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[Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword


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Listening to a few Wind Waker tracks again, unbelievable soundtrack. IMO it's such a shame the same guy(s) aren't in charge of Skyward Sword's music. I couldn't care less if it's orchestrated or not, if it sounds as good as Wind Waker's tracks.


It's like getting rid of something awesome and replacing it with something AS awesome, seriously, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 has got some of the greatest tracks ever in video games, and I would love to hear some unique music in a Zelda game :D

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Perhaps we could start a seperate 'Pre-order Discussion' topic for all games. I'm not looking forward to the next two months of endless 'how to save a few quid by preordering from this place instead of that place' posts
What's to dislike about that? I love the buzz as everyone talks about their pre-order options and then later on the "my copy has arrived!" "mine's arrived but I'm at work!" "argh, GAME y u let me dowwnn" etc :grin:
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What's to dislike about that? I love the buzz as everyone talks about their pre-order options and then later on the "my copy has arrived!" "mine's arrived but I'm at work!" "argh, GAME y u let me dowwnn" etc :grin:


I guess it's not too bad to see those reactions clog up a thread for the 492nd time :laughing:

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What's to dislike about that? I love the buzz as everyone talks about their pre-order options and then later on the "my copy has arrived!" "mine's arrived but I'm at work!" "argh, GAME y u let me dowwnn" etc :grin:


I love all the excitement around new releases as well. Especially, when i get it early.

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I've decided to go on a Zelda boycott til the release. It's so close now...I can almost taste it.


Really starting to get excited now. I want to see more of the game in trailers and stuff, but also, at the same time, I don't want to spoil myself.


Wish it was out nawwww.


What? It's still nearly 8 weeks ago man! Nowhere close to being near. I kept forgetting October even existed and thought this was gonna be here so soon, now I am dissappoint :( Have you not been boycotting it thusfar, any way? I'm actually quite impressed with how well I've managed to not encounter much stuff. Though I did accidentally start idly reading the frontpage article about the factsheet, luckily some clever writer put in an obvious spoiler warning for idiots like me.

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I'd seen a couple of the items somewhere previously, they did pique my interest. I keep getting tempted to find out more about stuff that's in it to get me excited, but then I also think maybe it'd be cool to actually just play it completely fresh and take everything as it comes so things are more exciting! Thinking back I'm not sure if there's been a zelda where I haven't known what was coming. There certainly have been some awesome items over the years though, something I thought TP was excellent for too but they just didn't extend/integrate their use quite enough imo.

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Lots of articles floating around from people who have played the first 2 hours verbatim which I've been scrolling rapidly through but I'm delighted to see impressions have ranged from cautiously optimistic to pro-actively and overwhelmingly positive. I've seen very little of this game so far save for a couple of brief trailers. Someone could tell me that Link turned into Jeremy Kyle for it's 2nd act and I wouldn't know enough to refute it. Can't wait to really get stuck in and find out what's up.

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I don't think this particular Zelda will have an impact on me in a specific sense.


I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just looks too much like Twilight Princess for it to be another milestone in the series (like Ocarina of Time and WindWaker in my eyes).


Sure, the cut-scenes and all the epicness that, along with the story, WILL BE THE LEGEND OF ZELDA AWESOME and even topple that, but I just feel that, from what I've seen (which is very little) Skyward Sword will incorporate all that which has made The Legend of Zelda amazing over the years, and add some new features on top.

If that turns out to be true, then, to me, it will be the ultimate accumulation of the series up untill now, and I hope it will evolve on the WiiU.


I must say that Skyward Sword does add that which will make it a unique and more immersive than ever experience for the franchise: WiiMotionPlus.


However, my main 'issue', so to speak, for it not feeling like an evolvement of the series is probably the art style. Don't get me wrong, I adore such visuals, but it didn't have the impact on me like WindWaker did, and on that alone I base my assumption that it won't be another BIG step for the series.

And even though the art style makes for a good eyegasm, I can't deny that it looks quite a lot like Twilight Princess with a filter.


I just felt like writing a short piece here, trying to put my thoughts into words; I'm a student once again after all:laughing:


In conclusion, the hidden point I am trying to make is that I am absolutely psyched for this game (like, being-Buddha-but-skipping-my-planned-7-year-meditation psyched!), but I am even more psyched for hopefully seeing a much grander evolvement of the series on the WiiU.


Minna san, arigatoo gozaimashita :D

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Totally agree with you, @Fused King.


That's not to say I'm not looking forward to it, because I am. I'm psyched that I'll finally be able to play the next Zelda in six weeks. In fact, it's hard to believe! However, I'm just expecting a "Majora's Mask" more than anything else (awesome game in its own right, but not quite the same as getting OOT or WW for the first time).


There are so many reasons I'm not expecting too much from this - the visuals, the controls - even the game structure sounds too experimental and disjointed to really make the perfect Zelda. But that's not to say I'm feeling negative about it - not at all. I have an feeling of zen and relaxation that all this stuff is being experimented with now, where it can either be proven the way forward or not (it really doesn't matter which).


Then, we can finally have an end to the GameCube/Wii Zelda era, which has lasted the best part of a decade on very similar technology. However good Skyward Sword is (and I expect it'll be good), I look forward to the day when Nintendo can start on the Wii U with a clean slate, and we really see the heights the Zelda series can reach!

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I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just looks too much like Twilight Princess for it to be another milestone in the series (like Ocarina of Time and WindWaker in my eyes).


From what I've seen, this game has far more of a Wind Waker vibe IMO. Twilight Princess was dull and lifeless, Skyward Sword looks full of magic and charm.

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The only videos I've seen were the main gameplay trailers from the 2 previous E3s so I've not seen too much. Definitely won't be watching any reviews or intros online. I have a lot of anticipation for SS purely because this will be the 1st game properly designed for the Wii whereas TP was a Gamecube game with Wii motion tacked on at the end.

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Are there any trailers/adverts for this yet? Like what'll be used for TV etc marketing(so not gameplay trailers per se)? I kinda wanna tease myself with something lol, get hyped up so it's awesome when it arrives! Don't want to see anything beyond official promo stuff though, as that's something I'd be likely to see without control any way.


I don't think this particular Zelda will have an impact on me in a specific sense.


I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just looks too much like Twilight Princess for it to be another milestone in the series (like Ocarina of Time and WindWaker in my eyes).


Sure, the cut-scenes and all the epicness that, along with the story, WILL BE THE LEGEND OF ZELDA AWESOME and even topple that, but I just feel that, from what I've seen (which is very little) Skyward Sword will incorporate all that which has made The Legend of Zelda amazing over the years, and add some new features on top.

If that turns out to be true, then, to me, it will be the ultimate accumulation of the series up untill now, and I hope it will evolve on the WiiU.


I must say that Skyward Sword does add that which will make it a unique and more immersive than ever experience for the franchise: WiiMotionPlus.


However, my main 'issue', so to speak, for it not feeling like an evolvement of the series is probably the art style. Don't get me wrong, I adore such visuals, but it didn't have the impact on me like WindWaker did, and on that alone I base my assumption that it won't be another BIG step for the series.

And even though the art style makes for a good eyegasm, I can't deny that it looks quite a lot like Twilight Princess with a filter.


I just felt like writing a short piece here, trying to put my thoughts into words; I'm a student once again after all:laughing:


In conclusion, the hidden point I am trying to make is that I am absolutely psyched for this game (like, being-Buddha-but-skipping-my-planned-7-year-meditation psyched!), but I am even more psyched for hopefully seeing a much grander evolvement of the series on the WiiU.


Minna san, arigatoo gozaimashita :D


Sounds like you're putting a lot of focus onto the graphics/style/look of TP, which was tbh quite a big part of it. However, it's difficult to focus on much else imo because there really just wasn't enough in it to make it a properly outstanding title in the Zelda series. As I've said before it's not by any means a bad game, but I do still believe it's a pretty bad Zelda. I'm thinking from what I've seen/known/heard of Skyward Sword that it will not repeat the same mistake. Hopefully.

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Exactly 6 weeks! Hopefully fly by in no time. What are people expecting of this? Or thinking? Or...anything! I wannna get hyyyyyyyyyyyppped.


What? It's still nearly 8 weeks ago man! Nowhere close to being near.




You shouldn't get hyped. This isn't near. It's still 6 weeks away.





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Apparently, the bulk of the special edition stock in the UK is going to GAME and Amazon. This has me concerned regarding my order with ShopTo :/


I'm not concerned... mainly because I pre-ordered it almost the moment it became available, plus Game suck and ShopTo are awesome, they'll come through... you'll see. :)

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