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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I think Sakurai was just using that statement as a way of emphasing the distance that Rosalina can put between Luma and herself. Kind of like a remote controlled vehicle.


Rosalina's moveset has me really interested. Such a unique character.


When I first saw the trailer initially I thought that she had some moves that had "Super armor" properties e.g. take damage but zero knockback so the character remained stationary. However that wasn't the case when I watched again:


1:48 mark.



In fact Luma was taking the hit. Now here's a question, does that mean Rosalina & Luma share the same life gauge? Squirtle, Ivysaur & Charizard share the same life gauge but with Luma I'm not so sure.


In the trailer the Green Luma was hit by what seemed to be a fully charged smash attack from Mega Man and was KO'd, and the only way that a character can be knocked out of the stage like that is when they have already taken a lot of damage. However, just before that we saw the White Luma take a direct hit from Samus' charge shot (possibly fully charged) and yet was hardly knocked back at all.

So surely the Green Luma must have already had a higher damage % when compared to the White Luma.


Actually when you think about it they must share the same life gauge simply because you wouldn't get the varying knockback that we saw in the trailer.


We also know that Rosalina can "summon" different Luma types into battle as well. The trailer showcased five different coloured Lumas.


  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Green
  • White
  • Blue


Do the different coloured Lumas also share different properties? if one is KO'd does Rosalina have to wait some time before she can use it again?


She's a very interesting character.

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Would fully think differing Lumas are going to have differing properties - missed oppurtunity if not but the sort of thing that's right up nintendo/smash's street anyway imo. As for shared life...maybe not - could be an invisible life like what Nana has? I'm sure she's got her own secret damage guauge.

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It's awesome that they out right showed a combo in that video (when she threw a character INTO the luma which did an up-smash, which she then followed up with an air attack.


Literally the opposite of Brawl where they were so reluctant to ever have 1 character combo the other.


She looks awesome though, basically like a pair of desynched Ice Climbers. Can't wait.

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Rosalina & Luma analysis



Man, watching this and seeing the intro again - Rosalina and her lumas feel like they could be an awesome fit to appear in a Kirby game at some point.



Anyhow, very interesting stuff. I'm really looking forward to seeing her in Smash now as she seems to definitely try/do something different to the existing and might fit the kinda playstyle I like(looking forward to Villager, too). Sadly we tend to random so not sure how much exposure I'll have to her myself. I must say I'm really starting to get excited for Smash though - it was one of the biggest selling factors of the Wii U for me and I'm really really really hoping that it has a decent and functional online system to keep a lot of life in the game. Looking forward to many epic matches with folks from here and around the world!

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"Pic of the day. Rosalina's got height! She is seriously tall! However, she boasts an anti-gravity effect, so she's very light."


Interesting - I wondered if she might be easily knocked back/killable at low percentages to balance out her luma abilities, maybe that's the case if they're saying she's very light.

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We got a returning character today



"Pic of the day. To celebrate the launch of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds in Japan, Zelda joins the battle!! It's great to see so many female characters this time around."

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This Zelda design is weird, I'm not sure what it is, but it's odd...


I LOVE the Spirit Tracks Phantom though! Was hoping that they'd get some Spirit Tracks into her moveset this time around :D (Though I have to admit, I was hoping they'd ditch normal Zelda in favour of Toon Zelda from ST...)

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This Zelda design is weird, I'm not sure what it is, but it's odd...


I LOVE the Spirit Tracks Phantom though! Was hoping that they'd get some Spirit Tracks into her moveset this time around :D (Though I have to admit, I was hoping they'd ditch normal Zelda in favour of Toon Zelda from ST...)

They have Toon Link, maybe they have Toon Zelda ;)

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