Grazza Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 I'm sorry but have I missed something here? People complained about Twilight Princess saying is stuck too close to the regular Zelda formula...and now people dislike Skyward Sword because it doesn't stick to the regular formula close enough? Different people. It's as simple as that. You will never find me saying Twilight Princess stuck too closely to the formula. The Zelda formula is loved for what it is, not what it isn't! I do accept a lot of people criticised it though. That's part of the problem, in my opinion. People want "fresh" Zeldas too much without realising (don't want to sound arrogant here) that what makes a great Zelda is evolution allowed by much-improved hardware combined with an artistic vision, eg. LttP, OOT, WW. And so you get those ridiculous 10/10 scores for Phantom Hourglass, just because it was fresh. It's a shame, but it's still a taboo to admit the Wii is not advanced enough over the GameCube. GameCube Turbo? The way Skyward Sword struggles to run, it's easy to doubt the "Turbo" bit. No, TPs problem was not the formula. If anything, it just didn't feel advanced enough after Wind Waker, and I maintain that it would have been better if not for the Wii version. The good news is Skyward Sword greatly improves over Twilight Princess in many areas: story, tone, NPCs, side quests, enemy design, bosses and dungeons (arguably), as well as items. When I think back to TP's items, Skyward Sword's really are a lot more fun. So, it's not like I'm saying Skyward Sword is a terrible game, just that it doesn't come together as a whole as well as TP. Never gets into that Zelda rhythm. I found that at first, but I think some people's disappointment stems from the fact that the three main areas don't feel connected. If you could run from one to the other and there was a small field in the middle, would it feel better? No, it wouldn't, and it's a good question. It would just feel more like Metroid Prime, whereas at the moment it's a bit like Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. The issue is that the overworld/s just doesn't feel like a real place. It doesn't feel like it accomodate the things that Zelda games typically have in them. Anyway, let me make it clear: I am NOT disappointed with Skyward Sword - I think it's a great experiment, exactly what Zelda on the Wii should have been like. Nor do I see it as particularly negative that I think it's probably the least of the five 3D Zeldas.
Dog-amoto Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 I remember reading she gives you a lowdown with stats on enemies, I've never done that on an enemy... is it worth it?
Tales Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 Can I get this before the 6th dungeon? It's making me crazy. Yes or no. Party wheel.
Magnus Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 ... Yes. :p Just talk to the guy you need to find it for and then go pick it up.
Tales Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 I checked gamefaqs and my problem was getting up there. I nuked one stone and found nothing so I didn't bother with the other, where the time stone was...
Shorty Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 I remember reading she gives you a lowdown with stats on enemies, I've never done that on an enemy... is it worth it? Not really, I only did it because I wanted to know the name of a couple of enemies. It's just like Navi's tip, but with some details of how good you are against the enemy.
Grazza Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 See, for all I've said, some of this game really is brilliant. I did the 6th dungeon last night and wasn't very impressed with the boss. On the other hand, I've just done the section afterwards and it was goosebumps time again. The storytelling and excitement is series-best material. I think I have to rate this above Twilight Princess, really, apart from on a few points.
flameboy Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 Well just polished off Dungeon 6 and did the stuff leading up to where I have 3 choices of where to go. Put in 5 hours this evening probably my longest stint since having the game. Dungeon 6 was a bit meh in bits, it felt like the most formulaic dungeon so far and after the awesomeness of 5 was somewhat of a let down, boss as well felt kinda lazy. Still loving the game and for me after the disappointment of Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass along with absolute hatred of Spirit Tracks I finally feel like Zelda is back 31 hours played and cannot wait to play more this weekend.
Shorty Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 I don't even see why we're comparing to TP, such a bland, empty game in comparison.
Ronnie Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 Grazza no offence pal, but sometimes I think you don't know what you want from a Zelda game.
Burny Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 Fi pisses me off the most when she tells you that the batteries in your wiimote have nearly depleted. No Fi, I'll wait till my remote disconnects like a sane person and change them then. I don't need you to tell me (with the annoying slow text) every time I restart the game. Haha her telling you about low batteries I can just about deal with, but EVERY TIME you get down to 3 hearts?? I think the constant low health sound is even worse (especially as I use headphones). Especially when you can't find any hearts for absolutely ages. It can all be turned off on a homebrewed Wii, together with the "new" item-notification.
Ganepark32 Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 Grazza no offence pal, but sometimes I think you don't know what you want from a Zelda game. That's the thing though, NO Zelda fan knows what they want from a Zelda game. They say they want change but they complain when they get it, saying they want something more formulaic/traditional but when they get that, they complain also and start clamouring for something different. I'm glad that Nintendo doesn't really listen to fans on Zelda because the series would be heading down the drain if they did. -------------------------------------- Anyway, haven't really been playing this much as I haven't had the time but I did have a go on Thursday to do some post 6th dungeon stuff. Headed to Faron Woods, got annoyed at having to take on the Imprisoned again. Wasn't that long since I had to seal it away. Just felt like needless padding really. When I moved on to the Dragon stuff in the Woods, I was disappointed to say the least. Yes, flooding the woods changed the way you got to explore it but it really was an unnecessary task. It's becoming one of my biggest gripes with this game though. We keep returning to the same 3 areas. Ok, we may see them in different ways or see different areas but they really needed to give us somewhere properly new for this stage in the game. It's why I liked the Mirror Shard bit of TP: you got to go to completely new areas. Maybe that's coming after I get the Song of the Goddess but if that's the case, why pad out the game and make me collect it in fragments rather than move me on to those new areas So far, I'd agree with the sentiment that this doesn't hold a candle to Wind Waker. But at the same time, I'd say TP is also a better game (and before anyone claims 'Zelda Cycle', I've always thought TP was a good game and underrated), as the sum of its parts came together much better than whats here in Skyward Sword. I like some of the additions here, but a sense of scale and epic-ness is missing; things which were apparent throughout OoT, WW and TP.
philcollins Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 people seriously think this has changed the formula to much?? .... as i was playing it i was thinking how they NEED to really change things next time around or its just going to become to boring by then. SS feels like a great step in the right direction, but the next game really needs to change things up a bit more. SS kind of felt like it was testing the waters. not a fully fledged formula change by any means. but i cant say i am surprised that people are bum-hurt over losing a big field. the whole point of the games design was to take out that part of the game. if you cant move past that why bother even playing it.
Fused King Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 Interesting opinions all 'round fellas, but the question that absolutely needs to be asked is how Skyward Sword holds up to The Minish Cap.
philcollins Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 Having said all that, I agree with Hero of Time that it's not a patch on Wind Waker, that was an absolute masterpiece of a game in every way possible. fighting enemies is better, story is alot better, dungeons are better. town and sidequests is better or on par. overall the game is longer and feels less rushed. the art style of windwaker is probably the best in the series but skyward sword is more consistant. (windwaker does not have full lighting, only in some dungeons.) wind wakers got better music. i think people look at windwaker through rose tinted glasses just because its the best looking game and has awesome music. fail to see how SS is not a patch on windwaker. its better in most areas...
Hamishmash Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 (edited) I have got so bored by this game actually. All the intrigue has left me... I dunno why. I think it's because I am getting ten times the fun from Mario 3D Land... but I've just completed that so I guess I'll find my interest in Zelda again. EDIT: Although baring in mind this is coming from someone who thought the Triforce Shard quest in Wind Waker was the best bit of Zelda ever. Proper treasure hunting, I felt like an explorer. No other game has given me that fealing. Edited December 10, 2011 by Hamishmash
Dog-amoto Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 The problem with the Triforce quest wasn't the exploring, it was having to save up enough rupees for that green clad creepy Tingle dude.
Hamishmash Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 I quite liked that too though... I've just got weird tastes. I've never really liked dungeons either. Unless they're really integrated or unique. They just seem really out of place in the modern Zeldas. They're just like Mario levels...
dazzybee Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 The simple answer is. Yes. Oh fuck. I went to t desert first, now have th seed looking for somewhere to plant it. I HAVENT got the song yet, am I safe as long as I get water and forest song? Thank god I checked to make sure!!
Tales Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 Appearently the glitch happens when you talk to the Goron there for a second time and you did not complete the other two areas. Taken from Gamefaqs' sticky. Safe thing would be to reload if you can do that though.
dazzybee Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 I can, but I've been playing for about 5 hours!! What's annoying is I was gong to save it a bit ago and bag a break, but I didn't want to because of the retarded. Collection screen. Pretty confident I've done it. I've gone to faron woods and I can't go anywhere in there, shut off. But I know how to make the sapling grow at least If faron woods is shut off, have inactivated the glitch?
Tales Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 (edited) I can, but I've been playing for about 5 hours!! What's annoying is I was gong to save it a bit ago and bag a break, but I didn't want to because of the retarded. Collection screen. Pretty confident I've done it. I've gone to faron woods and I can't go anywhere in there, shut off. But I know how to make the sapling grow at least If faron woods is shut off, have inactivated the glitch? You have have to fight The Imprisoned once again. Go there. If you can do that and proceed to the dragon I assume you don't have the glitch. Edited December 10, 2011 by Tales
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