he happens to jail a townie, it doesn't mean that the townie is nefarious, i.e. he doesn't seem to be able to determine alignments, rather he jails by his own discretion.

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So he alluded/claimed. I gotta say, I'm well confused. I know the armoury has come up a few times, but I haven't had chance to sit and note how/where, would be interested if someone could sum it for me. Also now Jonnas has thrown me out of what, Dohnut has forced him to have a certain number of posts/words per? Not to speak specifically like he is speaking though? Is it a character trait or just wording it out I'm not even sure. Will try and get a proper read through at work tomorrow to catch up.


^what = whack. What's loquacious mean?

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I am indeed Forseti, and I will say again that this is my only power. Tales even said in the original PM that this wasn't his favourite role but he hoped I liked it anyway. At one point he was considering giving me another/a different power but decided against it. This is all I can do - target someone and make them post a certain number of times with a certain number of words.


@ The Peeps - but that would be stupid. If I forced someone to post twice, then accused them, they would have already said they were limited by posting rules (just like Jonnas did) in which case the suspicion would instantly fall on me, rendering the entire thing pointless.


I am a townie. At this point all I can see it that my role is to keep participation to a maximum. You don't want to believe me? Fine. You'll see that I'm not lying because people will have to post a certain number of posts/words each day, proving I'm not lying. If I'm roleblocked this obviously won't happen (I was told this is what happened when I originally taregted Mundi on the first day, but Tales also said I'd have to just work it out afterwards by counting posts and words).


Don't know what else to say. If you think I'm evil you're wrong *shrug*


BTW I reckon Rummy's maff, just from his last post - asking loads of questions when they've already been answered is what I ALWAYS do when I'm evil :) Just a suspicion. No proof :)

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I am afraid I am running out of time! Grant not Nintendohnut a free path to lock me in prison! Who knows what sort of dangers lurk there?


Mayhaps we can vote for someone inactive? I hear by hearsay that both Dyson and Ellmeister have posted very little since the game has started!


Vote: Dyson


Nay, let not today be a day to end prematurely!


...And heed me, this is exactly what she said.

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Oh, that is unfortunate...


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I strongly believe Dazz to be good. This is a verily irritating situation, lynching the inactives would be the wisest course of action to take at this moment, yet our most inactive user is most likely good.


Heed us, Dazz, come unto this thread and provide us with some activity. I beg of thee, help provide some insight into this investigation, for the day must not end just yet.

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