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[Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword


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OK Done!


I decided to look at the guide @Magnus :p


They were two of the stupidest heart pieces and as a result I was probably wouldn't have got them...


1. The one Beedle stocks. Apparently it becomes available after you buy the heart related items from him; but because the Heart Medal was the last item I bought from him I'd presumed I cleaned his shop out! So had no reason to go back (even though I have been back and the shop's been bare before).


2. The Goron behind the Temple. I thought he was just giving you tips as to what you can draw on the walls like the gossip stones! Didn't realise he wanted you to draw what he was saying! :p

What a relief! :D

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  • 1 month later...

I can't speak for whatever cheap adapters you find on eBay, but the one I have worked fine.


There's no difference between a WiiMotion+ controller and a regular Wiimote with a WiiMotion+ adapter, if that's what you're wondering.

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I've got the golden Zelda WiiMote+, the official motion+ that came with Red Steel 2, and an unofficial Motion+.


Not sure if this unofficial one is the same as in that image. At a first glance, the attachment looks identical to the official one. The only difference seems to be that its missing the Nintendo logo, and that it doesn't feel quite as "sturdy" when connecting it to the Wiimote and then a nunchuk to the other end of it. It doesn't seem as "tight" when connected to the Wiimote as the official one does.


I played a brief bit of Red Steel 2 with it, just to give it a test. It played fine for the majority of the game, although I did find it seemed to go a bit weird on me during the main Wii Channels Menu. Had to disconnect it and reconnect it when the game loaded up. Seemed much like the official one, but there were times where it didn't seem as responsive to me. Could have been my mind playing tricks.


The official Motion+ works fine for me. Haven't had any issues with it, except that you are definitely aware that it is an attachment to the controller, which means that there is a slight (but noticeable, imo) weight difference when your Motion+ is added, in comparison to when it is not. It kinda counteracts the streamlined appearance of the Wiimote, but if you can deal with that, then it's fine. Hasn't failed me yet. Although, I didn't use it for Zelda, but have used it for EA Grand Slam Tennis, Red Steel 2 and WiiSports Resort without any issues.


Finally, you've got the WiiRemote+, with the Motion+ built in. I have to say, once I played Zelda using this remote, I struggled to go back and use the controller with the Motion+ attachment. The Zelda remote, or any others for that matter with it built in, are just better in many ways. The biggest and most noticeable difference is the appearance and weight. It feels light, and that makes a difference when playing games for a longer amount of time, such as Zelda.


It comes at a price though, as it's much cheaper to buy an attachment than it is for the whole remote. The unofficial attachment will be the cheapest. But, I'd probably go for the official one, which should be reasonably priced. Pretty sure you'll be able to find a good deal somewhere. If you've got a bit of cash to spare, I'd be tempted to get the official remote+. There's also a good chance you'll be using it for a long time, such as with the WiiU, with games that support it.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Yeah, I don't think there's much point in buying an unofficial one - it is a sophisticated piece of equipment after all - but I used the official one and still got the error (Link running round in circles) many, many times.


I did order the proper Wii Remote Plus bundle but it never turned up. Just had to get the game from a supermarket and used the Motion Plus I got with Wii Sports Resort.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I finally bought this a few weeks ago for £15 from Argos.


Started playing it but I am not very far into it.


Initially I hated the graphics, thought they looked terrible (I was like who can Galaxy look so much nicer!).


The control scheme is annoying me a bit, just coz I don't wanna shake the nunchuck everytime I want to roll and there is times I'm not getting the sword swinging right. Maybe I'm always just gonna prefer a basic control pad for playing games!


Fi is so fucking annoying, most of the time I don't want her help but it forces me to hear something I can work out for myself because it is so obvious, Navi never spoon fed me like this!


That being said I am enjoying myself because it is still a zelda game, I am just yet to love it like OoT, MM and WW (TP was good but no where near as much as them!)

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Fot me it's second to Ocarina of Time in terms of my favourite Zelda.


However, whilst I loved the visuals, I also had issues over the controls that never fully went away.

Whilst I got into the swing of the motion controls, there was never really a time when they became completely natural.


The two biggest things for me were having to shake to roll, and having the shield respond to a 'thrust'. Using the shiled in the heat of battle sometimes just completely skipped my mind because of this!... which isn't good for a Zelda game IMO.


... also the 3 different buttons for the the 3 different item menu's, specifically the '+' potion menu I think always took a quick thought.

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Hmm, spoilers (I guess).











The controls are the best in any Zelda game. So fun, even just getting rid of minor or small enemies.

The "story", which includes the cut-scenes and the overall story-telling elements of the game are poor. Ine is playing through Twilight Princess at the moment and it is just far more cinematic, thus more engaging. The overworld just seems much more interesting, too.


The poorest sections of the game are the boss-fights. Twilight Princess obliterates Skyward Sword in this department, both in terms of the scale of the fights, and the design for the bosses themselves. I quite enjoyed going through the temples/dungeons, but there's only two bosses in the whole of this game that gave me that "fucking awesome" feeling after I defeated them.


Overall, it is obviously a very good game. I prefer it to the Wind Waker, which I find over-rated. I don't consider this as good as Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask.

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The poorest sections of the game are the boss-fights. Twilight Princess obliterates Skyward Sword in this department, both in terms of the scale of the fights, and the design for the bosses themselves.


Totally agree. The boss fights were very disappointing, especially compared to the ones in TP and WW. I also hated the soundtrack for the most part, thought it was ridiculously forgettable compared to Wind Waker for instance

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I love this game! I thought the graphics were amazing and basically felt it was much better than Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. I'd say it's my favourite Zelda since Ocarina. Still, all Zelda games are essentially a ten out of ten, I've never played one that haven't loved - if there's one I had to pick as a 9 it'd be Majora's Mask as I hated the time limit and found it frustrating, in fact I would give it a 9!

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Totally agree. The boss fights were very disappointing, especially compared to the ones in TP and WW. I also hated the soundtrack for the most part, thought it was ridiculously forgettable compared to Wind Waker for instance


Yeah, the music is a bit of a letdown, too. :hmm:


The quality of it is great. It's well produced. But, there's only two tunes that I can remember off the top of my head, and they are the ones that you hear the most: Skyloft theme (which I admit that I quite like) and the theme when you're flying in the Sky (seems at times more fitting to a Super Mario Bros. game, somehow).


Perhaps it's unfair to judge a game entirely on its first go. Maybe you need to go back and play it through a second time to appreciate it. The first 10 or 15 hours seem excellent, and I found it very hard to put down. But, once you learn of the game's structure, it just seems to lose a tiny bit of that magic. It becomes a bit too predictable. Although:


That section very late on when you lose your weapons and have to go through the Volcano area to re-find them...just excellent. It came out of nowhere.


I loved the Trials, too and found it very tense.


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I do still need to play a lot more of it I think to hopefully really get into it but I even finding the flying sections horrible!


I find it hard to increase height, it's so slow!


I am only on the second 'area' under the clouds with the red light shining through the cloud.

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As Flinky said, "fun" is the best way to describe this game.


The problem with most people is muscle memory obtained from previous Zeldas. Complaints about the roll are the best example, as it's something that isn't needed at all (aside from a few trees), but people still complain about it, because it's something they used to do often.


I do still need to play a lot more of it I think to hopefully really get into it but I even finding the flying sections horrible!


I find it hard to increase height, it's so slow!


Try shaking the remote along with wing flaps in a set rhythm, as if shaking the wiimote is the same thing as flapping your wings.

Once you get the hang of it, gaining height becomes intuitive.

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Yeah, the music is a bit of a letdown, too. :hmm:


The quality of it is great. It's well produced. But, there's only two tunes that I can remember off the top of my head, and they are the ones that you hear the most: Skyloft theme (which I admit that I quite like) and the theme when you're flying in the Sky (seems at times more fitting to a Super Mario Bros. game, somehow).


I thought the music was a let down as well, but after finishing the game I went onto good ol youtube and listened to the music and I was amazed how excellent the music was, which now confuses me, cause I can't believe how I completely overlooked the music, only other game that was similar to that was RE4.

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As Flinky said, "fun" is the best way to describe this game.


The problem with most people is muscle memory obtained from previous Zeldas. Complaints about the roll are the best example, as it's something that isn't needed at all (aside from a few trees), but people still complain about it, because it's something they used to do often.




Try shaking the remote along with wing flaps in a set rhythm, as if shaking the wiimote is the same thing as flapping your wings.

Once you get the hang of it, gaining height becomes intuitive.


Yeah, I must admit I did roll a lot in other games just coz it felt like I was moving faster!


And thanks for the flying tip, will give it a go when I am next playing in a flying section.

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After getting really frustrated with the flying controls AGAIN I just realised I was doing it wrong...


I wasn't flicking the wii mote down hard enough to make him flap his wings, I was just trying to tilt up and down slowly... (Whoops)


It's so easy now! :)

Edited by Mike1988uk
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None of the controls are that bad in their own right, I just don't like how they made the game feel so stodgy, like wading through mud. Stop, swing. Stop, swing. Ugh.


If this game was called "Motion Swordsman" and was about standing still and waving the Wii remote, I'd have been impressed. It wasn't though - it was a Zelda, and motion controls don't suit Zelda. As such, it's a joy to go back to the d-pad or N64/GameCube Zeldas, which are far more fluid.

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and motion controls don't suit Zelda. As such, it's a joy to go back to the d-pad or N64/GameCube Zeldas, which are far more fluid.


I beg to disagree. After playing Skyward Sword and going back to Twilight Princess (GC version) I couldn't help but notice how stiff the sword-fighting was. Link didn't swing how I wanted him to, couldn't move as freely and just about everything. Of course, when I got used to it again, it felt better, but IMO, it's a big loss of freedom, if Zelda team goes back to 'safe' button controls for Wii U -Zelda.


I hope Aonuma's promises will be kept, and we get more motion controls, even more precise than in Skyward Sword. Not that my opinions are facts, but still...

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