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Aliens: Colonial Marines - Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen


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I was going to post that review from ITNewsAfrica - 7.9 but I didn't have time this morning. Now it's pulled, it was the first review I read. They weren't happy at all really with the game so I was surprised when at the end they still gave it 7.9. They said it was very generic, linear and they complained about constantly stopping to look at your scanner interrupting gameplay. The Wii U version shouldn't have this problem at least.

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I don't hold out much hope for the Wii U version improving things to the extent of Ninja Gaiden 3, unless Nintendo QC hauled it in to help out. If that is the case the delay could be longer than expected, and possibly not worth it anyway.


One thing that does seem to have been done right, from the intro at least, is the music. Kevin Riepl wasn't blagging when he said he was going for the Goldmith/Horner vibe.

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Former Gearbox dev says Aliens: Colonial Marines development was a trainwreck, primary dev done by TimeGate


Coming from superannuation...


Ex-Gearbox dev in May 2012: "I am expecting [Colonial Marines] to be average at best." Also said "development of that game has been a total train wreck," and Gearbox only was handling multiplayer, with TimeGate as primary dev.


Here's the full statement from that ex-Gearbox dev...


Hate to say it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up too high for Colonial Marines. I used to work at Gearbox, and the development of that game has been a total train wreck, going on what, 6 years now? Gearbox isn't even making the game, except for the multiplayer. Primary development was outsourced to TimeGate Studios, which has a less than stellar past. I hope it proves me wrong, as I still have alot of friends still working at Gearbox, but I am expecting it to be average at best.


Seeing the early review scores for the title certainly makes it seem like there's some big trouble with the game. Maybe I won't be holding out for that Wii U version.





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The GAME is a trainwreck, not the Wii U version, but the game in general across all platforms. It's basically average at best, disaster at worst:


Eurogamer 3/10




IGN 4.5/10




Gamespot 4.5/10




Those are the first reviews I've seen from 'credible sites'.

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Same as ZombiU! If this game is supposed to be as broken and guff as is being made out, I hope Gamespot offer an apology to Wii U owners and ammend their score for ZombiU to a more suitable mark. Won't happen, but just goes to show how disappointing Gamespot have become. And how disappointing this game has turned out to be across the board :(

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I'm really upset by this.


The game had a ton of potential that just seems to be wasted :(


I started to panic when I saw those aliens with the lime green 'blobs' all over them...


Same as ZombiU! If this game is supposed to be as broken and guff as is being made out, I hope Gamespot offer an apology to Wii U owners and ammend their score for ZombiU to a more suitable mark. Won't happen, but just goes to show how disappointing Gamespot have become. And how disappointing this game has turned out to be across the board :(


Gamespot are often complete dicks to Nintendo titles and seem to get worse as time goes by.

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